som från årsskiftet kommer att fungera som EU:s
ordförande, är en ovanligt klarsynt politiker.
Han konstaterar att Hamas diskvalficerat sig från
alla seriösa politiska diskussioner. Istället ställer
han sig helhjärtat bakom Israel.
Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg,
who will become the EU’s president for the
coming six months, told the Mlada Fronta Dnes
daily newspaper that Hamas had excluded itself
from serious political debate due to its rocket
attacks on Israel.
He also indirectly blamed the terrorist group for
its own growing death toll by placing its military
bases and gun warehouses in densely populated areas.
"Let us realize one thing,” Schwarzenberg said.
“Hamas steeply increased the number of rockets
fired at Israel since the ceasefire ended on
December 19.
That is not acceptable any more.”
He further said, "Why am I one of the few that
have expressed understanding for Israel? …
I enjoy the luxury of telling the truth.”
Schwarzenberg has said that he will work for
closer relations between the EU and Israel.
That is not acceptable any more.”
He further said, "Why am I one of the few that
have expressed understanding for Israel? …
I enjoy the luxury of telling the truth.”
Schwarzenberg has said that he will work for
closer relations between the EU and Israel.