fredag, maj 30, 2008

Muslimska Brödraskapet i Belgien

NEFA Foundation bjuder på en spännande
rapport om hur extrema Muslimska
Brödraskapet blivit alltmera inflytelse-
rikt i Belgien.
Belgium has become an important center for the global Muslim
Brotherhood in Europe. Since its origins in early student organizations,
the Belgian Brotherhood network has grown to include Hamas support
infrastructure and local Islamic groups that in turn are part of the
Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE), the global Muslim
Brotherhood umbrella group in Europe. Belgium also serves as the FIOE
national office. One individual, Bassem Hatahet, appears to be the most
important figure in the Belgian Muslim Brotherhood.

torsdag, maj 29, 2008

Is Canada Next ?

Den kanadensiska säkerhetstjänsten CSIS anlyserar
det extrema sunni-muslimska hotet mot Kanada:

Al Qaeda's New Recruits

A failed restaurant bombing in England last week has
raised concerns among U.S. and European counterterrorism
officials that Al Qaeda and other radical Islamic groups
are recruiting mentally disabled people to carry
out suicide attacks.

Authorities in Britain have mounted an intensive investigation into how and why a 22-year-old mentally handicapped man, Nicky Reilly, built a nail bomb and then attempted to set it off last Thursday. The bomb, which was intended to detonate at lunchtime in a crowded restaurant in Exeter, a county seat in southwest England, apparently misfired, and Reilly was the only one injured in the partial explosion. According to British news reports, he suffered minor eye injuries and burns to his face. Earlier this week, he was released from the hospital and transferred to the custody of local police, who are now expected to question him with the help of Scotland Yard's antiterrorist division.


According to British news reports, shortly before leaving his home in Plymouth, England, on his bombing mission, Reilly allegedly received a text message on his cell phone that encouraged him to proceed with the attack. Following the failed bombing, at least two men were picked up by police in connection with the investigation, but their status is unclear.


British media quoted police officials saying they believed that Reilly had been targeted for recruitment as a suicide bomber by unidentified radical elements because of his mental handicap. According to a story in London's Observer, Reilly, a large, bearlike man who allegedly has the mental capacity of a 10-year-old, converted to Islam several years ago. The story reported that he recently changed his name and began to express extremist views, condemning his family as "infidels." According to the Observer and other U.K. press reports, due to his Muslim contacts, Reilly was at least vaguely known to Britain's domestic counterintelligence and antiterrorism agency, M.I.5. But before last week's incident, he was not regarded as dangerous and therefore had not been subjected to close monitoring by police or intelligence officers.


Läs hela artikeln i Newsweek

onsdag, maj 28, 2008

Fler islamistiska terrorbombare i Storbritannien

Nu duggar de islamistiska terrorbombarna
tätt i Storbritannien. Förutom Nicky Reilly
i Exeter greps nyligen Andrew Ibrahim i
Bristol. Han hade också tillverkat eget
och kullager för att nu planera för ett stort
attentat när polisen slog till.
Språkläraren Saeed Ghafoor planerade för
Storbritanniens största shopping-center
Bluewater i Kent. Där skulle tre limousiner
lastade med sprängämnen köras in i
De flesta bombmännen är konvertiter som
dragits in i pakistansk-afghanska islamist-
kretsar. Det är ofta fråga om instabila och
udda personer som utnyttjas av islamisterna.

måndag, maj 26, 2008

UPDATE: Bismilahi-härvan

Här kommer domen :

"Fem års fängelse för grovt skattebrott och grovt bokföringsbrott - så lyder tingsrättens dom mot den 40-åriga ägaren till Bismilahis förskolor i Tensta och Rinkeby."

"Fällande domar och fängelsestraff i varierande längd blir det också för tre av de fyra män som stått åtalade tillsammans med kvinnan
. Därmed står klart att Solna tingsrätt i huvudsak gått på åklagarens linje i det uppmärksammade Bismilahi-fallet.
Flera omständigheter talar emot att det skulle förhålla sig som NN (kvinnans namn) har påstått, resonerar Solna tingsrätt. "

"Bedrägerierna i Bismilahi-härvan ska enligt åtalet ha pågått mellan mars 2005 och januari 2008. Löner och inkomster ska ha mörkats i bokföringen och till Skatteverket. Med falska fakturor fick man ut kontanter till svarta löner. "


Åklagaren Björn Rosenlöf hävdar också att minst 14 miljoner av pengarna förts till Dubai, Addis Abeba och Djibouti genom penningförmedlingar i Rinkeby.

När far vi höra sanningen om kopplingarna till terrorist-
hawalorna ??

Islamic Banking - en tillväxtbranch

Islamic Banking, d v s finansverksamhet i enlighet med sharia,
omsätter över 500 miljarder $ om året och är en expansiv
tillväxtsektor. Västerländska banker dras till sektorn likt spyflugor
och i alla europeiska storstäder finns det ett växande utbud av banker
enbart inriktade på muslimer. Banker utan ränta som inte gör affärer
med Israel....

Finanstidningen Forbes är självklart också intresserad och
presenterar ett glättat bildspel om

Ännu har ingen islamisk bank öppnats
i Sverige, men "ledarskägget" Mahmoud
ha funnit likasinnade på Folksam...

Snart återstår kanske bara spargrisen
för oss dhimmis......

söndag, maj 25, 2008

Bismilahi, Rinkeby och Somalia

Den 26 maj faller domen i den stora
Shire Jama
har visat hur man kan
plocka en godtrogen kommun på
tiotals miljoner.
Tyvärr har inte rättegången belyst
kopplingarna mellan den ekonomiska
brottsligheten och den somaliska
. Hawalabankerna har
med förtjusning tagit hand om alla
pengar oavsett bakgrund och
adressater. Det finns uppgifter som
tyder på att del av skattebetalarnas
pengar hamnat hos al-Shabaab.


En bra sammanfattning på TV 3:


Fängelse yrkas i förskolehärvan

Den 41-åriga förskolechefen i Rinkeby bör dömas till fem års fängelse. Det yrkade kammaråklagaren Björn Rosenlöf då rättegången i den så kallade förskolehärvan avslutades på måndagen. Själv hävdar hon att hon blivit lurad.
Efter åtta dagar av bollande med siffror och hur miljoner strömmat mellan konton, bolag och penningsförmedlare sprack i går för första gången rösten på den 41-årige fembarnsmamma som misstänks för att ha tömt sina två bolag på totalt 18,5 miljoner kronor utan att ha betalat skatt.Sedan en tidig morgon i mitten av januari har hon suttit häktad, isolerad från sin familj."Mina äldsta barn trodde först att jag hade dött, mina yngsta mår väldigt dåligt av att de inte vet var jag är," sa hon, märkbart plågad av situationen.Kvinnan, som kom till Sverige från Somalia för drygt tjugo år sedan, säger att hon trodde att allt gått rätt till och att hon varit föräldraledig under stor del av den tid som den ekonomiska brottsligheten begåtts.Men åklagaren menade att hennes agerande bara är ett spel:"All bevisning talar med styrka för att det handlar om ett systematiskt brottsupplägg, i syfte att lura staten på arbetsgivaravgifter och skatter. Mycket talar också för att hela kvinnans familj varit medveten om var pengarna de levt gott på i Dubai kommit ifrån," sa han.För Solna tingsrätt har 41-åringen förklarat de stora, icke bokförda kontantuttagen ur bolagen delvist har med återbetalningen av ett lån som hon fått av sina föräldrar att göra. Resten ska ha varit lön."En efterhandskonstruktion. Så fort hon blivit överbevisad har hon bara ändrat sig som om ingenting har hänt. Hennes trovärighet är förbrukad," hävdade åklagaren och hänvisade till påstått stulen bokföring, uppgifter som ändrats, luftfakturor som hon först känt till, sedan förnekat.Åklagaren menar att 41-åringen fått hjälp att plocka ut pengarna av en 48-årig, tidigare dömd ekobrottsling förs vars del åklagaren krävde 3,5 års fängelse.Enligt kvinnans advokat Anders Malmström är 48-åringen hjärnan bakom hela upplägget, något som 48-åringen i sin tur förnekar. Han har bara varit "ett redskap".För 41-åringens man och bror, som också står åtalade för skattebrott i härvan, yrkade åklagaren också på fängelsestraff. De nekar till brott, liksom en spelberoende företrädare för ett städbolag som skickat luftfakturor till förskolan.Den 41-åriga kvinnan försattes på fri fot efter att förhandlingen avslutats. Hon har belagts med reseförbund och har anmälningsplikt till polisen."Flyktfaran är stor, men jag finner det rimligt, kommenterade åklagren rätens beslut.Dom faller den 26 maj.

