Pew Global Attitudes årliga mätning
ger ett beklämmande resultat beträffande
ökningen av antisemitism i Europa.
A spring 2008 survey by the Pew Research Center's Pew
Global Attitudes Project finds 46% of the Spanish rating
Jews unfavorably. More than a third of Russians (34%)
and Poles (36%) echo this view. Somewhat fewer,
but still significant numbers of the Germans (25%) and
French (20%) interviewed also express negative opinions
of Jews. These percentages are all higher than obtained
in comparable Pew surveys taken in recent years.
In a number of countries, the increase has been especially
notable between 2006 and 2008.
Great Britain stands out as the only European country
included in the survey where there has not been a
substantial increase in anti-Semitic attitudes.
Just 9% of the British rate Jews unfavorably, which
is largely unchanged from recent years. And relatively
small percentages in both Australia (11%) and the
United States (7%) continue to view Jews unfavorably.