Hamburg gav sig iväg till Afghanistan
för att kämpa för jihad tillsammans med
talibanerna. Der Spiegel berättar om hur
deras kamp slutade i ett praktfullt fiasko.
Några försvann redan på vägen.
De övriga upptäckte ett ogästvänligt
land med ovänliga och tjuvaktiga
infödingar, oätlig mat, ständig diarée,
dålig vapenträning där de själva tvangs
köpa sina vapen och ständiga anfall från
amerikanska droner som förvandlade livet
till ett helvete.
Snart längtade de alla tillbaka till det goda
livet i Hamburg...
Tyska säkerhetstjänsten sprider gärna be-
rättelsen för att avskräcka andra.
It isn't necessarily the case that the
Islamic Jihad Union, the Islamic
Movement of Uzbekistan and the
other splinter groups in Afghanistan
and Pakistan were eagerly awaiting
these five men and two women from
Hamburg, even if the new arrivals
from Germany were highly motivated.
One might ask what they could have
done with a handful of guys who had
led comfortable, fairly inactive lives
in their German apartments.
Bedridden, feverish and afflicted with
diarrhea, they were probably more
of a burden than a boon to jihad.
according to all accounts provided
by those who have come back, when
new would-be jihadists arrive, the
Afghan commanders get particularly
excited about one thing: their travel
funds. Recruits are required to pay
for their rifles and grenades out of
their own pockets. And laptops,
binoculars and warm jackets are
happily accepted as tender.
In other respects too, there tends
to be a sharp contrast between the
expectations that the two groups
have for each other in the field.
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