en utomordentlig artikel om tunisiern
"Abu Mua’az", som efter sju år i Sverige
nu tagit värvning hos Al-Qaeda i Irak.
Jihad i Malmö har grävt vidare i de irakiska
dokument som USA översatt och lagt ut på
nätet och kan avslöja vem "Abu Mua´az"
egentligen är.
Här är allt om
Makram Bin Salem Al-Majri
(Document NMEC-2007-657698):
Alias: Abu Mua’az
Address: Sweden
Telephone number: 0046850022939 Home/ 00201162833329 Wife (Don’t contact her)
Birth Date: 1974
Arrival Date: //
Contribution: Watch
Valuables: / Passport/ Driver license/
Coordinator: Ashraf
Where do you know the coordinator from: In Al-Hajj
How did you arrive to Syria? Sweden/Egypt/ Syria
Stages of arrival to Iraq: ///
Who are the people you met in Syria? /
What are their descriptions? //
How did the coordinator treat you in Syria? Good
How much money did you bring with you? $2700
How much money did they take from you in Syria? All of it
How did they take the money? They said it is a donation
Do you know any mujahdeen supporters? What are their phone numbers? /
What is the extent of your relationship with them? /
Work: Fighter
Occupation at home: Clerk