fredag, februari 17, 2017

Kan islam fungera i Sverige ?

 En intressant debatt i Svensk Webb-TV
kring den viktiga frågan
Debattörernas svar kan sammanfattas som
"En kult som fryst fast i 600-talets
Arabiska öknen måste kollidera
med det moderna samhället" 
"Efterlyser slöjförbud i svenska skolor
för att inte tvinga på barnen islamistiska
"I moskéer ber man för jihad, befäster
ett hat mot Västerlandet och försöker
relativisera jihadistiska dåd."
"Islam FUNGERAR inte någonstans i
världen, men det kommer att finnas
muslimer i Sverige under överskådlig tid."

Se debatten och fundera !

Om en annan konsekvens av islams
segertåg i Sverige berättar


måndag, februari 13, 2017

Judisk politiker döms för att ha avslöjat terrorist

Finn Rudaizky var tidigare ordförande i Judiska
Församlingen i Köpenhamn. Han var under trettiosju
år medlem i socialdemokraterna, men lämnade partiet
i protest mot att man accepterade aktiva islamister
som medlemmar.
Numera representerar han konservativa Dansk
Folkeparti i Köpenhamns kommun.
Omar al-Husseini begick i februari 2015
två terrordåd mot ett möte på Krudtönden
och senare mot Synagogan.
Terroristen  försökte skjuta Lars Vilks, men 
mördade istället Finn Nörgaard, åhörare på
Vilksmötet, och synagogans väktare Dan Uzan.
Dan Uzan räddade genom sitt hjältemod
över 80 människor inne i Synagogan.
Han hyllades för dådet i flera moskéer och begravningen
samlade stora människomassor, framförallt från de
kriminella och islamistiska shariagängen i Köpenhamn,
men även från Muslimska Brödraskapet. 
Hans uppdragsgivare Kalifatet Irak/Syrien hyllade
honom med en film på nätet.
Finn Rudaizky upptäckte att Köpenhamns social-
förvaltningen sedan länge satt på upplysningar
om att den gravt kriminella Omar al-Husseini
även umgicks i terroristkretsar. Upplysningar
som man undanhållit från säkerhetspolisen....
Rudaizky avslöjade denna skandal för två
kvällstidningar, varefter det spreds över
Finn Rudaizky åtalades sedan för att ha lämnat
ut sekretessbelagda upplysningar om den döde
Men Rudaizky är inte ångerfull, tvärtom...
Han menar att hade kommunen gjort sin plikt
hade terroristen kunnat stoppas i tid.
- Jeg kan ikke frigøre mig fra den tanke, at havde kommunen dog bare gjort noget i forhold til Omar El-Hussein tidligt i forløbet, så havde vi måske ikke haft et terrorangreb, siger Finn Rudaizky.
Trods sin uenighed i rettens afgørelse har Finn Rudaizky valgt ikke at anke dommen. 
- Jeg respekterer, at det er dommens afgørelse, og at den er baseret på jura. Men jeg mener, at loven er alt for restriktiv. Hvis der sker noget tilsvarende igen, så vil den her dom være med til at lægge bånd på kommende politikere, så de ikke gør noget tilsvarende, siger Finn Rudaizky til Ritzau. (TV2)

Danska Tryckfrihetssällskapet har startat en insamling
till Finn Rudaizkys böter, då man betraktar hans "läcka"
som en samhällsnyttig gärning. 
Och nog undrar man ibland över hur
mycket som arkiveras på socialtjänsten
eller Migrationsverket här i Sverige, men
som borde lämnats över till SÄPO i tid....
Blivande terrorister brukar hinna sätta
många spår hos myndigheterna innan
det är för sent att stoppa dem.
Det är kanske fler både politiker
och tjänstemän med civilkurage
vi behöver ?

fredag, februari 10, 2017

Terrorist oskadliggörs med symaskin

Vid ett arabiskt terrordåd på torsdagskvällen i staden Petah Tikva skadades sex israeler.
Terroristen startade med att skjuta ombord på en stadsbuss. Då hans k-pist hängde upp sig jagades han av upprörda medborgare in på den lokala marknaden. Där högg han vilt omkring sig.
Slutligen rusade han in på ett skrädderi, där skräddaren oskadliggjorde honom med en symaskin...

At least five people were lightly wounded when a Palestinian man opened fire at a bus and stabbed someone near an outdoor market in the central Israeli city of Petah Tikva on Thursday evening, officials said.
Police officers later arrested the West Bank man, who was still in possession of the gun used in the attack, a police spokesperson said.
The Hamas terror group in Gaza praised the attack as a “natural result” of Israeli crimes, but did not claim responsibility. Hamas called on other Palestinians to follow the gunman’s example, Ynet reported.

