Det är lärorikt att studera Stormuftins
av Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini,
Den blivande muftins roll som ottomansk
officer under folkmordet på 2 ½ miljoner
kristna i Turkiet.
De antijudiska kampanjerna på 20-
Muftins samarbete med tyska under-
rättelsetjänsten redan från 1933.
Hans karriär som antijudisk propagandist
i Nazityskland.
Eichmann, som visade honom sin stolthet
Muftins entusiasm och önskan att bygga
Hans roll inom Muslimska Brödraskapet
och Arabförbundet.
Och slutligen muftins roll som Arafats
mentor och PLO:s inspiratör.
"... Küntzel is right to state that we are
witnessing a terrible explosion of anti-
Jewish hatred in the Middle East , and
he is right to be shocked. His invaluable
contribution, in fact, is his capacity to
be shocked, by the rhetoric of hate
and by its consequences. The former
Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi once
told me that "the question is not what
the Germans did to the Jews, but what
the Jews did to the Germans."
The Jews, he said, deserved their
punishment. Küntzel argues that we
should see men like Rantisi for what
they are: heirs to the mufti, and heirs
to the Nazis."
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