lördag, maj 24, 2008

Omhuldad myt smulas sönder

En av Israelhatarnas mest omhuldade myter
smulas här sönder - av "primärmaterialet"
PA daily: Arabs left homes on their own to facilitate
destruction of Israel -- and thus became refugees
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
Palestinian Media Watch Bulletin
May 20, 2008

The Arabs who became refugees in 1948 were not expelled by Israel but left on their own to facilitate the destruction of Israel, according to a senior Palestinian journalist writing in a Palestinian daily. This plan to leave Israel was initiated by the Arab states fighting Israel, who promised the people they would be able to return to their homes in a few days once Israel was defeated. The article in Al-Ayyam concludes that these Arab states are responsible for the Arab refugee problem.

A backbone of Palestinian English-language propaganda is the myth that Israel expelled hundreds of thousands of Arabs from Israel and created Arab refugees. But in recent years, PMW has documented an increasing willingness among Palestinians to openly blame the Arab states and not Israel.

Following are five such statements of blame, starting with this most recent article and including testimony from refugees themselves and corroboration by Palestinian leaders. Clearly, there is a growing Palestinian willingness to blame the Arab leaders, which corroborates Israel's historical record.

1. Jawad Al Bashiti, Palestinian journalist in Jordan, writing in Al-Ayyam, May 13, 2008

"Remind me of one real cause from all the factors that have caused the "Palestinian Catastrophe" [the establishment of Israel and the creation of refugee problem], and I will remind you that it still exists... The reasons for the Palestinian Catastrophe are the same reasons that have produced and are still producing our Catastrophes today.
During the Little Catastrophe, meaning the Palestinian Catastrophe the following happened: the first war between Arabs and Israel had started and the "Arab Salvation Army" came and told the Palestinians: 'We have come to you in order to liquidate the Zionists and their state. Leave your houses and villages, you will return to them in a few days safely. Leave them so we can fulfill our mission (destroy Israel) in the best way and so you won't be hurt.' It became clear already then, when it was too late, that the support of the Arab states (against Israel) was a big illusion. Arabs fought as if intending to cause the "Palestinian Catastrophe". [Al-Ayyam, May 13 2008]

2. Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Palestinian Journalist in PA official daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, December 13, 2006

"...The leaders and the elites promised us at the beginning of the "Catastrophe" in 1948, that the duration of the exile will not be long, and that it will not last more than a few days or months, and afterwards the refugees will return to their homes, which most of them did not leave only until they put their trust in those "Arkuvian" promises made by the leaders and the political elites. Afterwards, days passed, months, years and decades, and the promises were lost with the strain of the succession of events..." [Term "Arkuvian," is after Arkuv - a figure from Arab tradition - who was known for breaking his promises and for his lies."] "
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, December 13, 2006]

3. Asmaa Jabir Balasimah, Woman who fled Israel in 1948, Al-Ayyam, May 16, 2006

"We heard sounds of explosions and of gunfire at the beginning of the summer in the year of the "Catastrophe" [1948]. They told us: The Jews attacked our region and it is better to evacuate the village and return, after the battle is over. And indeed there were among us [who fled Israel] those who left a fire burning under the pot, those who left their flock [of sheep] and those who left their money and gold behind, based on the assumption that we would return after a few hours."
[Al-Ayyam, May 16, 2006]

4. Son of man who fled in 1948, PA TV 1999

An Arab viewer called Palestinian Authority TV and quoted his father, saying that in 1948 the Arab District Officer ordered all Arabs to leave Palestine or be labeled traitors. In response, Arab MK Ibrahim Sarsur, then Head of the Islamic Movement in Israel, cursed those leaders, thus acknowledging Israel's historical record.

"Mr. Ibrahim [Sarsur]. I address you as a Muslim. My father and grandfather told me that during the "Catastrophe" [in 1948], our district officer issued an order that whoever stays in Palestine and in Majdel [near Ashkelon - Southern Israel] is a traitor, he is a traitor."

Response from Ibrahim Sarsur, now MK, then Head of the Islamic Movement in Israel:
"The one who gave the order forbidding them to stay there bears guilt for this, in this life and the Afterlife throughout history until Resurrection Day."
[PA TV April 30, 1999]

5. Fuad Abu Higla, senior Palestinian, Al-Hayat Al-Jadidah, March 19, 2001

Fuad Abu Higla, then a regular columnist in the official PA daily Al Hayat Al Jadida, wrote an article before an Arab Summit, which criticized the Arab leaders. One of the failures he cited, in the name of a prisoner, was that an earlier generation of Arab leaders "forced" them to leave Israel in 1948, again placing the blame for the flight on the Arab leaders.
"I have received a letter from a prisoner in Acre prison, to the Arab summit:
To the [Arab and Muslim] Kings and Presidents, poverty is killing us, the symptoms are exhausting us and the souls are leaving our body, yet you are still searching for the way to provide aid, like one who is looking for a needle in a haystack or like the armies of your predecessors in the year of 1948, who forced us to leave [Israel], on the pretext of clearing the battlefields of civilians...

So what will your summit do now?"
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 19, 2001]

It is clear from these statements that there is general acknowledgement among Palestinians that Arab leaders bear responsibility for the mass flight of Arabs from Israel in 1948, and were the cause of the "refugee" problem. Furthermore, the fact that this information has been validated by public figures and refugees in the Palestinian Authority media itself confirms that this responsibility is well-known - even though for propaganda purposes its leaders continue to blame Israel publicly for "the expulsion."

fredag, maj 23, 2008

Terrorbombaren på film

Nu kan ni se den islamistiske terror-
bombaren Nicky Reilly på film strax
efter att den hemmagjorda bomben rent
bokstavligt small i ansiktet på honom.
Under dagen har polisen också gripet
två av Reillys kumpaner, som tydligen
var lite för snabba med att sända ett

Hotad bloggare åter på slagfältet

Minns ni hur bloggaren Muslimska Friskolan
Nu kan vi med glädje hälsa honom välkommen
åter. Efter två veckors uppehåll är han till-
baka i bloggosfären, lika stridslysten som
alltid. Varje dag bjuds vi nya avslöjanden om
härvor kring Islamic Centre-koncernen,
Tack, Roger för dina insatser !

