fredag, oktober 14, 2016

FN förnekar att Tempelberget är judiskt....


  • skövlingen av Mellanösterns arkeologiska historia. 

    Västerlänningarna blev upprörda en kort stund när talibanerna
    sprängde Buddhastatyer i Afghanistan, när Kalifatet skövlade
    babyloniska utgrävningar i Irak/Syrien eller när Muslimska
    Brödraskapet plundrade faraoniska muséer och gravar i Egypten.
    Men när Fatah och Jordanien sedan 1967 systematiskt
    som man förnekar att berget överhuvudtaget har
    någon judisk anknytning - ja, då tiger Västerlandet.
    Och värre än så: Via UNESCO, FN:s s k kultur-
    organisation, understödjer man muslimernas
    lögner och propaganda.
    Tretusen års judisk historia skulle igår
    med ett politiskt beslut i Paris... 
    resolution that disregards Judaism's historic
    connection to the Temple Mount and casts doubt
    on the link between Judaism and the Western Wall.
    For more than 3,000 years, Jerusalem has played a central
    and sustaining role in the history of the Jewish people
    - politically, spiritually and culturally. Recent UNESCO
    resolutions ignore the historical connection between
    the Jewish people and their ancient capital. 
        A few examples of archeological findings that illustrate this link are:
    • An inscription from the 9th century BCE referring to the House of David 
    • A royal seal bearing the inscription of King Hezekiah (8th century BCE)
    • Clay seal impressions of officials of King Zedekiah (6th century BCE)
    • The Arch of Titus in Rome (built 82 CE), depicting vessels from the Second Temple being carried into Rome
    Förra gången - romarna skövlar Templet i Jerusalem.

    These archeological findings (documented in this report) discredit those
    who deny the ancient Jewish presence in Jerusalem.
    They present irrefutable evidence of historical truth.
      Today, with historical heritage sites in this region being systematically destroyed by jihadist forces, it is Israel that defends religious freedom for the three monotheistic faiths - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - against the tide of intolerance sweeping the Middle East.
      UNESCO on the Temple Mount - Jpost Editorial
    The underlying assumption behind Palestinian activism in UNESCO seems to be that if Jews' ties to Jerusalem and to the Temple can be denied or questioned, it serves the cause of Muslims. Conversely, admitting the simple historical truth that there was a Jewish temple on the Temple Mount calls into question Palestinian claims that they are the indigenous population and the Jews are trespassers.
        No one with intellectual honesty seriously doubts that the Jewish people has religious, cultural and historical ties to the Land of Israel. Any attempt to deny these ties is a perversion of science. That UNESCO is lending its hand to such perversion is a tragic testimony to the sorrowful state of UN institutions. (Jerusalem Post)
     Israel visar åskådligt en konsekvens av UNESCO:s
    omskrivning av Jerusalems historia...


     Se hur världens stater röstade i UNESCO:

    Sverige avstod från att rösta...
    Ynkedom, som vanligt.
    Märkligt att vi inte röstade tillsammans
    med antisemiterna i den kommunist-
    islamistiska sumpen...