måndag, december 29, 2008

100 Kassam-missiler: "en betydelsefull kultursymbol"

Israel har bombat byggnader på det s k
Islamiska universitet i Gaza.
TT kommenterar så här:
” Islamiska universitetet i staden Gaza
angreps sent på söndagskvällen. Israeliska
plan avlossade minst fem raketer och anfallet
föreföll främst riktat mot universitets
laboratorium i stadens centrum.
Ingen människa tycks ha kommit till skada
i det anfallet men vittnen uppgav att där brann
och att tjock rök bolmade upp.
Universitet är både en betydelsefull
kultursymbol för Gazas befolkning och
ett fäste för områdets styrande islamiska
organisation Hamas.”
En förklaring till det där med "kultursymbol"
gavs i IDF:s korta rapport om dagens aktioner:
”Early Monday morning (Dec. 29), The IAF
attacked a number of Hamas targets during
the night, including Hamas outposts, weapon
manufacturing facilities and a center for weapon
research and development.
The center, located in the Rimel neighborhood
of Gaza City, was targeted in a combined IDF
and the ISA operation, the IAF struck buildings
that were used as meeting places for senior
leaders of Hamas. One of the structures struck
housed explosives laboratories that were an
inseparable part of Hamas' research and development
program, as well as places that served as storage
facilities for the organization. The development of
these weapons took place under the auspices of
senior lecturers who are activists in Hamas.
Among the weapons that have been developed
and manufactured at this site are Qassam rockets.
Hamas has been working tirelessly to extend the
range of the rockets, as has been shown during
the past few days. In February 2007 the Fattah
Presidential Guard raided the facility and uncovered
many weapons including approximately 100 Qassam
rockets, 250 RPG launchers, hundreds of assault rifles,
lathes, and materials used for rocket manufacturing.”
"Universitetets" främsta
"kulturaktivitet" har således varit att
utveckla missiler, som används för
terrorbeskjutning av civila.
En värdig islamistisk kultursymbol,
en värdig symbol för Gaza......
(Tipstack till J.)