UPDATE: Den islamistiske bombmannen

Polisen har nu identifierat den islamistiske
bombmannen i Exeter. Han heter Nicky Reilly,
är 22 år och från grannstaden Plymouth.
Reilly konverterade nyligen till islam.
Polisen ger följande beskrivning av honom:
"Our investigation so far indicates Reilly, who
has a history of mental illness, had adopted
the Islamic faith. We believe despite his weak
and vulnerable illness he was preyed upon,
radicalised and taken advantage of."

torsdag, maj 22, 2008

Islamist spränger bomb på restaurant i Exeter

En ung islamist försökte vid lunchtid spränga
Restaurant Giraffe i Exeter ca 30 mil från London.
Mannen försökte armera en bomb på toaletten där
den exploderade i ansiktet på honom. Svårt skadad
sprang han då ut och försökte utlösa en andra bomb
bland förbipasserande utanför restauranten.
Gärningsmannen greps omedelbart av väktare och
polis. Enligt uppgifter från polisen är det en 22-årig
engelsman, som konverterat till islam. Bomben
var tillverkad av ett hemmagjort sprängämne och
"förstärkt" med spikar.

Arafat´s Children

Från WSJ i juni 2007, men
precis lika aktuellt fortfarande.....
Scores of Palestinians were killed this week in Gaza in factional fighting between loyalists of President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah and those of Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas. As if on cue, it took about 24 hours before pundits the world over blamed the violence on Israel and President Bush.

This is the Israel that dismantled its settlements in Gaza in August 2005, a unilateral concession for which it asked, and got, nothing in return. And it is the U.S. President who, in a landmark speech five years ago this month, called on Palestinians to "elect new leaders, leaders not compromised by terror." Had Palestinians done so, they could be living today in a peaceful, independent state. Instead, in January 2006 they freely handed the reins of government to Hamas in parliamentary elections. What is happening today is the result of that choice--their choice.

That election didn't simply emerge from a vacuum, however. It is a consequence of the cult of violence that has typified the Palestinian movement for much of its history and which has been tolerated and often celebrated by the international community. If Palestinians now think they can advance their domestic interests by violence, nobody should be surprised: The way of the gun has been paying dividends for 40 years.

In 1972 Palestinian terrorists murdered Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. Yet only two years later Yasser Arafat addressed the U.N.'s General Assembly--the first non-government official so honored. In 1970 Arafat attempted to overthrow Jordan's King Hussein and tried to do the same a few years later in Lebanon. Yet in 1980, the European Community, in its Venice Declaration, recognized Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization as a legitimate negotiating partner.

In 1973, the National Security Agency recorded Arafat's telephoned instructions to PLO terrorists to murder Cleo Noel, the U.S. ambassador in Sudan, and his deputy George Curtis Moore. Yet in 1993, Arafat was welcomed in the White House for the signing of the Oslo Accords with Israel. That same year, the British National Criminal Intelligence Service reported that the PLO made its money from "extortion, payoffs, illegal arms-dealing, drug trafficking, money laundering and fraud." Yet over the next several years, the Palestinian Authority would become the largest single recipient of foreign aid on a per capita basis.

In 1996, after he had formally renounced terrorism in the Oslo Accords, Arafat told a rally in Gaza that "we are committed to all martyrs who died for the cause of Jerusalem starting with Ahmed Musa until the last martyr Yihye Ayyash"--Musa being the first PLO terrorist to be killed in 1965 and Ayyash being the Hamas mastermind of a series of suicide bombings in which scores of Israeli civilians were killed. Yet the Clinton Administration continued to pretend that Arafat was an ally in the fight against Hamas. In 2000, Arafat rejected an Israeli offer of statehood midwifed by President Clinton and instead initiated the bloody intifada that left 1,000 Israelis and 3,000 Palestinians dead.

In 2005, only months after Arafat's death, Israel dismantled its settlements and withdrew its forces from the Gaza Strip. Palestinians have used the opportunity to intensify their rocket fire at civilian targets within Israel. Last month, Israeli security services arrested two Gazan women, one of them pregnant, who were planning to enter Israel on medical pretexts in order to carry out suicide attacks. Yet the same month, the World Bank issued a report faulting Israel for restricting Palestinian freedom of movement.

Now it appears Hamas has taken control of the Gaza Strip's main road and its border with Egypt, as well as the offices of the so-called Preventive Security Services, traditionally a Fatah stronghold. "They are executing them one by one," a witness told the Associated Press of Hamas's reprisals against the Preventive Security personnel.

We do not pretend to know where all this will lead. On Thursday, Mr. Abbas dissolved the government and declared a state of emergency, though he seems powerless to change the course of events in Gaza. Israel could conceivably intervene, as could Egypt, and both states have powerful reasons to prevent the emergence of a Hamastan with close links to Iran hard on their borders. But neither do they wish to become stuck in the Strip's bottomless factionalism and fanaticism.

At the same time, pressure will surely mount on Israel and the U.S. to accept Hamas's ascendancy and begin negotiations with its leaders. According to this reasoning, the Bush Administration cannot demand democracy of the Palestinians and then refuse to recognize the results of a democratic election.

But leave aside the fact that Mr. Bush did not simply call for an election: Is it wise to negotiate with a group that kills its fellow Palestinians almost as freely as it does Israelis? And what would there be to negotiate about? The best-case scenario--a suspension of hostilities in exchange for renewed international funding--would simply give Hamas time and money to consolidate its rule and rebuild an arsenal for future terror assaults. Then, too, the last thing the Palestinians need is yet further validation from the wider world that the violence they now inflict so indiscriminately works.

The deeper lesson here is that a society that has spent the last decade celebrating suicide bombing would inevitably become a victim of its own nihilistic impulses. This is not the result of Mr. Bush's call for democratic responsibility; it is the bitter fruit of the decades of dictatorship and terrorism as statecraft that Yasser Arafat instilled among Palestinians.

The Wall Street Journal

(Tack till Ralph för tipset !)

Reklam á la Malmö

Foto av en vägg i Malmö

20 års fängelse för Ahmed Essafri ?

Åklagaren kräver 20 års fängelse för
terrormisstänkte marockanen Ahmed
Essafri, afffärsman i Stockholm. De 26
åtalade har nära kopplingar till Al Qaeda.
Rättegången förväntas avslutas denna
"Moroccan prosecutors on Tuesday requested
a court to impose prison sentences of up to
25 years against a group of 26 people,
including a Swede of Moroccan origin,
found guilty of acting as "recruiting agents"
for Iraq, judicial sources said Wednesday.
"The prosecutor of the anti-terrorist tribunal
has requested for a 25-year prison term
against the Moroccan Khalid Ali Ould Tahar,
20 years imprisonment for six other people,
including Ahmed Essafri, a 54-year old Swede
of Moroccan origin, and 15 years for five other
defendants," said a judicial officer under
the cover of anonymity. The prosecutor
also appealed for 10 years imprisonment
sentences against 12 more people and less
than 5 years for the rest of the group,
according to the same source.
Dismantled in 2007, the al Qaida-linked
terror network was originally composed
of 27 people, including one who died a
natural death while in custody, according
to security sources".

Visst går terrorns trådar till Hizb ut-Tahrir !

Det är en omhuldad myt att Hizb ut-Tahrir
(HuT) är något slags ”fredliga islamister”.
”Islamologer” och andra överslätare säger:
- Visst har de ofta ett grovt språkbruk,
visst mordhotar de politiker och judar, visst
är de antisemiter, men de är aldrig inblandade
i terrorism.
Det är en ren lögn, visar
Lorenzo Vidino på Counter-
Terrorism Blog.
Det löper många trådar mellan HuT
och rena terrornätverk.


