tisdag, augusti 07, 2012

En terrorist rymmer "hem" till Sverige

Gudmundson berättade igår om
att den algeriske islamistiske
terroristen Said Arif rymt från sitt
förvar i Frankrike.
"När algeriern Said Arif först mötte
rättvisan i Frankrike kallades han för 
"en av de mest erfarna jihadister
som vårt land har mött de senaste
åren". 2007 dömdes Arif, som tränats
både i Afghanistan och av den tjetjenska
gerillan, till 10 års fängelse för terrorist-
brott. Han kunde knytas till två olika
terroristkomplotter i Frankrike – med
planer att bomba julmarknaden i Stras-
bourg och ryska intressen i Paris – och
påstods dessutom smuggla jihadkrigare
till Irak."
I Sverige han har sin f d "fru", den
fanatiska konvertiten Anna Sundberg 
och två barn. Inte helt oväntat dök
han upp här, greps och utlämnades
till Frankrike..
Ett litet axplock ur den förfarne
terroristens förflutna:
Said Arif was born in 1966 in Oran,
Algeria. He served in the Algerian
army as an officer in a rank of captain.
Said  Arif is married to w wife of Swedish
descent and has two children.
Said Arif deserted from the army, probably
in the beginning of the civil war in Algeria
in 1992.  He traveled to Afghanistan to
participate in Al Qaeda’s training camps,
where he got acquainted to members of
the Frankfurt Group 
Said Arif took additional training, allegedly
under the tutelage of Jordanian terrorist
In mid-2001 Said Arif and other Islamic
militants from France traveled to Pankisi
Gorge, in Northeastern Georgia, where
they joined other ethnic Arabs from
Europe and the Middle East for helping
the Chechen warlord Ruslan Gelayev
rebuild his guerilla force.
Said  Arif returned to France in 03/2002
and joined the Lyon Cell that planned
to use chemical poison, Ricin, against
the Russian embassy in Paris.
After the Lyon Cell members were arrested
on 12/17/2002, Said  Arif managed, in 05/
2003, to flee from France to Syria. He was
captured in Syria in 07/2003 and extradited
back to France in 06/2004. Said Arif claimed
to have been tortured in Syria.
In his interrogation Said  Arif admitted to
participation, with members from Barcelona,
led by Mohamed Tahraoui, in an attempt
to perform chemical terror attack on USA
Navy Base in Rota, Spain, near the Strait
of Gibraltar.
Said  Arif was also interrogated by the
Russian Federal Security Service (FSB)
on his role in helping the Chechen war-
lord Ruslan Gelaev rebuilt his guerilla
force in Georgia’s Pankisi Gorge, in 2001-
On 06/12/2006, Said  Arif was sen-
tenced in Paris to 10 years imprison-
Mera om Arifs planer att bomba jul-
Strasburg 2000.
Sweden Confidential har kartlagt
Arifs vänkrets i Sverige, d v s framförallt
terroristkramarna i Charta 2008.
Kopplingar till islamister, brunvänstern,
kommunister, miljöpartiet m m ....
Läs och häpna !