Just nu är det svårt att undgå bilderna av PLO:s
nya "hjältinna" Ahed Tamimi. Här släpps hon efter
ett kort fängelsestraff för att ha misshandlat en
israelisk soldat.
Propagandamaskinen går på högvarv. Nyhets-
byråerna, svenska tidningar, internet och nu
ett par italienska murklottrare hjälper till....
Men egentligen är denna tonåring med kort stubin, som
utnyttjas av PLO:s gigantiska propagandamaskin, ganska
Istället borde medierna titta på hennes kvinnliga kusin
och stora föredöme. En efterlyst terrorist som dömts
till sexton gånger livstids fängelse. Ahed har berättat
hur hon beundrar henne och strävar efter att bli likadan....
Nu är kusinen på fri fot i Jordanien och amerikanska UD
henne gripen och ställd inför rätta i USA:
Information that brings to justice…

Ahlam Ahmad al-Tamimi
Up to $5 Million Reward
A Jordanian citizen, Ahlam Ahmad al-Tamimi, also known as “Khalti”
and “Halati,” is a convicted terrorist operative for HAMAS.
On August 9, 2001, al-Tamimi transported a bomb and a HAMAS suicide
bomber to a crowded Jerusalem Sbarro pizzeria, where the bomber
detonated the explosives, killing 15 people, including seven children.
Two American citizens were killed in the attack – Judith
Shoshana Greenbaum, a pregnant 31-year-old school teacher
from New Jersey, and Malka Chana Roth, a 15-year-old.
Over 120 others were injured, including four Americans.
HAMAS claimed responsibility for the bombing.
In 2003, al-Tamimi pleaded guilty in an Israeli court to
participating in the attack and was sentenced to
16 life terms in Israel for assisting the bomber.
She was released in October 2011 as part of a prisoner
exchange between Hamas and Israel.
On March 14, 2017, the U.S. Department of Justice unsealed
a criminal complaint and an arrest warrant for al-Tamimi,
charging her under U.S. law with “conspiring to
use a weapon of mass destruction against U.S. nationals
outside the U.S., resulting in death.”
The FBI also added al-Tamimi to its list of most wanted
terrorists and considers her to be “armed and dangerous.”
A former student working part time as a television journalist,
al-Tamimi drove the bomber to the target after pledging
to carry out attacks on behalf of the military wing of HAMAS,
according to the FBI.
Al-Tamimi, who planned and engineered the Sbarro attack,
chose the location because it was a busy restaurant.
To reduce suspicion, she and the suicide bomber dressed as
Israelis, and she personally transported the bomb, concealed inside
a guitar case, from a West Bank town into Jerusalem. Al-Tamimi
also admitted to detonating a small IED in a Jerusalem grocery
store a few weeks prior to the attack as part of a test run.
and “Halati,” is a convicted terrorist operative for HAMAS.
On August 9, 2001, al-Tamimi transported a bomb and a HAMAS suicide
bomber to a crowded Jerusalem Sbarro pizzeria, where the bomber
detonated the explosives, killing 15 people, including seven children.
Two American citizens were killed in the attack – Judith
Shoshana Greenbaum, a pregnant 31-year-old school teacher
from New Jersey, and Malka Chana Roth, a 15-year-old.
Over 120 others were injured, including four Americans.
HAMAS claimed responsibility for the bombing.
In 2003, al-Tamimi pleaded guilty in an Israeli court to
participating in the attack and was sentenced to
16 life terms in Israel for assisting the bomber.
She was released in October 2011 as part of a prisoner
exchange between Hamas and Israel.
On March 14, 2017, the U.S. Department of Justice unsealed
a criminal complaint and an arrest warrant for al-Tamimi,
charging her under U.S. law with “conspiring to
use a weapon of mass destruction against U.S. nationals
outside the U.S., resulting in death.”
The FBI also added al-Tamimi to its list of most wanted
terrorists and considers her to be “armed and dangerous.”
A former student working part time as a television journalist,
al-Tamimi drove the bomber to the target after pledging
to carry out attacks on behalf of the military wing of HAMAS,
according to the FBI.
Al-Tamimi, who planned and engineered the Sbarro attack,
chose the location because it was a busy restaurant.
To reduce suspicion, she and the suicide bomber dressed as
Israelis, and she personally transported the bomb, concealed inside
a guitar case, from a West Bank town into Jerusalem. Al-Tamimi
also admitted to detonating a small IED in a Jerusalem grocery
store a few weeks prior to the attack as part of a test run.
Pizzeria Sbarro, Jerusalem, sprängd 9 augusti 2001