Säkerhetstjänsterna i Europa betraktar idag HuT som
“an organization operating at a “double level,” where
the political wing operates under the sun and the
military wing operates secretly, not differently from
groups such as ETA or the IRA.”


"Experts and government officials have
long debated the real nature of Hizb ut-Tahrir
(HT). Formed in 1953 in Jerusalem, the group
has now established a presence in virtually
all continents. It defines itself as a “political
party whose ideology is Islam” and openly
seeks the restoration of the Caliphate as its
main goal. The debate has always been on
whether HT is a movement that simply
aims at peacefully propagating its message,
a "conveyor belt" for extremism, or a group
directly employing violence.
In many Muslim countries, particularly in
Central Asia (see this report from the Uzbek
government, for example) and the Middle
East, the group is banned and authorities
accuse it of direct links to acts of terror.
HT members, on the other hand, have
constantly denied their involvement in
any violent act.
“We consider that Islamic law forbids
violence or armed struggle against the
regime as a method to re-establish
the Islamic State,” states the website
of HT’s British branch (one of its largest)".

Hög tid stoppa bidragen till UNRWA

Defund UNRWA
by Asaf Romirowsky

Washington Times, May 19, 2008

A few days ago an Israeli air strike killed a member of a Palestinian missile team that had been firing rockets from Gaza. Now the United Nations has come out with an unusual statement of bewilderment and utter shock as the truth has come out. The dead man, Awad al-Qiq, was a U.N. employee and headmaster of a top prep school in Gaza. He was also the chief rocket-maker for Islamic Jihad.

Mr. Al-Qiq — not surprisingly, a science teacher — worked for one of the schools run by the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Now that he is out of the rocket business, the employment of such a "respectable" individual by the sole U.N. agency devoted to Palestinian refugees deserves an explanation.

In a new report by the Global Research in International Affairs Center by this author and Professor Barry Rubin, "UNRWA: Refuge of Rejectionism," the case is made that this group is a major cause of the continued Arab-Israeli conflict, the incitement of a whole generation of Palestinians to terrorist violence and even the suffering of the refugees themselves.

The report's recommendation is simple and workable: UNRWA should be dissolved and its functions divided between the far more effective and depoliticized U.N. High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Since Hamas came to power in 2006, Palestinians in the new Islamic state of Gaza have been crying out for more and more UNRWA aid. Historically, UNRWA has been the main vehicle for the perpetuation of the Arab-Israeli conflict in the United Nations. Where once it was charged with resettling Palestinians, its explicit mandate in recent decades has been to maintain them in the camps where Arab states left them some 60 years ago. Education, health and limited vocational training are provided, just enough to keep Palestinians as "refugees." UNRWA is an apparatus that maintains the status quo — a huge bureaucracy with no incentive to move toward a resolution of the Palestinian refugee problem. This arrangement is ripe for abuse.

As one of the largest employers in the host countries with Palestinian refugee camps, UNRWA is staffed mainly by local Palestinians — more than 23,000 of them, with only about 100 international U.N. professionals. The pattern of hiring within the served population is unique in the U.N. system. By contrast, UNICEF (to cite one example) avoids employing locals who are also recipients of agency services, considering it a conflict of interest. UNRWA bureaucracy has created an infrastructure for Palestinian dependency. Refugees, now in their third generation, rely on the services UNRWA provides and have no incentives to plan or implement solutions that may endanger their livelihood by rendering UNRWA's services obsolete.

It was under the leadership of former UNRWA Commissioner Peter Hansen that the organization's complicity with terror was openly exposed. In a statement to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Mr. Hansen admitted: "I am sure that there are Hamas members on the UNRWA payroll " and I don't see that as a crime."

As Hamas' genocidal agenda has become impossible to cover up, UNRWA has now resorted to professions of shock and promises of "zero tolerance." For some UNRWA's affiliation with terrorism is not a detraction but an added value that shows "diversity." As Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said professor of Arab studies at Columbia University, notes, "humanitarian and charitable institutions throughout Palestine employ personnel regardless of sectarian or political affiliation and offer services on a similar basis. Thus, UNRWA, NGO-run institutions [and] public hospitals and clinics, for example, employ members of different political groups such as Fatah, the [Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine], Hamas and Islamic Jihad, without reference to their belonging to a specific group."

As we look for ways to crack down on terrorism and terrorist activity, looking at UNRWA is a good start. American taxpayer dollars fund approximately one-third of UNRWA's operating budget. UNRWA provides food, medicine, economic aid, jobs, radical education, political opportunities, and even logistical assistance to Hamas and other extremist groups. UNRWA's budget, which exceeds $365 million, is funded by many nations, but the United States and other Western nations are the largest contributors.

Cutting off UNRWA's budget would be detrimental to Hamas in Gaza, which would be forced to either provide services to Palestinians or admit it has no intention of doing so. It would also send an important message to the United Nations, which perpetuates the Palestinian refugee problem and lends legitimacy to groups like Hamas through UNRWA's continued existence.

Transferring UNRWA's services to other agencies, notably the High Commission for Refugees, which has a long and productive experience, would be another important move. And lastly, actually having the Palestinian Authority take responsibility for the social services if it is to truly govern the Palestinian people would send a signal to all parties that a future state of Palestine would be prepared to live in peace with its neighbors and itself.

onsdag, maj 21, 2008

Så firade vi Israel 60 år

Firandet av Israels 60 års-dag börjar
nu klinga av. Kollegan Rogntudjuu!
har gjort en första sammanställning
över vad som skrivits i Sverige under
dessa dagar. Ledare, upprop, debatt-
artiklar etc.

Söndagens manifestation för Israel i Göteborg
med över 500 deltagare var den största solidaritets-
yttringen i sitt slag i Sverige. Bertil Adania lägger
efterhand ut foton och filmer från den på sin blogg.

Har Du inte läst uppropet på

Vi firar Israels 60- årsdag

så gör det !

Islamister bakom attentatsförsök i Oskarshamn ?

Två män är anhållna för förberedelse
till sabotage i samband med händelsen
vid kärnkraftverket i Oskarshamn i
förmiddags. Upprinnelsen var när en
man stoppades vid ingången till OKG
med en påse som hade spår av spräng-
ämnen. Det rör sig om det hemmagjorda
TATP, som de senaste åren varit populärt
bland olika islamistgrupper, senast
i danska terroraffärerna i Vollsmose
Avedöre/Glasvej i Köpenhamn.
Polisen har ännu inte avslöjat något
om gärningsmännens bakgrund mer
än att de är tillfälligt inhyrda av en
underentrepenör till OKG, 53 respektive
44 år gamla och tidigare kända av
polisen. Om det rör sig om islamistiska
kriminella är fortfarande okänt,
men får väl ses som en initierad


tisdag, maj 20, 2008

Ny islamistisk terrorgrupp i Marocko och Belgien

Moroccan security services have arrested
11 people accused of plotting attacks in
Morocco and Belgium and having links to
Iraq's insurgency, the Moroccan state news
agency reported Monday.
The suspects are accused of having links
to cells sending fighters to Iraq's insurgency
and to camps of an Algeria-based militant group
that calls itself Al-Qaida in Islamic North Africa.
The report said authorities believe the suspects
were planning attacks in Morocco
and Belgium, without elaborating.

måndag, maj 19, 2008

EU undergräver demokratin i Israel

EU-byråkratin använder hundratals miljoner
inte bara till att finansiera islamistisk terrorism
utan också till att sponsra kommunistiska
organisationer som undergräver demokratin
i Israel, avslöjar Wall Street Journal.

