torsdag, juni 19, 2008

Muslimska Brödraskapets offshore-imperium

Muslimska Brödraskapet har under årtionden,
parallellt med sin politiska expansion,
byggt upp ett ekonomiskt imperium,
berättar Douglas Farah i denna rapport.
Det består inte bara av moskébyggnader,
skolor och andra fastigheter till miljardvärden
utan också av ett nätverk av offshore-
banker där stora belopp kan
gömmas undan nyfikna myndigheter.
"Almost from the inception of the modern
Islamic banking structure (early 1980s),
the international Muslim Brotherhood set up a
parallel and far-flung offshore structure that has
become an integral part of its ability to hide
and move money around the world. This network is
little understood and has, so far, garnered little
attention from the intelligence and law enforcement
communities tracking terrorist financial structures.
The fundamental premise of the Brotherhood
in setting up this structure was that it is
necessary to build a clandestine structure
that was hidden from non-Muslims and even
Muslims who do not share the Brotherhood’s
fundamental objective of recreating the Islamic
caliphate and spreading Islam, by force
and persuasion, across the globe.
To this end, the Brotherhood’s strategy,
including the construction of its financial
network, is built on the pillars of “clandestinity,
duplicity, exclusion, violence, pragmatism
and opportunism.”
Among the leaders of the Brotherhood’s
financial efforts, based on early Brotherhood
documents and public records, are
Ibrahim Kamel a founder of Dar al Maal
al Islami Bank (DMI ) and its offshore
structure in Nassau, Bahamas; Yousef Nada,
Ghalib Himmat and Yusuf al-Qaradawi and the
Bank al Taqwa structure, in Nassau; and
Idriss Nasreddin, with Akida Bank International
in Nassau."