tisdag, maj 24, 2011

Vittnesmål i Hamas TV: "Vi mördade och plundrade judarna i Hebron"

Hamas TV Al Aqsa intervjuar arabiska
ögonvittnen till det s k Naqba, Israels
återupprättande 1948.
Den 92-åriga Sara Muhammad 'Awwadh
Jaber från Hebron berättar:
Interviewer: So you remember May 15, 1948,
the day of the Nakba.
Sara Jaber: Why wouldn't I remember?
May Allah support us. I hope we forget those days.
Allah willing, you will bury [Israel], and massacre the
Jews with your own hands. Allah willing, you will
massacre them like we massacred them in Hebron.
Interviewer: What does this day mean to you? You
have lived 63 years since the Nakba. You have
experienced the entire Nakba...
Sara Jaber: 92 years. That's 92. I lived through the
British era, and I lived through the massacre of the
Jews in Hebron. We, the people of Hebron, massacred
the Jews. My father massacred them, and brought back
some stuff...
Mera om Hebronmassakern