"In the 60 years of Israeli independence, relations with Europe have gone through phases of cooperation as well as conflict. Some of the recent friction results from hidden European Union funding for anti-Israel "civil society organizations." While supposedly promoting peace and coexistence, these groups often preach division and confrontation. The secrecy of the NGO funding process also stands in sharp contrast to the EU's pious claims of transparency and accountability. There is no central database on NGO funding and many EU officials contacted proved unwilling or unable to provide any information.

Among the recipients are a number of Israeli political groups that focus on allegations of human rights abuses, such as Machsom Watch and B'tselem. They diligently take down every Palestinian complaint at face value and write inflammable reports castigating Israel as the aggressor. They do so by leaving out essential context, such as the constant Palestinian terror attacks that prompt the criticized Israeli policies, including road blocks and incursions, in the first place."


Ny EU-rapport om islamistisk terrorism

EUROPOL är en myndighet som överraskar,
För bara en månad sedan skrev jag om den
lite intressant statistik, men knappast en
tillstymmelse till analys.
Nu kom den nya TE-SAT-rapporten 2008
med ett riktigt hyggligt försök till analys.
Gripna islamister i EU 2007:
Belgien 9
Bulgarien 4
Cypern 2
Danmark 9
Frankrike 91
Irland 0
Italien 21
Nederländerna 4
Portugal 1
Rumänien 1
Slovakien 1
Spanien 48
Storbritannien *
Sverige 2
Tyskland 3
Österrike 5
totalt 201(exkl UK)
* Storbritannien rapporterar endast
en total på 203 gripna, där huvuddelen
är misstänkta för islamistiska terrorbrott.

"The UK reported a significant and increasing
number of suspects that are under investigation
on suspicion of Islamist terrorism. At the time of
the 11 September 2001 attacks in the US, approx.
250 Islamists were under investigation on charges
of terrorism in the UK. Since then, there has been
a major increase in numbers: from 500 people
under investigation in July 2004, the figure
reached 1,600 by the end of 2006. In November
2007, the British Security Service was looking at
no fewer than 2,000 individuals posing a direct
threat to national security."
"The number of suspects arrested for recruitment
increased in 2007. Twenty-nine individuals were
arrested in four member states: Belgium, Rumania,
Spain and Sweden. The majority of those arrested
were suspected of recruitment for jihad in Iraq.
One of the suspects was arrested for recruitment
on behalf of AQIM."
"The member states continue to report on EU
nationals and residents who are being recruited
for jihad in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2007, Iraq
attracted the largest number of recruits from EU
member states. In Belgium, an investigation into
the recruitment of suicide bombers for Iraq
revealed a network of intermediaries for al-Qaeda
spread across Europe and the Middle East. The
investigation started in 2005 after a Belgian
woman became the first European female suicide
bomber in Iraq."
"Routes and logistics to smuggle recruits from
France, Spain and Italy to Iraq continue to be
dominated by North African Islamists. North
African cells in Europe were also found to be
recruiting young EU nationals for training in North
or West Africa. In June 2007, three Moroccans
were arrested in Spain attempting to transfer
recruits to training camps in the Sahel region."
"In France, police and intelligence services found
increasing evidence that Somalia is becoming a
new alternative destination for people willing to
fight jihad. In early 2007, UK authorities estimated
that British passport holders fighting with the
Islamists in Somalia were “in their dozens”.There
are also indications that terrorist training and
planning of attacks—with a focus on the UK—is
taking place in Somalia."

söndag, maj 18, 2008

Ben-Gurion utropar staten Israel

David Ben-Gurion utropar 14 maj 1948

staten Israel


Israel celebrates 60

Israels Nya Väktare

En läsvärd artikel av Caroline Glick
24 mars 2008

Moshav Tzipori, in the Lower Galilee, is a microcosm of the history of the Land of Israel. A regional capital under King Herod, Tzipori was the seat of Jewish learning and the preservation of the Torah through some of the most tumultuous periods of Jewish history.

After the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, refugees from Jerusalem fled to the Galilean town. Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi, who presided over the writing of the Mishna, or oral law, moved to Tzipori from Beit Shearim, and it was there that he codified the six books of the Mishna and died.

The Jews of Tzipori revolted against the Roman Emperor Constantine, refusing to accept Christianity and the city was destroyed. The Jews later returned during the Islamic period. On and off, for the next millennia, Jews settled, were forcibly removed and resettled the city several times under various conquerors of Israel.

During the 1948 War of Independence, the ancient city was the site of a major battle between the new Israel Defense Force and the neighboring Arab villages assisted by invading forces from Syria and Lebanon. The Arabs were routed. In 1949, Moshav Tzipori was founded.

LAST FRIDAY afternoon, the struggle for Jewish control of Tzipori, the Galilee and the Land of Israel as a whole continued on the ancient ground. On that quiet afternoon of Purim, under the blistering sun, three horses stood happily grazing in a field of shrubs and grasses. The only problem with the otherwise pastoral scene was that the horses belong to Arab squatters from the Kablawi clan. In recent years, the Kablawis have built themselves an illegal village of some 20 houses masquerading as storage containers on stolen Jewish National Fund land adjacent to Tzipori's fields. The horses, who entered through a hole cut into the field's fence, pranced about and ate, destroying the field that was painstakingly cultivated for the moshav's cattle herds.

The farmers and ranchers of the Galilee, like their counterparts in the Negev are at wits' end. Fearing Arab riots or political condemnation by the Israeli Left, Arab leaders, the Islamic Movement and their allies abroad, the police and the state prosecutors have simply stopped enforcing the laws against the Galilee and Negev Arabs. Surrounded by increasingly hostile and lawless Arab and Beduin villages, local Jews' livestock and crops are continuously plundered.

They are faced with three equally unacceptable options for contending with this state of affairs. They can do nothing and let their livelihood and lives' work be destroyed. They can pay protection money to Arab criminal gangs, who in exchange agree not to rob them. Or they can try to sell off their lands and abandon agriculture altogether.

The obvious recourse - filing a complaint with the police - is an exercise in futility. Thousands of complaints are filed each year. Almost none of them end in indictments or trials. Most of the files are closed by the police due to "lack of public interest."

ON FRIDAY, the field in question belonged to a cattle rancher named Haim Z. Over the past few years, Haim has filed more than 250 complaints against local Arabs from the Kablawi family and from neighboring Arab villages like the Islamist stronghold Mashad with the police. None have ever gone anywhere. Last year, a helpful police officer recommended that Haim simply start paying protection money.

Last year Haim told his son that he had had it. The son of the moshav's founding generation, Haim said that he just couldn't go on anymore. The state's refusal to protect Jewish property rights had forced him to devote all of his energies to playing cat and mouse games with Arab poachers. He couldn't invest in his herd. He couldn't develop his land. All he could do was sit by and watch as year in and year out, his lands were plundered, his cattle stolen and the work of his life and his father's life was destroyed.

HIS SON, a 23 year old soldier in one of the IDF's elite commando units decided that it was up to him not only to save his father's farm, but to stem the tide of Arab infringement on Jewish land and property rights. Due to his position in the IDF, his name is classified. We'll call him J - for Jew.

In response to his father's desperation, J. took a storage container to a hilltop that overlooks Tzipori's fields, the surrounding Arab villages and the access routes to the moshav's fields. He placed a sofa, a bookshelf full of Jewish history books, religious texts and philosophy classics, and canned food inside and moved in during his furloughs from the army. Rather than hang out with his friends, he began standing guard. He confronted every Arab he caught infiltrating the moshav's fields, and both filed complaints with the police and chased them away.

