måndag, september 29, 2008


Alla läsare tillönskas ett
Gott och Välsignat
Nytt År
5769 !



Om Rosh Hashana

Mera om Rosh Hashana

Yom Teruah: Day Of The Shofar Blast

Honey Cake and Slivovitz


"Frihet är den värdefullaste gåvan"

Geert Wilders blev internationellt känd
genom sin anti-islamistiska film FITNA.
Nu är han en av de trettio europeiska
parlamentariker som kommer att träffas
i Jerusalem i december för att diskutera
hotet från islamismen.
Inför konferensen har Jihad Watch
publicerat ett tal han nyligen höll i USA.
Ett litet utdrag:
Dear friends, liberty is the most precious of gifts.
My generation never had to fight for this freedom,
it was offered to us on a silver platter, by people
who fought for it with their lives.
All throughout Europe American cemeteries
remind us of the young boys who never made
it home, and whose memory we cherish.
My generation does not own this freedom;
we are merely its custodians. We can only
hand over this hard won liberty to Europe’s
children in the same state in which it was
offered to us.
We cannot strike a deal with
mullahs and imams. Future
generations would never forgive
us. We cannot squander our
liberties.We simply do not
have the right to do so.
This is not the first time our civilization
is under threat. We have seen dangers
before. We have been betrayed by our
elites before. They have sided with our
enemies before. And yet, then, freedom
These are not times in which to take
lessons from appeasement, capitulation,
giving away, giving up or giving in.
These are not times in which to draw
lessons from Mr. Chamberlain. These
are times calling us to draw lessons
from Mr. Churchill and the words he
spoke in 1942:
“Never give in, never, never, never,
never, in nothing great or small, large
or petty, never give in except to
convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to
the apparently overwhelming might
of the enemy”.

Mulla irriterad över yttrandefrihet...

Igår läste ni om hur fyra islamister
greps efter att ha försökt bränna ned
ett bokförlag i London.
Choudhary, landets ledande islamistiske
imam. Choudhary leder den nybildade
organisationen Islam4uk tillsammans
med imamen Omar Bakri Mohammed,
som gått i frivillig "exil" i Libanon för att
slippa undan ett åtal för hets mot folkgrupp
i Storbritannien.
Islam4uk har startat en stor kampanj
för att radikalisera muslimska ungdomar
i Storbritannien. Initierade observatörer
varnar redan för rörelsen:
"Andrew Dismore, the Labour MP for Hendon,
who first called for al-Muhajiroun to be banned 10
years ago, said today: "This new group needs to
be banned. Islam4uk is clearly just another side
of the same coin."

"Facing Jihad" samlas i Israel

Ett trettiotal europeiska parlamentariker
samlas i Jerusalem i december under mottot
FACING JIHAD - A Lawmakers Summit 2008
Inbjudare är läkaren och ex-generalen Arieh
(IsraelNN.com) Knesset Member
Arieh Eldad (National Union- National
Religious Party) announced Wednesday
that he will be hosting a convention in
Jerusalem under the banner,
"Standing Up to Jihad."
The right-wing MK told reporters Wednesday
morning that the anti-jihad conference will be
held in December and will be attended by some
30 European lawmakers from Denmark, Italy,
Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland and Britain.
"There are 60 million Muslim immigrants in Europe,
and they have not necessarily come there to be
assimilated into society, but rather to resist it
from the inside. The feeling in Europe is that the
time has come to stop jihadist Islam, and this may
be the last opportunity," he explained.
Det finns inget samband mellan parlamentariker-
konferensen och israeliska regeringens beslut
att inrätta ett Anti-Jihad Forum. Eller....

söndag, september 28, 2008

Israel bildar Anti-Jihad Forum

Jerusalem Post rapporterar:
The government has decided to establish
a special forum that will deal with threats to Israelis
posed by global jihad organizations, both locally and
abroad, Army Radio reported Thursday.

