Att ge sig iväg till Judéen eller Samarien
som anti-israelisk aktivist är en farlig
sysselsättning, särskilt för kvinnor,
berättar Magdeburger Joe.
Och då beror det inte på israeliska
soldater eller poliser.
Nej, de islamistiska aktivisterna har
funnit ett nytt användningsområde
för sina kvinnliga kollegor från Väst....
It won't make the front page of the New
York Times, but it seems that female
peace activists in Israel who go to Arab
villages are looked at as "piece" activists
by the locals in the Arab villages.
Women who go to these villages are sexually
harassed, molested and in some cases raped
Haaretz, a very left wing Israeli newspaper
reported as follows on one incident, which
it made clear was not isolated but a part
of a trend.
"The European and American female activists
reportedly agreed to let Aladdin stay with
them after he had told them he feared the
Israel Defense Forces were on his tail,
adding that he had been severely beaten
at an IDF checkpoint only a week before.
During his stay Aladdin allegedly attempted
to rape a Muslim-American woman, nick-
named "Fegin" by fellow activists.
The woman escaped, later accusing the
popular protest man of the attempt.
One villager who had encountered the
American following the incident said she
had been in a state of shock.
"Rather than curbing the incidents them-
selves, the Palestine Authority and the
peace organisations have asked victims
to keep quiet, lest the incidents create
bad publicity for the peace movement.
Local Arabs are not used to women
traveling independently, dressing in
revealing clothing or showing support
for homosexual rights.

Muqata reports as follows on the Muslim
attitude towards homosexuals encountered
by peace activists.
"And if rape and sexual assault weren't
enough, one female Arab from of Sheikh
Jarrah has been telling the protesters to
stop bringing their Gay Pride flags to the
protest because they don’t like gays and
she would like to kick them all out of the
country. I assume the protester she told
this to was gay."
A further indication of the prevalence of
sexual harassment of peace activists is the
fact that there are workshops for activists
such as “How to deal with sexual
harassment during direct activities
against the occupation”.
The evidence is there to see for anyone who
wonders what kind of society that will evolve
from a Palestinian victory.
Any territory controlled by an entity
called Palestine will first kick out its
Jews and then make life for all non
Muslims intolerable.
The experiences of the peace activists testify
powerfully to the lack of respect for those
who want freedom from religion.
The peace activists are making some very
telling points about the nature of Israel's
enemies, which is hardly what they set out
to do when they went to demonstrate against
Why do the leftists support the Palestine Authority?
It seems almost suicidal for them to do so.
Common decency would dictate that supporters
of the Palestinian cause would get VIP treatment
from the Palestinians.Instead they are treated
like garbage. It seems that common decency is
not so common after all.