Just before 5:00 p.m., the gunman, opened fire at a bus near the Petah Tikva market on Baron Hirsch Street. One a man in his 50s was shot in the leg, while two women — one in her 50s, the other in her 30s — were hit by shrapnel, according to the Magen David Adom ambulance service.
He was identified by Palestinian media as Sadeq Nasser Abu Mazen, 18, from Beita al-Foka, a village south of Nablus.
The Palestinian teenager used a Carlo-style submachine gun, a comparatively cheap improvised firearm, which is prevalent in the West Bank. Carlos, which are often cobbled together from water pipes and spare parts, are notoriously unreliable, and the weapon used in the attack apparently jammed multiple times.
What is normally an automatic weapon was only able to fire a shot every few seconds, according to videos from the scene. An eyewitness told Walla news that the gunmen also entered a shop and tried to open fire, but his gun wouldn’t work at all.
The incident occurred at the entrance to the city’s busy central market, which was crowded with people shopping ahead of Shabbat.
The Ynet news site reported that one of the civilians used one of the shop’s sewing machines to take down the attacker. An eyewitness told Channel 2 news that he used a wood plank to hit the man as well, and said the suspect yelled in Arabic as he was tackled.
In the scuffle, a man in his 40s was stabbed in the neck with a screwdriver as he attempted to apprehend the assailant, he told medics.
After the suspected terrorist was subdued by the citizens, police officers arrived and arrested him. He was handed over to the Shin Bet security service for questioning, Ben-David said.

(Arutz Sheva, YnetNews)

De senaste dygnen har Israel även utsatts för raket-
beskjutning från Sinai. Fyra raketer avlossades, varav
tre sköts ned av Iron Dome och den fjärde träffade ett
ökenområde. Kalifatet har tagit på sig dådet.
Se Anna Ahronheims (Jerusalem Post) twitterflöde:


onsdag, februari 08, 2017

Jihadismens farfar marscherar framåt mot ....


Muslimska Brödraskapet beskrivs ofta som
jihadismens farfar.
Med start i Egypten på 1920-talet har denna
fanatiska islamistiska rörelse spridits över
världen. Alliansen med Obamaregimen för
att utlösa den s k arabiska våren 2011 blev en
kraftig vitamininjektion för islamismen.
Brödraskapets slutgiltiga mål: Sharialagstiftning
i alla länder och återupprättande av ett världs-
omspännande kalifat 
står nu närmare än någonsin under det
senaste århundradet.
Deras strategi: Att gradvis skjuta fram sin front-
linje genom samarbete med okunniga och makt-
hungriga politiker i Väst lyckas över förväntan.
Obama är inte enda exemplet. De okända, men
alltför mäktiga kommissarierna i EU, som t ex
  "utrikesministern" Federica Mogherini och 
Martin Schulz, snart ny kansler (?) i Tyskland ,
samarbetar dagligen med FIOE (Brödraskapets
Europaorganisation), som de erkänt som
"representant för Europas muslimer".
Bloggen Legal Insurrection berättar om läget
i Tyskland:
German intelligence agencies are alarmed over the growing influence of radical Islamist “Muslim Brotherhood” organisation in the state of Saxony. The Islamist group is buying large number of properties and setting up mosques all across the state, Saxony’s Office for the Protection of Constitution (LfV) said. “The aim of Muslim Brotherhood is to establish Sharia in Germany,” Head of LfV, Gordian Meyer-Plath told German newspaper Die Welt.

Muslim Brotherhood came out of Egypt in 1920s and has influenced Jihadi terrorist movements all across the Muslim world.  ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, both got their ideological training as members of Muslim Brotherhood. Gaza-based terrorist outfit Hamas is also an offshoot of Muslim Brotherhood.

