Den brittiska "tänktanken" Quilliam Foundation,
som drivs av avhoppade islamister, angriper i en
hemlig rapport till säkerhetstjänsten en lång rad
s k moderata muslimska organisationer.
Organisationer som räknas som tillhörande
muslimsk mainstream skiljer sig inte från
jihadisterna i fråga om mål, bara vad gäller
taktik, hävdar stiftelsen....
The report, sent to the government’s Office
for Security and Counter Terrorism (OSCT),
was not intended for publication but has now
been leaked on the internet.
Entitled "Preventing terrorism, where next
violent Islamists is “broadly the same as
that of violent Islamists” adding “they
disagree only on tactics.”
The list sent to the OSCT includes a unit
within Scotland Yard called the Muslim
Contact Unit and another independent
group designed to improve the relationship
between the police and the Muslim
community called the Muslim Safety Forum.
It also includes the Muslim Council of Britain,
one of the main groups representing Muslims
in Britain , and its rival the Muslim Association
of Britain .
Other groups on the list are the Islamic Human
Rights Commission, the Federation of Student
Islamic Societies and the Cordoba Foundation.
Quilliam also singles out the Islam Channel,
a satellite TV channel which has been the
subject of one of their reports.
Among the mosques identified are Finsbury Park
mosque in North London , formerly run by the
extremist preacher Abu Hamza but now under
new management, along with East London
Mosque and Birmingham Central mosque.
Politicians described as "Islamist backed" include
Salma Yaqoob, leader of the Respect Party, and
the former Respect MP George Galloway.
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