måndag, januari 30, 2012

Terrorledare i Norge fick 7 års fängelse

Norge dömdes idag till kännbara
fängelsestraff för terrorplanläggning.
Gruppen bestod av en uigur, en
uzbek och en irakier. 
Gruppen har utbildats av Al Qaeda
och skulle begå ett terrordåd riktat
mot danska Jyllands Posten.

Muhammad Rashidin  
(alias Mikael Davoud), 40 år
dömdes till 7 års fängelse.
Born in 1971 in North-West China,
 Xinjiang province, the homeland of the ethnic 
Muslim Uyghur, also known as Eastern
Turkistan as Muhammad Rashidin.
He arrived to Norway in 1999 and
got citizenship in 2007 he also
changed his name in that occasion
to Mikael Davoud.
Davoud was arrested on 07/08/2010
for suspicions of belonging to Al Qaeda
and plotting terror attacks in Norway.
According to a court hearing,
on 07/12/2010, Mikael Davoud visited Al
Qaeda training camps on the Afghan-
Pakistani border in 2009.

Mikael Davoud became the ringleader of
the Al Qaeda cell in Oslo, arrested on 07/08/2010

Shawan Bujak, 38 år
dömdes till 3 ½ års fängelse
Born in 1973 in Iraqi Kurdistan and was
an Iraqi citizen. Shawan Bujak was granted Norwegian
residency on humanitarian grounds.

Shawan Bujak  was arrested in Duisburg,
Germany, on 07/08/2010 due t the Norwegian police
request and in full coordination of two fello Al
Qaeda suspects in Norway. 
He was extradited back to Norway on
Thursday 07/15/2010

Uzbeken som går under aliaset
David Jakobsen, 33 år
dömdes till 4 månaders fängelse
(frikänd för huvudbrottet)
born in 1979 in Uzbekistan. David Jakobsen's request for
asylum was rejected, but he received a residence permit
via family reunification. Several sources in
the Uzbek community told Norwegian newspaper
Dagbladet that David Jakobsen radicalized
during his time in Norway. Since 11/2009
David Jacobsen was a police informant.
He was arrested on 07/08/2010 for
suspicions of belonging to Al Qaeda
and plotting terror attacks in Norway.
Läs också
Mera om islamisthärvan i Norge
Islamism fortfarande största hotet
Livgardist stupade för Al-Shabaab