The National Security Council's Counterterrorism
Bureau chief, Nitzan Nuriel, is expected to head
the forum, which will have members from the
Mossad, Shin Bet, IDF and other relevant security
The forum will convene at least once every two
months, according to the scale of the threats,
with the goal of assisting the collaboration of
all the security forces in the face of the growing
terror attack warnings.
The Security Cabinet ministers approved the
forum's establishment in the hope that institution-
alization of the cooperation and coordination
between security and intelligence apparatuses
would improve Israel's management of the
global jihad threat.
Over the years, al-Qaida has succeeded in
establishing widespread terror infrastructures
around the world.
In 2002, just one year after the 9/11 terror
attacks, twelve people, three of them Israelis,
were killed in an attack on a Mombasa hotel
in Kenya. Al-Qaida was also linked to the 2004
terror attack in Sinai.
The Shin Bet has expressed fears that the group
was laying foundations in the West Bank.
Israeli security forces recently warned that
terrorists associated with al-Qaida would join
forces with groups linked to Hizbullah in an
attack to avenge the murder of arch terrorist
Imad Mugniyeh.

Terroristrazzia på IKEA

På lördagen gjorde tyska polisen en
stor razzia på IKEA i Ulm efter den
efterspanade konverterade islamisten
och terroristen
(alias Abdul Gaffar El Almani) och hans
kollega libanesen Houssain Al Malla.
De båda terroristerna, som utbildats på
en terrrorskola i gränstrakterna mellan
Pakistan och Afghanistan, misstänks nu ha
Polisen misstänker att de utbildats på samma
Glasvejs-ligan i Danmark, som just nu står inför
rätta i Köpenhamn.
De båda somalier som greps på Kölns flygplats
i fredag misstänks också tillhöra samma liga
Islamic Jihad Union och vara på väg
till en terrorskola.

lördag, september 27, 2008

Islamistiskt attentat mot bokförlag

Fyra islamister greps på bar gärning tidigt
på lördagen sedan de utfört ett brandattentat
mot ett bokförlag i London.
Förlaget GIBSON SQUARE publicerar i oktober
den omskrivna boken "The Jewel of Medina"
om Muhammeds sex-åriga hustru Aisha....
Det stora amerikanska förlaget Random House
som köpt rättigheterna till Sherry Jones bok beslöt
nyligen att avstå från utgivningen p g a hot mot
Gibson Square har tidigare visat att de inte ger efter
för hot. De har bl a publicerat böcker som regimerna i
Sovjetryssland och Saudiarabien försökt stoppa.

fredag, september 26, 2008

FN: antisemitismens plattform

Reaktioner på upploppen i Köln

helgen var knappast någon seger för demo-
kratin (och definitivt inte för yttrandefriheten....)
en personlig kommentar:
"On a related note, I was reading a few more
blogs (Fjordman, La Yihad en Eurabia, Gates
of Vienna, among others) about how the
international "anti-fascist" group Antifa was
outright assaulting elderly Jews - calling
them "Nazi scum" and all other sorts of
epithets - all while police stood by.
This took place in Germany, if you can
believe that.
German "anti-fascists" viciously beating
Jews who happened to be protesting
the creeping plague of Islamism into Europe.
If it weren't so, the Islamic supremacists
wouldn't be referring to the Iberian
peninsula as "al-Andalus", which is the
name given to the realm of the Almoravid
dynasty, wherein Jews and Christians lived
as dhimmis, and revolts were violently
Ordinarily, I am not too keen on European
ethnic nationalism as it often appears con-
currently with the neo-fascist movement
that seeks to replace one form of socialist
authoritarianism (Islam) with another
(neo-fascism), but it is times like these
where I will openly ally myself with the
basic aims of the European New Right
- Europe must remain European. It must
not become another launching station
for the global Caliphate that so many
would like to see the fruition of.
The ideological and media war against
Islamic supremacism has made for
some odd bedfellows, but until more
Europeans start to realize that their
heritage and very way of life is under
real attack by foreign invaders, the ethnic
nationalists are the best we have.
It might take another bombing, like the
ones in London and Madrid, to get more
Europeans on the same page.
I am thankful that there are people like
Geert Wilders, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and the
late Pim Fortuyn to resist Islamism
while rejecting neo-fascism."

