onsdag, maj 02, 2018

Israels underrättelsetriumf: Hela Irans kärnvapenarkiv !

Premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu kunde på Valborgs-
mässoafton presentera Mossads förmodligen största
triumf hittills:
Man har spårat upp och erövrat hela Irans topphemliga
arkiv för Projekt Amad, mullornas kärnvapenprojekt. 
55.000 sidor(!) material om det projekt som enligt Iran
inte finns. 
Här kunde premiärministern visa svart på vitt hur Iran
förbereder kärnvapenattacker.

NYT berättar:
The senior Israeli official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity
to discuss a secret mission, said that Israel’s Mossad intelligence

service discovered the warehouse in February 2016, and had the
building under surveillance since then.

Mossad operatives broke into the building one night last January,
removed the original documents and smuggled them
back to Israel the same night, the official said.

Mr. Trump was informed of the operation by the Mossad chief,
Yossi Cohen, on a visit to Washington in January, the official said.
The official attributed the delay in making the material public to
the time it took to analyze the documents, the vast majority
of which were in Persian.

Läs Netanyahus hela pressbriefing.

Alla overheadbilder

Underrättelsetjänster över hela världen ser det som en
gigantisk triumf för Mossad, helt utan någon motsvarighet
i spionagets historia...


Washington kommenterar avslöjandet

Barak Ravid, israelisk TV-journalist med underrättelse-
bakgrund, berättar mera om hur aktionen gick till:

An Israeli official said the Mossad received intelligence that showed
the Iranians were trying to hide all the documents which dealt with the
military dimensions of their nuclear program. The official said that in
a highly secret operation known to a handful of Iranian officials the
Iranians transferred tens of thousands of documents and CD's from
several different sites around the country to a civilian warehouse in
Tehran.  The Israeli official said the Iranians did all that because they
were afraid that in post Iran deal inspections the IAEA will discover
the incriminating documents. The Mossad has put the warehouse
under surveillance and started preparing for a possible operation
to seize the documents. According to Israeli officials more than
100 Mossad spies worked on this operation.

A senior Israeli intelligence official told me the Mossad managed
to put its hands on most of the documents in the warehouse.
"We didn’t take everything because it was too heavy",
he said.

On March 5th Prime Minister Netanyahu met Trump and the
Senior members of the cabinet and briefed them on the details
of the new intelligence. An Israeli official said that at the same
time the Mossad gave the CIA copies of all the 100 thousand
documents it has obtained.

In February Mossad started translating & analyzing the documents
most of were written in Farsi. A special team with 50 analysts was
formed in the Mossad & a separate team is working in the CIA.
Both intelligence agencies still haven’t finished analyzing the
documents.  An Israeli official told me: "The documents tell us
new things about the military dimensions of the Iranian nuclear
program. Things we didn’t know before. The documents give us
new details about Iranian R&D sites, sites for possible nuclear
tests & individuals involved"  The official added: "The documents
tell us more details than the IAEA knew until toady about
the Iranian nuclear program. 
DebkaFile hävdar att Israel lyckades ta hand om över
100.000 dokument på papper eller digitalt.
60 % av detta är ännu inte färdiganalyserat av Israel
och USA. Så fler viktiga avslöjanden om Irans krigs-
planer torde vara på väg...