With uncontrolled mass-migration from Arab and Muslim majority countries, Germany is opening up itself to the global Jihadi resurgence represented by groups ranging from ISIS to Muslim Brotherhood. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in midst of her re-election bid, has refused to show any flexibility on her “Refugee Policy”. Merkel reiterated again this week that there will be no upper-limit to migrant intake if she wins the parliamentary election this September.
German newspaper Die Welt reported the latest revelations made by Saxony’s Intelligence Agency (LfV):
Saxony state’s Intelligence Agency is watching the growing influence of radical-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood organisation with great concern.
Capitalising on the lack of prayer rooms for newly-arrived Muslims as part of the refugee influx, Muslim Brotherhood is using organisations like “Saxony’s Community Centres” (SBS) to build networks and spread its vision of political Islam, LfV’s President Gordian Meyer-Plath said in Dresden. (…)
Currently, buildings are being bought at massive scale to set up mosques or community centres for Muslims. These activities are taking place in several cities including Leipzig, Riesa, Meissen, Pirna, Dresden, Bautzen and Görlitz.
There is no shortage of financial resources, noted Meyer-Plath. “They are going across the state with huge sums of money and buying up real estate.” [Author’s translation]
  The question is, would German authorities act on this intelligence and crackdown on Muslim Brotherhood’s growing network in the country?  So far, Merkel’s Government has been deaf to other equally alarming intelligence findings. According to the last year’s annual report of Germany’s intelligence agency, Germany is home to 1000 Hezbollah and 300 Hamas members, both internationally recognised terrorist groups. German authorities have failed to clamp down on these terrorists groups operating on its soil in any meaningful way.
If Muslim Brotherhood’s aim is to impose Sharia in Germany; then it is already succeeding brilliantly.

Germany’s Minister of Justice recently drafted a law that refuses to ban child marriage. Government statistics put the number of married children (mostly minor girls) in Germany at 1,475, of whom 361 are under the age of 14 — a rising trend thanks to mass-migration from Muslim countries.
As the German newspaper Bild described the law: “A 13-year-old child bride would have to testify against her husband, saying that her well-being as a child is under threat. If neither the child nor the Child Welfare Service lodges a complaint, for all practical purposes the marriage would be declared legitimate.” [Author’s translation]

According to a government study released this week, the practice of female genital mutilation has reached historic highs in Germany. The Federal Ministry of Family counted 47,000 cases of female genital mutilation in the country, many carried out on girls taken out of Germany under the pretext of vacation. The practice is prevalent in Arab-North Africa.
At the altar of Multiculturalism, Germany’s ruling class has no problem swapping the Rule of Law for stone-age Sharia practices. Their virtue signalling to each other is more important than the rights and wellbeing of women or Children.

måndag, februari 06, 2017

Tjugonio mördade kopter efter kyrkobombning

Bombningen av St Markus koptiska katedral
i Kairo strax före nyår har hittills krävt 29 dödsoffer.
Flera offer svävar fortfarande mellan liv och död.
St Markus är kopternas viktigaste kyrka och säte
Självmordbombaren, en 22-årig medlem av
Muslimska Brödraskapet, är identifierad,
därutöver är ett antal medbrottslingar gripna.
Säkerhetsläget för landets kristna urbefolkning 
(omkring en femtedel av Egyptens befolkning)
har annars förbättrats betydligt sedan president
Sisi tillträdde. För första gången har en egyptisk
president gjort allvarliga försök att stoppa
diskrimineringen av urbefolkningen.
Cairo — The death toll of the St. Peter and St. Paul church bombing in December increased to 29 after the death of 14-year-old Dimyana Amir, reported state-run MENA news agency on Saturday.
The blast, which coincided with the Muslim celebration of the Prophet's Birthday, took place at the church attached to one of Egypt's most symbolic sites for Copts, St. Mark's Coptic Cathedral.
Dozens of worshippers were injured in the explosion, many of whom are women and children attending Sunday mass.

One day after the explosion, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi identified the suicide bomber as 22-year old Mahmoud Shafiq Mohamed Mostafa.

The interior ministry announced later that people in connection with the
Muslim Brotherhood group schemed the attack on the church.
The ministry said then that it arrested four people including a woman, all of whom assisted the suicide bomber.
The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack.

En annan jihadist från Muslimska Brödraskapet angrep i
fredags två soldater på vakt utanför Louvren i Paris.
Egyptiern Abdullah Reda Refaie al-Hamahmy
gick till angrepp med en machete medan han
skrek Allahu Akbar- jihadisternas urgamla

onsdag, februari 01, 2017

"A how-to guide for moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem"

Dr. Einat Wilf ger i Washington Institutes Fikra Forum
fyra goda råd till president Trump hur han med framgång
kan gå till väga för att flytta amerikanska ambassaden
i Israel till landets huvudstad Jerusalem.
Det är en viktig, men grannlaga, uppgift där han
säkert har stor nytta av experthjälp.... 

A short four-step how-to guide for moving the American Embassy in Israel from its present
location in Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem.

To the President of the United States, attached please find a short four-step how-to guide for moving the American Embassy in Israel from its present location in Tel-Aviv, Israel’s cultural and economic capital, to Jerusalem, Israel’s political capital.
This guide will enable you, the President, to realize a clear campaign promise, support an ally, stand by those truly committed to justice and peace, end a long-standing but entirely nonsensical US policy, and as a cherry on top, expose hypocrisy. 