Ännu en gång: Ökande antisemitism i Europa

Antisemitic violence continued to rise across
many parts of Europe and North America in
2007, despite improvements in some countries
where there nevertheless remain historically
high levels of violence motivated by anti-Jewish
prejudice. But even in these places, there is
pressure on people to conceal their Jewish
identity. The decline in levels of antisemitic
incidents in some countries coincided with
an alarming trend toward an increasing
number of violent personal assaults.
In 2007, overall levels of violent antisemitic
attacks against persons increased in Canada,
Germany, the Russian Federation, Ukraine
and the United Kingdom according to official
statistics and reports of nongovernmental
monitors. In the United Kingdom, violent
antisemitic attacks rose while the overall
incident level declined moderately.
The proportion of antisemitic incidents
involving violent attacks on persons held
steady in France, even as overall levels
of antisemitic incidents there dropped
significantly. In Belgium, the Netherlands
and the United States, antisemitic crimes
of violence declined.
There are undoubtedly a number of other
European countries where antisemitic
violence is also problematic, but where
information on attacks—either from official
or unofficial sources—is much less readily
Between 2000 and 2005, levels of antisemitic
violence had fluctuated significantly in direct
relation to events in the Middle East, which
provide new impetus for those already pre-
disposed to antisemitism in Europe. Since
2005, this pattern has to some extent changed,
with month-by-month levels of antisemitic
violence showing little change. These more
uniform rates show little correlation with
specific events involving Israel and the
Middle East. This does not mean however,
that the threat of antisemitic violence has
diminished. In fact, the new norm is for
very high levels of antisemitic violence,
still estimated in a number of countries
to be several times higher than that of
the 1990’s.
In some countries, the frequency and
severity of attacks on Jewish places of
worship, community centers, schools,
and other institutions has resulted in
a need for security measures by re-
presentatives of both the Jewish
community and local or national
government. Enhanced security can
be credited for a reduction in attacks
on Jewish sites and property in France,
Germany, and the United Kingdom,
where successive governments have
made a strong commitment to protect
the Jewish community.
However, the need for such security is
a powerful indicator of the revival of
antisemitism in recent years.
Monitoring, a vigorous law enforcement
response to individual incidents, cooperation
between the police and affected communities,
and attention to prevention, including through
education, are all needed to combat anti-
semitism and its violent manifestations.
Although some governments in Europe and
North America have instituted effective
systems of monitoring and reporting on
antisemitic hate crimes, most have not.
And, while local nongovernmental organizations
and community leaders provide information
on such crimes, as well as insights into the
response of the communities affected to
those crimes, these initiatives are no
substitute for state authorities
addressing the problem directly.

torsdag, september 25, 2008

onsdag, september 24, 2008

Slaget vid POLTAVA

En alldeles ny rysk kostymfilm med
mycket krutrök. Två avsnitt om
ca 5 min.
När kommer slaget vid NARVA ?
Del 1

Del 2

tisdag, september 23, 2008

Pro-israelisk hårdrock.....

Till allas stora överraskning
(inte minst min egen)
här är hårdrock på Jihad.....
Det svenska bandet Sabaton
med In the name of God.
blev en stor framgång.
Jag är väl inte den ende
som upptäcker ett positivt
politiskt budskap i den ?
Här är den populära
om sexdagarskriget.

måndag, september 22, 2008

Hjältarna från 1683

I förra veckan högtidlighöll Krakow
325-årsminnet av slaget vid Wien.
Där räddade 1683 en blandad europeisk
armé den kejserliga huvudstaden
från storvesiren Merzifonlu Kara
Mustafa Pashas jihad.
Tack vare inte minst kung Jan
Sobieski och de polska trupperna
räddades Centraleuropa från
kalifatet, den gången....
Snart kommer en polsk storfilm
Ett litet smakprov:

söndag, september 21, 2008

Dansk säkerhetspolis mördad av islamister

Dansk TV meddelar ikväll att en dansk säkerhets-
polis från PET med största sannolikhet mördades
vid Al Qaedas sprängning av Hotel Mariott i
Islamabad på lördagskvällen. Polisen tjänstgjorde
som säkerhetsrådgivare vid ambassaden och
bodde på hotellet.
Hotellets bevakningskamera visar hur en lastbil
kör in i den välbevakade grinden; poliserna inser
att det är en självmordsbombare och flyr från
sin postering.Efter en kort stund börjar lastbilen
brinna och sedan exploderar den.

