“We need to behead democracy
from its roots. We need to be-
head freedom from its roots.
We need to behead Capitalism
from its roots. …
We should attack their system
every day… We should destroy
all their system and replace it
with Islam.”
When we talk about da'wa [call for Islam],
don't ever think, my brothers and sisters,
that our da'wa is only to address a few
people on the streets, and call them to
Islam. Our da'wa should be the da'wa
that attacks their system, and we replace
it with Islam.
We want the whole society to make
sujud (kneeling) to Allah. This is the
da'wa of the Prophet Muhammad.
This is our da'wa, my dear
brothers and sisters. [...]
"If you carry your da'wa stall, and you stand
there, just inviting people to Islam, like
[cleric] Zakir Naik [does], do you think that
is going to change society? ....
You need to provoke society for society
to be changed.
"Also, my dear brothers, what we need to
understand is that when the Prophet
Muhammad was inside
360 idols in
Today, people don't worship physical idols. ...
"I have Come to Destroy Your Gods"
"... When Allah gave the Prophet Muhammad
victory inside
and destroyed all 360 gods inside it.
But do you know what? He never stopped
there. Do you know what he did? He went to
the areas of [the idols] Lat, Uzzat, and Manat...
He went inside these areas, and he asked the
people: Where is Uzzat, where is Manat?
He went and destroyed them, killed
them, chopped their heads off, beheaded
them. That is why, my dear brothers, we
need to behead democracy from its roots..