Given his impossible schedule, J. enlisted his friends to help out. The sons of other desperate farmers, who also serve in combat units, they joined him enthusiastically. Within months, J. had set up an organization of more than a hundred young volunteers - soldiers, college students, and high school students from his moshav, other moshavim in the lower Galilee and surrounding non-agricultural communities.

He called the organization, Hashomer Hayisraeli Hahadash - or the New Israeli Guardsmen. The original Hashomer, or Guardsmen was established in the Galilee in 1909 for the same purpose - protecting Jewish farming communities from Arab marauders who demanded protection money from the farmers. It was the progenitor of the Haganah, which in turn, became the Israel Defense Force.

As J. puts it, "We're not simply a security service. We see ourselves as a new movement. Our activities rest on three foundations: securing the land, expanding our operations throughout the Galilee and the Negev, and teaching Zionist and Jewish values to our members, our communities and the general public."

TZIPORI, ONE of the stops of the Cross Israel Hiking Trail, is a popular destination for school groups, youth groups and just regular hikers. J. has organized visits to his guard post for thousands of hikers over the past year. During their visits the hikers listen to lectures about the New Guardsmen, about the Jewish history of the Galilee and the development of agriculture in the area, and topics of general interest provided by local residents, politicians and professors.

Friday afternoon, after noticing another encroachment on his father's field, J. called the police at the Nazareth police station. Joined by two of his fellow guardsmen, who are also sons of farmers and soldiers in commando units, they waited in the sun for over an hour for the police to arrive and planned their moves. They approached the horses with reins and bits.

"We will seize the horses and bring them back to our stable. If the Kablawis pay the damages, then I'll give them back, if not, I'll sell them," J. explained.

As the young men approached the horses, Yasser Kablawi, the head of the clan appeared. According to Haim, over the past year, the Kablawis have trampled his fields with their animals on more than 20 occasions.

Haim, who arrived at the scene some 10 minutes before the police made their grand appearance turned toward Kablawi and said, "Why are you doing this?"

"This land belongs to the JNF, not to you," Kablawi said.

"Why are you lying? I sat in your home with the JNF inspector months ago, and he told you straight that this is my land. You know you are stealing from me, and you're doing it while you're illegally squatting on JNF land. You've caused me tens of thousands of shekels in damages by trampling my fields today alone, and you know it."

By the time the police arrived, J. and his friends had roped one of the horses. Kablawi was joined by three grandsons and four sons. J. was joined by another seven Guardsmen. It was a standoff.

THE POLICE, who were informed of the presence of a journalist at the scene, acted with some resolution. After speaking with the JNF inspector, they explained to Kablawi that he could either sign a statement acknowledging that the land belongs to Haim and that he would be arrested if he trespassed again, or they would allow Haim to seize his horses. Kablawi signed.

J.'s activism is not just a personal quest to save his father from economic ruin. "If it were just about me and my family, my brother and I could take care of the thieves. They'd leave us alone. But then they'd just move on to our neighbors. It isn't about one family. This is a question of control over the land of Israel. The state is weak. We need to be strong if we want to remain here."

Last month, J. registered the Guardsman as a non-profit organization. He has a grand vision for the future.

"In the space of just a few months, I have brought in thousands of people, exposed them to our mission. I have more than a 100 volunteer guards. We have reduced theft by 80 percent.

"I want to raise money to buy night vision goggles and some all terrain vehicles to do proper patrols. I'd like to be able to give students scholarships so that they can guard and study at the same time. I've been in touch with farmers and ranchers in the Negev and they are anxious for us to expand to the south. I believe that within five years, the Guardsmen can end the protection rackets."

BACK IN June 2005, then vice premier Ehud Olmert gave an American audience his opinion of the Israeli people. "We are tired of fighting, we are tired of being courageous, we are tired of winning, we are tired of defeating our enemies," he whined.

Young people like J. and his colleagues, secular, yet deeply rooted Jewish sons and daughters of Galilee and Negev farmers, like their religious friends prove everyday that Olmert was not speaking for his countrymen. Whatever messes Olmert and his colleagues in the government still manage to make before they are finally thrown from office, it is absolutely clear that these young people and millions like them are willing and able to clean them up for themselves, their countrymen, and for the next generation of Jews in the land of Israel.

Vi firar Israels 60-årsdag !

Den 5 Ijar år 5708 i den hebreiska kalendern vilket motsvaras av den 14 maj 1948 i den gregorianska kalendern, återupprättades den judiska staten omkring 1900 år efter att romarna ockuperade och förstörde den antika judiska staten och dess huvudstad Jerusalem.

Medan Romarriket, Babylonien, antika Egypten och andra mäktiga imperier är begravda i historien har den judiska nationen mot alla odds återupprättats som en modern stat med Jerusalem åter som sin huvudstad i sina förfäders hemland. Detta vill vi fira.

I nära 2000 år har generationer av judar i exil från Sevilla i väster till Bagdad i öster, från Kairo i söder till Warszawa i norr uttalat orden ”nästa år i Jerusalem” och drömt om att återvända hem till sina förfäders hemland Israel. Det hebreiska språket vars användningsområde i exil begränsades främst till bön och korrespondens mellan ett fåtal judiska lärda, är idag åter motorn i en blomstrande hebreisk kultur och ett levande modersmål åt nära sex miljoner judar i den återupprättade judiska staten. Detta vill vi fira.

Den moderna och internationellt ofta isolerade judiska staten har mot alla odds under 60 år överlevt sju arabiska aggressionskrig, kontinuerlig arabisk terror, lögnaktig hatpropaganda och internationella bojkotter. Under samma tid har det judiska folket vandrat den långa stigen, från total försvarslöshet och ett beroende av andras välvilja och skapat en stark försvarsmakt som den yttersta garanten för det judiska folkets fortsatta existens. Detta vill vi fira.

Det moderna Israel har under sex korta decennier förvandlats från ett fattigt jordbruksland till en dynamisk ekonomi samt världens viktigaste centrum för högteknologisk innovation och forskning. Den judiska
statens medborgare är idag bland de mest välutbildade och kreativa i världen med fler vetenskapsmän, ingenjörer och läkare per capita än något annat land i världen. Detta vill vi fira.

Den moderna judiska staten har under sex korta decennier absorberat och blivit ett värdigt hem åt tre miljoner judiska immigranter och deras barn samt barnbarn. Bland dessa återfinns majoriteten av de av
omvärlden ignorerade 900 000 utblottade, etniskt rensade judiska flyktingarna från arabvärlden vars omfattande egendomar och ägodelar konfiskerades av arabländerna. Vidare har hundratusentals traumatiserade judiska överlevande från Förintelsen i Europa och förföljda judar från världens alla hörn fått ett värdigt hem i Israel. Detta vill vi fira.

Det moderna Israel har utvecklat en demokrati av högsta västerländska standard och blivit en stabil ö av frihet och humanism åt alla oavsett etniskt ursprung, kön och religion, mitt i en orolig ocean av despotism, intolerans och barbari. Detta vill vi fira.

Den moderna judiska staten har genom flera generationers hårt arbete återuppodlat ökenområden, planterat otaliga miljoner träd till skogar och dränerat malariasjuka sumpmarker vilket gagnat både människor och
djurfauna. Detta har resulterat i att Israel blivit en grön oas som utifrån rymden lyser som en grön smaragd i en övervägande karg ökenregion. Detta vill vi fira.