Så fungerar shariadomstolen i Vollsmose

En polis i Odensestadsdelen Vollsmose konstaterar
att dansk lag i praktiken upphört att gälla i stadsdelen.
Istället är det den islamistiske imamen Abu Bashars
shariadomstol som styr....
D v s Danmarks hårdast kriminellt belastade område
"I Vollsmose bliver størstedelen af alle politianmeldelser
trukket tilbage og ender i stedet hos lokale imamer,
der udmåler en passende straf.
Politiet mener, den parallele retspraksis underminerer
deres arbejde - og lader kriminelle slippe for straf
efter dansk lov, skriver Dagbladet Information.
Politiet i Vollsmose oplever, at op mod 90 procent af
alle anmeldelser bliver trukket tilbage efter få dage,
fordi imamer og andre magtfulde mænd i området
selv løser sagerne.
Retsligt parallelsamfund
- Som det er i dag, er der jo kriminelle,
der aldrig får en straf efter dansk
retspraksis, siger Torben Aagard, der er betjent
i Odense-bydelen.
Han fortæller, hvordan der eksisterer et retsligt
parallelsamfund, som gør det meget svært for
politiet at udføre deres arbejde:
- Selvfølgelig er der mange herude, som lever
efter dansk lov, men så længe, de ikke tør stille
sig op mod de andre, er det svært at stille
noget op, siger Torben Aagaard.
Imamer har magt
Han mener, der bliver brugt penge, trusler og
sommetider også vold i forsøget på at løse
konflikterne internt i de muslimske miljøer."


lördag, september 20, 2008

Köln - berättelsen om två borgmästare

Saxat ur The Brussels Journal:
"Once, Cologne had a mayor to be proud of.
Konrad Adenauer, mayor of Cologne from 1917 to
1933, was a devout Catholic. An outspoken opponent
of the Nazi regime (1933-1945), he played no political
role in Germany until the end of the Second World
War when the Americans reinstalled him as mayor
of Cologne but the British dismissed him after a couple
of weeks for “alleged incompetence.”
Following this dismissal for “incompetence” he founded
the German Christian-Democrat Party CDU and
became the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic
of Germany (1949-1963) and the “father” of the
modern, democratic Germany.
Cologne’s current mayor (since 2000),
Fritz Schramma,
is also a Christian-Democrat. He governs a city that
is one of Germany’s oldest. Its Catholic Cathedral
(the Dom) is the largest Gothic church in Northern
Europe and until 1884, with its two spires of 157
metres, it was the tallest structure in the world.
Cologne (“Köln” in German) is Germany’s fourth
largest city, after Berlin, Hamburg and Munich,
but has dramatically changed since the days of
the great Adenauer. 330,000 people, which is
36 percent of Cologne’s inhabitants, are
immigrants, most of them Turks or people of
Turkish descent. Mayor Schramma needs their
support in order to remain in power.
Cologne’s Turks want to build Germany’s largest
mosque. The building will have two minarets of
55 metres high. The mosque is being built by
Ditib, the Cologne branch of Diyanet, the depart-
ment of religious affairs of Turkey, which reports
directly to the Turkish Prime Minister.
Last month, Mayor Schramma’s own CDU
voted against the building project which it deemed
“too provocative.” The mayor, however, did not
vote not with his party because he is in favor of
the mosque. As only the CDU (without the mayor)
and the city party Pro Cologne (Pro-Köln) voted
against the mosque, the project obtained the city
council’s approval, albeit by a narrow margin.
In 2004, Pro Cologne, which grew out of a grass-
roots organisation of indigenous locals who oppose
the mosque, obtained 4.7% of the votes and five of
the 90 seats in the Cologne city council. The party,
which is conservative, is being depicted by its
adversaries as a “fascist” and/or “Nazi” grouping,
though it has no links to German neo-Nazis.
It has become the nucleus of Pro North Rhine
Westphalia, a party on the state level (the state
of North Rhine Westphalia (NRW), to which
Cologne belongs), and Pro Germany, a party
on the federal level. Polls predict that Pro NRW
may win up to 10% in next year’s state elections.
Today, Pro Cologne is holding an “Anti-Islamisation
Conference” in Cologne. As soon as the party
announced its intention to hold its rally, the
Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
protested and OIC member Iran called on
France, which currently chairs the European
Union, to intervene and ban the “Islamophobic”
event. German leftist organisations, including
the trade unions and the churches, called for
a counterdemonstration.
Jürgen Rüttgers, NRW’s prime minister (CDU)
claims Pro Cologne is “against tolerance, re-
conciliation and humanity.” He called on
people to demonstrate peacefully against the
conference, which his friend, Mayor Schramma,
calls “a huge stomach ache.”
The mayor is pleased with the counter-
demonstration. “I am happy that Cologne shows
its true face of tolerance,” he said, calling for
“intolerance” to Pro Cologne. The mayor has
asked the local shops to remain closed today
and join the counterdemonstration.
“Shut your windows and doors, lower your shutters.
Make it clear to Pro Cologne and its camarilla:
you are not welcome,” he said.
Pointing out that “50% of Cologne’s children are
German and 50% are of foreign origin,” the mayor
added that Cologne is “probably the most tolerant
city in Germany, but I hope that this time it will
Yesterday, on the eve of the conference,
“anti-fascists” attacked Pro Cologne
sympathisers. Stones were thrown
at a river cruiser on which the party
intended to hold a press conference.
Michael Kucherov, a 45-year old
Jewish member of the federal executive
board of Pro Germany, was beaten up
on his way to the press conference.
Unlike his predecessor, Konrad Adenauer,
Cologne’s current mayor “lowers his
shutters” when evil forces take over his city."
PI-News har senaste nytt och
filmbilder från dagens pöbel-
upplopp i Köln.
Se Islamofobens vettiga kommentar

