måndag, februari 16, 2009

Hjälp den antisemitiske nallen Nassur möta Allah.....

liksom biet Nahoul, så har Hamas barn-TV
liksom blivit lite död.....
Därför presenterades vi i fredags för en ny
kompis: den antisemitiske nallen Nassur,
som längtar efter att bli martyr i kampen
mot judarna. Låt oss hoppas att Israel kan
hjälpa honom med det !
Nassur: "I will join the ranks of the Izz A-Din
Al-Qassam [Hamas'] Brigades. I will be a Jihad
fighter with them and I will carry a rifle.
Do you know why, Saraa?"
Saraa: "Why?"
Nassur: "To defend the children of Palestine,
the children who were killed, the children
who were wounded, the orphaned children.
That's why, from this moment,
I declare war on the criminal Zionists.
Not only me, me and you.
You are ready, right, Saraa?"
Saraa: "We are all ready to sacrifice
ourselves for our homeland!"
[Al-Aqsa TV, Feb. 13, 2009]
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