Trots de kontinuerliga existentiella hoten mot Israel, så har den judiska statens förhoppningar om en varaktig fred inte släckts. Det judiska folket fortsätter att sträcka fram en hand för en sann fred och samarbete med alla grannar. Medan det judiska folket mödosamt väntar på att den gamla bibliska profetian om att lejon och lamm skall leva fredligt sida vid sida skall realiseras, har det judiska folket i sitt självständiga och återupprättade hemland dragit lärdom av sin historia och transformerats från ett försvarslöst lamm till en stark men fredlig nation som är fast besluten att Masada skall aldrig mer falla. Detta vill vi fira.

Vi vill fira detta genom att önska staten Israel ett stort grattis på 60-årsdagen som återupprättad familjemedlem bland världens demokratiska nationer.

Må de kommande 60 åren inbringa ännu mer av demokratisk, ekonomisk, kulturell och vetenskaplig utveckling samt en genuin och permanent fred för Israel och dess grannar i Mellanöstern.

(texten i uppropet formulerad av Daniel Krygier)

1 Bo Sallmander (ordf i Zionit)
2 Bengt-Ove Andersson
3 Ingalill Sallmander
4 Ilya Meyer
5 Torbjörn Karfunkel, doktorand, Göteborg
6 Josef Zorski, läkare
7 Mats Olofsson
8 Sigmund Waserbrot
9 Alf Norbäck
10 Lennart Eriksson
11 Birgitta Janai, Sverige/Israel
12 Ron Tennenbaum
13 Helena Isaksson
14 Bertil Adania
15 Jerzy Wasserman Professor Med. Dr
16 Peter Kádár
17 Marcus Benjamin Henriksson, Göteborg
18 Susanne Krygier
19 Josef Krygier
20 Alexander Krygier, statsvetenskapsstudent, fri tänkare, Israel
21 Oded Meiri (ordf i Fred i Mellanöstern)
22 Wlodek Richter, Stockholm
23 Dmitri Vasserman, (Systemutvecklare, bloggare och fri debattör)
24 Juliusz Brzezinski, professor em. i matematik
25 Livia Fränkel, V.ordf. Föreningen Förintelsens Överlevande
26 Maria Linde
27 Lisa M. Cohn, Ekonom, Stockholm
28 Dag Selander, red. FiM-bloggen
29 Daniel Krygier, Civilekonom, V. ordf FIDIM, fri debattör, Köpenhamn
30 Ralph Haglund, fil.lic. Lund
31 Mi Grandin, Frilansskribent
32 Eva Hermelius
33 Kent Ekeroth
34 Mikael Hirschberg, läkarstuderande, Stockholm
35 Alexander Gonn
36 Ted Ekeroth, civ ing, ordf FIDIM, Lund
37 Eric Gottlieb, Leg. Optiker
38 Andreas Körösi , VD Sabraexpress
39 Annette Westöö
40 Sofia Sudit
41 Lev Sudit
42 Kristina Kockum, socionom
43 Amos Griner, Civ.Ing.
44 Robert Weintraub, enhetschef BlåHuset
45 Peter Wistingsgård-Johansson
46 Johan Gustafson
47 K G Jan Gustafson, Professor Emeritus
48 Franz T. Cohn, redaktör
49 Eva Cohn
50 Leopold Rapoport
51 Martin Blecher
52 Folke Holtz, Mag i religionshistoria och Teol. Kand.
53 Lotta Jansson sjukgymnast
54 Jan Owen Jansson professor
55 Fred Goldberg, docent
56 Ulf Birnik, pol.mag., Stockholm
57 Evie-Lou, Stockholm
58 Gunilla Davin
59 Peter K Guter
60 Emilia Rotstein, läkare
61 Berit Levy
62 Daniel Epstein
63 Thomas Grünwald
64 Mikael Fligman
65 Allan Rubin
66 Eva Rubin
67 Kay Birnik
68 Dora Weinberg
69 Martin Weinberg
70 Peter Birenstam
71 Olle Wernering
72 David Wernering, Företagare
73 Tommy Klatzkow
74 Eva Portnoff-Klatzkow
75 Estera Wernering, läkare
76 Olle Wernering, civiling.
77 Katarina Warman
78 Michal Bron Jr, Uppsala
79 Andres Lempira
80 Sarah Rinkel
81 Carl-Axel Liebermann
82 Tommy Wernering, Redaktör
83 Judith Bergman, jur kand, Köpenhamn
84 Salomo Berlinger (f.d. ordförande i Judiska Församlingen, Stockholm)
85 Marianne Ahrne
86 Beatrice Sommerfeld
87 Peter Revesz
88 Marianne Wolff
89 Zvi Wirschubsky, leg läk.. Dr med sc.
90 Yvonne Ekdahl,matkreatör
91 Boris Fogelman, Film composer, Stockholm
92 Svante Erhardson
93 Aira Edelmann
94 Yrjö Edelmann, konstnär
95 Dan & Britt Nilsson, (Samfundet Sverige-Israel Dalarna)
96 Filippa von Platen, (Samfundet Sverige-Israel Malmö)
97 Dr Bo Kuritzén leg. läkare (MD), Stockholm
98 Alexander Stolin, professor, Göteborg
99 Martin Telinius, statsvetare
100 Markus Stettiner, Kristianstad
101 Albert Feldman, Stockholm
102 Irena Feldman, Stockholm
103 Salek Altauz, Stockholm
104 Flora Belostotska, Stockholm
105 Roman Belostotski, Stockholm
106 Borys Wolynski, Stockholm
107 Jerzy Cwifeld, Stockholm
108 Danny Nadler, Göteborg
109 Elena Leytman, socionom, Stockholm
110 Marina Kurzina, Stockholm
111 Jan Tencer, Lund
112 Maria Tencer, Lund
113 Boguslaw Stocki, Stockholm
114 Larisa Tireshina, Stockholm
115 Vadim Tirechin, Stockholm
116 Genja Tireshina, Stockholm
117 Mila Andelman, Stockholm
118 Boris Andelman, Stockholm
119 Tanja Andelman, Stockholm
120 Viktor Andelman, Stockholm
121 Lena Milstein, Stockholm
122 Olga Flis, psykoterapeut, Stockholm
123 Annika Richter, Stockholm
124 Björn Iggsten, Stockholm
125 Henryk Rozenberg, redaktör, Lund
126 Ilia Vasserman, Systemutvecklare, Stockholm.
127 Mats Olofsson, Stockholm
128 Camilla Olofsson, Stockholm
129 Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein, student
130 Claude Kayat, Författare
131 Jerzy Lewin
132 Carinne Sjöberg
133 Jerry Hollenberg, IT konsult
135 Robert Szigeti, docent, barnläkare
136 Barbara Rubinstein
137 Jan Vladimir Lapter
138 Helena Marder
139 Edward Ejdelman
140 Michael Feigin
141 Oliver Gindin
142 Peter Winitsky
143 Lars Grünberger
144 Helene Sommerfeld
145 Joanna Lagberg
146 Dan Fransson
147 Ulf Sallmander
148 Catherine Sallmander Prien
149 Charlotte Falck
150 Katarina Warman
151 Margarete Nudel
152 Stefan Levy
153 Caroline Sallmander Ternstrand
154 Ingvar Haskel
155 Sissy Haskel
156 Lisa Abramowicz, Svensk Israel-information
157 Ben Benson
158 Daniel Ram
159 Irene Lederhausen,
160 Max Belchat
161 Barbara Kolovsky
162 Anita Burg,
163 Björn Axellie, Sverige/Israel
164 Eva Grünberger, Stockholm
165 Ernst Salamon, Stockholm
166 Joj Lind, London
167 Bo Lind
168 Isa Lind, London
169 Piotr Blaszkowski; Stockholm
170 Anders Hallbäck, Stockholm
171 Henrik Rak, Stockholm
172 Eva Adler, Lidingö
173 Jan Grünberger, Sollentuna
174 Ingegerd Grünberger, Sollentuna
175 Berith Niburg, Stockholm
176 Charlie Niburg,Stockholm
177 Flora Belostotska, Stockholm
178 Bertil Davin
179 Jakob Gorsetman, läkare
180 Göran Wennergren, professor, Göteborg
181 Adam Ilicki, läkare
182 Adam Erdheim, civ. ing. , Stockholm
183 Bronia Feldman, Stockholm
184 Jakob Feldman, Stockholm
185 Jozef Lieb, Köpenhamn/Danmark
186 Anna Sierczynska, anestesiolog, Frederiksberg/Danmark
187 Mietek Szyber, Stockholm
188 Olga Szyber, Stockholm
189 Wieslaw Kochanski, Stockholm
190 Wiktor Drukier, Köpenhamn/Danmark
191 Julian Better, Stockholm
192 Ewa Better, Stockholm
193 Ada Werkelius, Stockholm
194 Simon Fish, Köpenhamn/Danmark
195 Marek Kiesler, civ. ing.
196 Tomasz Jozefowicz, Hvidovre/Danmark
197 Hans C Pettersson jur kand, Malmö
198 Karin Rebel
199 Jonas Tovi, distr läk, med dr
200 Daniel Huberman läkare
201 René Jacobs
202 Rose Lagercrantz
203 Hugo Lagercrantz
204 Elisabeth Goldstein, Stockholm
205 Solweig Lewin socionom, Eslöv
206 Henry Nordin, föreståndare för Israels Vänner
207 Eva-Britta Sundkvist, Boliden
208 Alfons Sundkvist, Boliden
209 Mona Erichsén
210 Jörgen U Bengtsson, präst, Svenska kyrkan, Lunds stift
211 Helena Huberman, tandläkare
212 Sofia Zorski, sjuksköterska
213 Vilmos Rényi, Stockholm
214 Wlodek Launberg, Stockholm
215 Britt Muschel, Stockholm
216 Samuel Muschel, Stockholm
217 Ryszard Konar, civ. ing. ,Stockholm
218 Maria Tendler, Malmö
219 Aron Tendler, Malmö
220 David Tendler, Malmö
221 Ignacy Szymchowicz, Köpenhamn/Danmark
222 Anna Konar, Stockholm
223 Ita Erdheim, leg. läkare, Stockholm
224 Rosalie Holmgren
225 Arne Holmgren
226 Dora Goldfarb
227 Lilian Rosenwald
228 Izydor Rosenwald
229 Roman Gotlib, Lund
230 Jadwiga Gotlib ,Hultsfred
231 Wanda Aleksandrowicz,Lund
232 Tatjana Gromakowa, Tjeljabinsk
233 Jolanta Widen
234 Lola Baral
235 Maria Rendell
236 Ludvig Rendell
237 Benny Epsten
238 Stephanie Epsten
239 Mats Olofsson
240 Leona Rapoport
241 Olga Rumyantseva, läkare, Lerum
242 Bertil Rossel, Pensionär
243 Shelly Rothschild
244 Willy Salomon, Israel/Sverige
245 Berit Salomon Israel/Sverige
246 Paul Movschenson, fd överläkare, Röda korsets center
247 Anki Luschan-Birnik, Stockholm
248 Jan-Eric Blecher
249 Elise Blecher
250 Leif Birnik, Göteborg
251 Ragnar Fridman, Linköping
252 Thomas Bloch, Stockholm
253 Britt-Marie Fridman, Stockholm
254 Ivona Gerber
255 Mikael Schvili
256 Sara Olinius
257 Robert Olinius
258 Lennart Eriksson
259 Nina Garpenlind, Malmö
260 Sigmund Waserbrot
261 Marion Wiener, producent
262 Miriam Knudtzon, journalist
263 Susanne Metzger, Överläkare
264 Henry Metzger, Företagsledare
265 Dorotha Eliasik
266 Dorota Gruszka Malmö
267 Helena Michlewicz-Kalisz, leg. Läkare, Stockholm
268 Klara Sigvardsson, Örebro IT-handläggare
269 Zosia Gorski, Köpenhamn/Danmark
270 Alex Gorski, Köpenhamn/Danmark
271 Mattias Lewandowski, Rånne/Danmark
272 Michael Orbuch, Köpenhamn/Danmark
273 Rosa Bornstein, Lidingö
274 Jozef Bornstein, Lidingö
275 Stanislaw Rodau
276 Gönenc Ertem, Journalist
277 Jonas Vogel, Tågmästare, Göteborg
278 Ulrika Holmström
279 Regina Feierberg
280 Lilian Rosenwald
281 Boris Bystritski, MD, Vällingby
282 Anna de Tusch-Lec, cand.hort, Köpenhamn/Danmark
283 Jerry Bergman, reporter, Köpenhamn/Danmark
284 Bernard Bernhol, Täby
285 Dr. Jacob Rendell, forskare, Lehavim, Israel
286 Hannah Rendell, konstnar, Lehavim, Israel
287 Victor Swiecicki, Santa Clarita, CA, USA
288 Birgitta Eriksson
289 Peter Kockum
290 Wlodzimierz Konar, New York
291 Barbro Posner
292 Ewa Krygier-Walden
293 Natan Walden
294 Catarina R Dohlsten, Civ Ek, Läkare
295 Ruslana Faingersh, civilingenjör
296 Borys Faingersh, civilingenjör
297 Susanne Thorell, Göteborg
298 Mikael Rendell, studerande, Bournemouth, England
299 Siewert Öholm, journalist
300 Annelie Enochson, riksdagsledamot
301 Mikael Romanus