Från det ESF-ockuperade Malmö....


SR: Våldsam demonstration i Malmö


Mannen försökte hindra aktivisterna och misshandlades.


DN: Stenar regnade mot polisen



Släng ut Slöddret !!!!

fredag, september 19, 2008

Antisemitism i Ukraina

I vår (tyvärr) eviga serie om aktuell
antisemitism har vi nu kommit till
EU-kandidaten Ukraina.

Following is a report on anti-Semitism in
Ukraine in 2008, by Irena Cantorovich,
from the Tel Aviv University’s Stephen
Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary
Antisemitism and Racism.
On 24 January 2008 a group of 4 persons
beat Rabbi Dov-Ber Baitman, a teacher at
the Jewish educational center Shiurey
Torah in Dnepropetrovsk, when he
walked out of the central Golden Rose
synagogue after evening classes.
The attackers also shouted antisemitic
insults. In March 2008 it was announced
that the attackers were caught.
On 23 May 2008 Dmitro Groisman, a
Jewish human rights activist, was
beaten near his apartment building
in Vinnitsa.
On 3 March 2008 swastikas were painted
at the 18th century burial site of Rabbi Levi
Itzhak and on other gravestones at the
Jewish cemetery in Berdichev. On 12 March
2008 the police arrested a 21-year-old suspect,
who is a leader on a local skinhead group.
He was released after 3 days, but not allowed
to leave the area, came to the local synagogue
and promised to pay for the damage.
In June 2008 he was sentenced to a year and
a half imprisonment for desecration of graves.

Koranskolan i Malmö bekräftad

Ni minns säkert artikeln
om Al Jazeeras två reportage
från det exotiska Malmö.
Under gangstersafarin i Rosengård
besöker man en islamistisk källar-
moské. Jag gissade att det var
TUFF:s koranskolan....
Det har nu bekräftats av en expert,
"Bloggen Muslimska friskolan har identifierat
källarmoskén som en av Islamiska Kultur-
föreningens tre lokaler de innehaft under
2000-talet på Rosengård.
Under en tid hade de alla tre samtidigt med
bidrag för ungdomsverksamhet från
fritidsförvaltningen och ABF i Malmö.
Mellan 6 och 8 minuter in i inslaget ses
en koranskola som drivs av ordföranden
Ammar Daoud.
Just denna koranskola ligger i källaren på
Bennets väg 8:
Islamiska Kulturföreningen II
Den svensk som försöker gå ner i källarmoskén
blir stoppad redan i entrén av muslimer med
långt skägg. Polisen har lokalen under uppsikt.
Den anses nämligen förkunna extrem islamism.
Till och med andra muslimer på Rosengård är
rädda för att gå ner i lokalen.
De säger till bloggen Muslimska friskolan att
de är rädda att få halsen avskuren om de går
ner i islamisternas källarmoské.
Av den anledningen har polisen svårt att få
någon muslim som vill hjälpa dem spionera
på lokalen.
I den miljön går alltså muslimska barn och
tonåringar ditlurade i koranskola och lyssnar
på farlig islamism. Rosengårdsskolans imam
Ali Ibrahim har bjudit in islamisten Ammar
Daoud för att fortbilda högstadieungdomar
om 11:e september.
Se inslaget om koranskolan 6-8 minuter in i
inslaget på länken nedan:
Al Jazeera del 2"