Step 1:
Choose a location for the embassy in Jerusalem that is clearly west of the 1949 armistice line, also known as the 1967 line. This part of Jerusalem has been under undisputed Israeli sovereignty since there was a modern state of Israel. This part has nothing holy in it - it is humdrum neighborhoods (I know, I grew up there). Make a special effort to find a location that overlooks the most important sites in this part of the city, all conveniently located next to each other: the Israeli Parliament – the Knesset, the Supreme Court, the Government offices, the Hebrew University, and the new National Library. You will note that these are proud symbols of the achievement of Israel and Zionism, symbols of Israeli sovereignty, knowledge, and creativity. You could do no better than place the symbol of the friendship between our two countries in their proximity.

Don’t be tempted to place the embassy in the area that was the no man’s land before 1967, where some claim land has already been purchased for that purpose, and certainly nowhere east of the 1967 lines. This might not completely satisfy Jewish maximalists, but it is critical for the success of this move and for the ability to reach the above goals, especially the hypocrisy exposure one.

Step 2:
Make it clear in your statements that the move merely acknowledges what has been known for decades – the parts of Jerusalem west of the 1967 line undisputedly belong to Israel, and Israel has the sovereign right of every nation to place its capital in its undisputed territory. Add that this move will finally put to bed the fiction that the vast area that encompasses Jerusalem west and east of the 1967 line is a “Corpus Separatum” – a separate entity – that belongs to the international community, as envisioned in the UN 1947 partition proposal.

This fiction, as all good fictions do, never existed anywhere but on paper. It never existed for the simple reason that the Arabs rejected the partition proposal and opened war to prevent it from being realized, and in losing the war Jerusalem west of the armistice lines became undisputedly Israel’s, and Jerusalem east of the line entered an extended period of disputed claims.

Clarify that nearly 70 years after the end of that war, the US is finally ending an illogical policy that holds the undisputed status of Jerusalem west of the 1949 armistice line hostage to the ongoing dispute over Jerusalem east of that line. The US is done denying Israel a basic national sovereign right to establish its capital in undisputed territory. You can add a statement that the US continues to call upon Israelis and Palestinians to directly negotiate the future of Jerusalem east of the 1967 line, with a special call that any arrangement should be mindful of the importance of the holy places, found only in Jerusalem east of the 1967 lines, to Judaism, Christianity and Islam and secure freedom of access and worship to these sites.

This should minimize the threat of violence in response to the move, since such statements would allow Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims who are not opposed to Israel within the 1967 lines a face-saving hook that would allow them to treat the US move as changing nothing, and therefore not deserving of negative response. 

Step 3:
Call out those Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims who are threatening violence over the US move for their real meaning: are they denying that Jerusalem west of the 1967 line clearly belongs to Israel? Are they laying claim to that territory too? After decades of asking the world to limit Jewish and Israeli claims east of the 1967 line, are they demanding Israel west of that line for themselves as well? If Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims will oppose the US move, as outlined above, they are essentially saying that Israel even within the 1967 lines is illegitimate, and thereby expose their enduring maximalist claims.

As a long-standing supporter of the Palestinian right to self-determination, I have found that it is critical that Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim maximalists should be called out for what underlies their fury:  nothing less than racism plain and simple, a continued denial that the Jewish people, no more and no less than any other people, possess the equal and universal right for self-determination in their land. While those Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims might react with violence, it is a violence that is based not on opposition to the move itself, but on a more base opposition to the very existence of the state of Israel. This is an important opportunity to clarify that America will not bow to that, and neither should any other country.

Step 4:
Call upon all other countries that have diplomatic relations with Israel to follow suit. Address your call especially to those countries that voted for UN Security Council Resolution 2334, that so thoroughly denied Jewish and Israeli claims east of the 1967 line, as well as to those countries who participated in the Paris Conference, which affirmed the resolution.

Their resolution, even if unintended, powerfully affirmed that there is absolutely no legal dispute or claim to Israeli territory west of the 1967, including Jerusalem. This legitimate interpretation of the language of the resolution provides sufficient legal basis for moving the embassy to Jerusalem west of the 1967 lines. Make it clear that the US will view as utter hypocrisy any country denying Jewish and Israeli claims east of that line, while refusing to take the most obvious step to acknowledge the undisputed nature of Israeli territory west of that line.

There you have it Mr. President, a clear and simple path to achieving a multitude of goals: swiftly realizing a major campaign promise, demonstrating your friendship to a long-standing ally, shaking stale beltway orthodoxies, standing up to maximalists and hypocrites alike, and actually taking a real step towards justice and peace for Israelis and Palestinians. Good Luck.