302 Carl-Johan Rudman, präst Rättvik
303 Henrik L Barvå, redaktör, Karlstad
304 Jolanta Bajll, Köpenhamn/Danmark
305 Julian Bajll, Köpenhamn/Danmark
306 Mriam Mozel Ostrom
307 Kristina Horowitz, Köpenhamn/Danmark
308 Vladislav Mints
309 Marcus Waserbrot, studerande, Göteborg
310 Friedrich Hilliges
311 Ella Hilliges
312 Hans W. Levy, f.d. ordf. Gbgs Jud. Förs
313 Lilo Levy
314 Irena Cynkier, tekn Dr, överlevande från Holocaust, (f.d. ordförande i Judiska Föreningen i Uppsala), Uppsala
315 Artur Klamer, Göteborg
316 Alexandre Tchekhov
317 Paul Wechselblatt
318 Sabina Kajdman
319 Aron Kajdman
320 Sharon Kajdman
321 Martin Cohn
322 Natha Ferrigan-Oz
323 Vincent Ferrigan-Oz
324 Sam Rotstein
325 Lola Piasecka
326 Ulrika Holmstrom
327 Adam Johannisborg
328 Isabella Johannisborg
329 Elizabeth Konar
330 Ulla Grunberger
331 Helena Kazarina
332 Eva Yaron
333 Rita Lippman
334 Ulf Swenzen
335 Cathrine Swenzen