torsdag, september 18, 2008

Marockansk spion avslöjad i holländska polisen

Den högst uppsatte arabiske polismannen
i Holland kommissarie Re Lemhaouli avslöjades
förra året som agent för marockanska säkerhets-
tjänsten. Kommissarie Lemhaouli var chef för
polisens integrationsavdelning. Enligt TV-
programmet NOVA avskedades han i tysthet
för att inte "det multikulturella samhället" skulle
få negativ publicitet.....
Istället anställdes han av Rotterdams flygplats som
chef för ett stort integrationsprojekt, som ska utbilda
unga araber till flygplatspersonal.
Efter avslöjandet är han suspenderad och åtal kommer
sannolikt att väckas. Om han fälls mister han sitt

Kraftig tillväxt i europeisk antisemitism

Pew Global Attitudes årliga mätning
ger ett beklämmande resultat beträffande
ökningen av antisemitism i Europa.


A spring 2008 survey by the Pew Research Center's Pew
Global Attitudes Project finds 46% of the Spanish rating
Jews unfavorably. More than a third of Russians (34%)
and Poles (36%) echo this view. Somewhat fewer,
but still significant numbers of the Germans (25%) and
French (20%) interviewed also express negative opinions
of Jews. These percentages are all higher than obtained
in comparable Pew surveys taken in recent years.
In a number of countries, the increase has been especially
notable between 2006 and 2008.

Great Britain stands out as the only European country
included in the survey where there has not been a
substantial increase in anti-Semitic attitudes.
Just 9% of the British rate Jews unfavorably, which
is largely unchanged from recent years. And relatively
small percentages in both Australia (11%) and the
United States (7%) continue to view Jews unfavorably.


Här finns hela rapporten (73 sid)

Svenska Dagbladet: Antisemitismen sprider sig

"Kriget mot Storbritanniens judar"

En aktuell dokumentärfilm från
Storbritannien.(47 min).
Först visad på Channel 4 juli 2007.
"Antisemitism is alive and well", konstaterar
Richard Littlejohn i filmen. Antalet antisemitiska
angrepp ökar och det är islamister och extrem-
vänster som ligger bakom de flesta.

(OBS Tre delar)
Den tvärpolitiska All-Party Parliamentary
Inquiry into Antisemitism sammanställde
förra året en rapport som omfattningen av
den anti-judiska rasismen. Regeringens svar
blev en gäspning....
(Tipstack till Att vara jude)

Malmös första VINDSMOSKÉ

Källarmoskéer är vanliga i Malmö.
Se t ex min (ofullständiga) förteckning
15 moskéer i artikeln
Nu har alerta Muslimska Friskolan
funnit den första vindsmoskéen
Bragegatan. Mycket tyder på att det
dessutom är en talibanmoské......

Mer om shariadomstolarna

FrontPageMagazine skriver:
"Muslim Sharia courts have been operating
throughout England for more than a year.
This startling fact came as news to not a few
UK residents when the Sunday Times broke
the story last week. Officially called
“arbitration tribunals,” these courts already
have ruled on over 100 cases, including divorces,
financial disputes and domestic violence cases
civil matter.
As such, they represent a worrying advance
for Islamic law into the heart of Europe.
According to the Times, the rulings of these courts
are now legally binding. Previously, their
judgments could not be enforced unless all parties
involved agreed to abide by them.
As of August 2007, however, “[r]ulings issued by
a network of five Sharia courts are enforceable
with the full power of the judicial system, through
the county courts or High Court.”
To match their growing authority, the courts
themselves are proliferating: Two more Sharia
courts are planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh."

