noteringar om islamism, antisemitism och terrorism -- utgivare: Hans C Pettersson -- startad i maj 2005
Scharf sade gripandena är resultatet av
en längre tids samarbete mellan PET
och svenska Säpo.
Männen var enligt PET i färd med att
förbereda terrorangrepp. Enligt Jakob
Scharf var målet det hus som tidningarna
Politiken och Jyllandsposten delar.
Skulle döda så många som möjligt
-Utifrån våra efterforskningar planerade
de ett försök att ta sig in i Politikens hus
för försöka döda så många som möjligt.
Då intervjuns hörbarhet är dålig:
Här är en utskrift
Reza Khalili: Mosques are supposed to be a
place for prayer. A place for submission to God.
But they are used as a recruitment center, for
backdoor meetings, transfer of arms and cash
and putting together terrorist activities and I
was involved in some of their meetings.
Erick Stakelbeck: You made a key point, that
in the West to further its agenda...could you
get a little bit more specific about that? How
Khalili: I can tell you from experience: I was
part of the operation, I was involved in the
Islamic community, and I can tell you clearly
that out of mosques, there was a big effort
within the Afghan communities by the Iranian
Revolutionary Guards members--and with
Pakistanis, Turks and others. And they would
recruit from them, they would transfer cash
and arms. And mosques provided a safe haven,
and actually, in my view, were one of the
centers of the operation. So if an intelligence
agency such as the CIA infiltrates a mosque
and understands that there is a specific Guards
member who runs it, then actually they could
be very successful in drawing a chart of all the
terrorist activities in that specific region. That's
how central the mosque operation was.
Stakelbeck.: And that's in
involved in some of these operations in
How about the
Khalili: It's absolutely the same. They recruit,
they train, they sell the ideology of martyrdom,
and many, many are guided and connected to
terrorist groups. And you've seen this: many
born citizens, Muslims, unfortunately, have been
sold this idea and are sent to Al Qaeda camps or
others. But the Iranians are very active in this
country through the mosques and Islamic cultural
centers to make those connections and run those
Hela intervjun finns hos vännen Snaphanen
Ärkeängeln Mikaels och S:t Guirguis
kyrka i Agnesberg tillhör det koptiska
ortodoxa trossamfundet. Den koptiska
kyrkan är det största kristna samfundet
i Mellanöstern. I Egypten utgör kopterna
förmodligen tjugo procent av befolkningen
och är utsatta för konstant diskriminering.
Al Qaeda terrorists planned to poison food
at multiple
a single weekend, it has been revealed this
The 'credible' plot involved slipping the
poisons cyanide and ricin into salad
bars and buffets, according to CBS news.
The terrorist group behind the failed
'ink cartridge' attacks on cargo planes
in October were said to have hatched
the plan.
Al Qaeda in the
branded the plot 'Operation Haemorrhage'.
Militants say the plot consists of 'attacking
the enemy with smaller but more frequent
operations' to 'add a heavy economic burden
to an already faltering economy'....
Nyhetsbyrån PA skriver: The arrests come after
intelligence agencies in Europe,
to launch raids on European cities, in a
similar style to the attacks in
"severe", the second highest rating, meaning
a terrorist attack is highly likely.
The men, from the
and 28. They were all arrested under
the Terrorism Act 2000 on suspicion of
the commission, cooperation and
instigation of acts of terrorism.
Det välinformerade nyhetsbrevet
Jihadica analyserar om bomb-
mördaren Taimour Abdulwahab
är en ensamvarg eller tillhör Al-Qaeda:
Forum readers woke up this morning to
find Taimour’s picture on the top banner
of Shumukh (the main jihadi forum).
The banner advertises a poem by a
certain “Sha’ir al-Ansar” (Poet of the
Ansar) praising Taimour Abdalwahab.
At first sight this might seem like the
work of an accomplice, but the poet
explicitly states that he did not know
Taimour personally.
More interesting is the posting of a new
audio message by a certain Abu Sulayman
al-Nasir titled
“Warning to NATO Countries Following
an earlier statement by the same person
issued on 20 November.
What’s interesting here is not so much
the messages as the messenger, because
Abu Sulayman al-Nasir is the same person
who first mentioned Taimour Abdulwahhab’s
name on Shumukh. This obviously raises
the possibility that he has some connection
to the
The problem is that the earliest public
reference to Taimour’s name was made on
11 December at 10.24 pm on a non-Islamist
Swedish forum, based on private pictures on
the license plate of the bombing vehicle.
Abu Sulayman al-Nasir’s Shumukh post
mentioning Taimour’s name was published
at around 6pm on 12 December, ie almost
20 hours after the name had entered the
public sphere. Al-Nasir could therefore very
well have found Taimour’s name on the web.
In this connection it is worth noting that
Shumukh has a LOT of readers in
Aaron recently posted traffic data for
Shumukh for the month of November,
according to which a full 3.6 percent of
non-proxy IP addresses were based in
If you adjust for population size, this
many Shumukh readers per 1000 inhabitants,
and over 33 times as many readers per
1000 Muslims as the
This is admittedly back-of-the envelope
calculations using on population data from
Wikipedia, (here and here), but the proportions
are striking.
As expected, the freelance jihadi media
machinery has started churning out
material glorifying the
In addition to the abovementioned poem,
someone posted a Youtube production of
Taimour’s martyrdom will, along with a
cheesy photo montage with Taimour
surrounded by lightning.
Mainstream media has also started digging
into Taimour’s life in
among other things, that he was rad-
icalised by at least 2007, when he revealed
militant anti-Western views to an imam in
a local mosque.
There is also a lot of interesting commen-
tary in the blogoshpere, with Aaron at
Haganah providing the most interesting
information, as usual. Anyone who doubts
the radicalising influence of Youtube should
take a look at Taimour’s Facebook profile,
retrieved by Aaron. Taimour wallowed
in jihadi Youtube videos.
On a final note, let me clarify my view
on the question of Taimour’s associations,
as some readers seem to have mis-
interpreted my earlier post.
I do not believe Taimour was a pure
lone wolf.
What I am saying is that he was most
likely either alone or helped by at most
two people in the final stages of - i.e.
last few weeks before - the attack.
The point here is that I think the initiative
for the operation came from Taimour
himself; I don’t think he was instrument-
talised by a large, established organization.
There could be a couple of people in
involved, but I would be very surprised
if Taimour took orders from AQ in
Moreover, I don’t believe Taimour
radicalised in a complete vacuum;
people almost never do, as I stressed
in my Canadian Senate testimony last
week. Taimour, like most other home-
grown militants, must have interacted
with other people during his radica-
lization process, even if the interaction
occurred mainly on the Internet or
in very small social circles.
Last night, Abu Suleiman al-Nasser,
the man who posted the will on
Shumukh al-Islam, issued another
statement that said: "It seems that
you haven't understood the message,
and you remain insistent in your stance,
and the battle of
but the start of a new era in our
Jihad; through which
will become the field for our battles."