onsdag, september 17, 2008

"Akademisk" antisemitism blomstrar

Varför har antisemitiska kampanjer sådana
framgångar på europeiska och amerikanska
högskolor ?
Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld har analyserat pro-
blemet och försöker finna en förklaring.
The academic year 2007-2008 saw ongoing anti-
Israeli and anti-Semitic incidents in various countries.
Among them is Israel Apartheid Week, which has
become an annual ritual in a number of cities on
several continents. So have the calls of the University
and College Union (UCU) in the United Kingdom for
discriminatory measures against Israeli universities
and academics. In several universities, such as on
some campuses of the University of California, anti-
Israelism is endemic.
Much of the visible anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism
occurs in the academic world of Britain, Canada,
and the United States. There are problems in many
other countries as well. The situation is obfuscated
by limited media attention.
Effective counteractions are also increasing.
There is now more exposure of Islamist racism
and anti-Semitism on American campuses.
In Canada protests against anti-Israeli actions
are on the rise. There are also European and
British initiatives to enhance academic colla-
boration with Israeli universities. External
monitoring bodies are more and more exposing
the hate culture and biased actions of some
university lecturers.
The onslaught against Israel and Jews is not
an isolated phenomenon. What happens to
Jews has usually been a pointer to their
societal environment and a sensor of events
to come. This is also the case regarding
academic anti-Israelism. Academic freedom
has been abused so much that in its present
form it has outlived part of its academic and
societal usefulness for fostering knowledge.

Det kom ett brev....

Ett brev till Eslands ambassad
i Helsingfors från töntarna i
The Finnish Islamic Party presents its concerns
to Estonian Republic for taking part of the war
in Iraq with President Bush’s satanic government.
The actions mentioned above by the Estonian
government are oriented against Islam every-
where in the world and are a declaration of
war against all Muslims.
The Finnish Islamic Party exhorts the Estonian
government to pull their soldiers back from
Iraq instantly and to respect Iraq’s sovereignty.
If Estonian government continues its acts of war
and oppression it is responsible for its crimes
against human rights in the battle against Islam.
We can verify that Estonian government is
controlled by American government.
It raises a question on Estonia’s independency:
have Estonians sold themselves to America?
Estonia will be responsible for each day they
take part in Iraq’s war and in the war against Islam.

For the Finnish Islamic Party,
Abdullah Tammi, chairman of the board
Abdullah Rintala, 1. vice-chairman of the board

"Obamas femtio lögner"

Ni minns säkert
Och mycket riktigt: Vi fick inga svar!
Däremot har den populäre radiojournalisten
Terry Anderson sammanställt
(som försetts med kommentarer
och ibland förklaringar av Obamas
En tänkvärd läsning.
En del av kritiken är uppenbart
nonsens, medan en del är mycket
svårt att förklara bort....
Det gäller trots allt en man som kan
bli USA:s näste president.....
(Tipstack till MG !)

tisdag, september 16, 2008

Hjärnan bakom shariadomstolarna

integrerad del av det brittiska rättssystemet,
är en mans verk.
Advokaten, universitetsrektorn, imamen
och ättlingen till Muhammed
Principal of Hijaz College Islamic
University (HCIU), National Convenor of the
Muslim Action Committee (MAC), President
General of the International Muslim Organisaton
(IMO), Barrister at Law (Member of the
Lincoln's Inn) and Head of the
Naqshbandi Hijazi Sufi Order.
som alltmera framstår som islamisternas främsta
"tänktank" i Storbritannien. Det var han som upptäckte
en lucka i lagen som gav islamisterna den stora chansen.
Genom Arbitration Act 1996 infördes möjligheten till
ett förenklat juridiskt förfarande för familjerättsliga
mål. Om en s k Arbitration Tribunal (ordagrant
"Skiljedoms-domstol", men en bättre översättning i
familjerättsliga sammanhang är nog "Medlingsdomstol")
uppfyller vissa (låga) formella krav blir dess beslut
rättsligt bindande. Snabbt inregistrerade islamisterna
fem Arbitration Tribunals, tillika Shariadomstolar.
Samtidigt utnyttjar de alla brister och oklarheter i
lagstiftningen. Förutom de avsedda familjerättsliga
målen har de också börjat döma i straffrättsliga mål
med familjerättslig anknytning, t ex hustrumisshandel....
Sheikh Siddiqi leder ett stort team unga islamistiska
advokater som kommer att utnyttja alla möjligheter
en ålderdomlig och otydlig lagstiftning kan ge.
Det är bara en tidsfråga innan shariadomstolarna
utvidgat sitt mandat till renodlad straffrätt.
Att "delvis" tillämpa sharia är en absurditet
för en renlärig muslim. Sharia är en guda-
given rätt och som sådan självklart
en odelbar helhet......
"But in some Muslim countries punishments
handed out under the legal system have
included beheadings, public floggings
and thieves’ hands being chopped off.
Faisal Aqtab Siddiqi, a commercial law
barrister and head of Hijaz College,
who has sat in judgment at a number
of the tribunals, said British society was
not ready for such punishments.
But he added that if society became
more ‘civilised’ then those who broke
the law should expect to receive the
highest degree of punishment."
En intressant formulering....

Visst sysslar shariadomstolarna med brottmål

Som en bekräftelse på gårdagens artikel
berättar Islamofoben om ett fall där ett
par somaliska ligister som knivhugget
en annan somalier av en brittisk domstol
dömas. Klanen döms att betala blods-
pengar till den skadade. Knivmännen
slipper straff.....
Det påminner starkt om imam Abu Labans
försök att införa blodspengar i Köpenhamn
mitt under stora hashkriget 2005....
Att tro att shariadomstolar i
längden kommer att skilja på
civil- och brottmål är enfaldigt.
Har man öppnat slussarna, så....
Mera från Islamofoben

Kraftig reaktion på shariadomstolarna

har väckt en veritabel opinionsstorm. Hittills har
ingen berömt regeringen för deras beslut att införa
den islamistiska lagstiftningen i landet.....
Ett axplock mediareaktioner:
(Daily Mail)
By Matthew Hickley Islamic sharia law courts in Britain
are exploiting a little-known legal clause to make their
verdicts officially binding under UK law in ...
(Daily News & Analysis)
LONDON: Even as the debate over whether
Sharia courts should be allowed in Britain
continues, a network of courts based on
Islamic law already exists in the ...
By Jason Beattie 15/09/2008
Some Muslim communities already use the
Islamic courts to settle civil disputes, such
as domestic violence, ...
(The Sun)
These range from divorce and financial
disputes to domestic violence. But furious
Tories said the step “pandered to Islamic extremists”. ...
(United Press International)
LONDON, Sept. 14 (UPI) -- The British
government has quietly allowed the
decisions of a network of advisory Muslim
courts to be legally enforced...
Det är nästan onödigt att påpeka:
Ingen svensk tidning har uppmärk-
sammat vad som hänt i Storbritannien.....

måndag, september 15, 2008

Shariadomstolar för straffrätt öppnade

Malmö har den tvivelaktiga äran att vara
hemvist för Nordens hittills enda sharia-
domstol. Den sysslar enbart med familje-
rätt och tycks ha en ganska blygsam om-
fattning. I Storbritannien finns sharia-
domstolar sedan över 20 år tillbaka; idag
Nu avslöjar The Times att brittiska myndig-
heter i hemlighet godkänt att sharialag-
stiftning får ersätta brittisk lag inom både
familje- och delar av straffrätten......
Fem shariadomstolar har auktoriserats
och ska nu betraktas som en del av det
brittiska rättsväsendet. Det innebär bl a
att andra domstolar och myndigheter är
tvungna att genomföra shariabesluten.
De nya auktoriserade shariadomstolarna
finns i London, Birmingham, Bradford,
Manchester och Nuneaton (Warwickshire).
Ytterligare två planeras för Edinburgh och
Genom detta hemliga regeringsbeslut har
en viktig gräns överskridits. Eftersom
de nya shariadomstolarna även får döma
i vissa straffrättsliga mål finns det inte
längre något egentligt hinder för dem att
börja tillämpa straffmetoder, som hittills
inte varit lagliga i Storbritannien.....
Således kan vi räkna med att exempelvis
spöslitning blir ett straff som kan utmätas
av en laglig domstol och som måste utföras
av fångvården.