brittiska regeringen beslutat godkänna muslimska
shariadomstolar som en del av det brittiska rätts-
systemet. Domstolarna kan nu avkunna domar inom
både familje- och delar av straffrätten och få dem
godkända av alla statliga myndigheter.
I september 2008 auktoriserades fem sharia-
domstolar som brittiska domstolar.
Nu avslöjar en rapport från utredningsinstitutet
Samtidigt varnar institutet för att sharia-
domstolarna innebär ett hot mot hela vårt
västerländska demokratiska system.
'The introduction of sharia law into this country is
a recipe for a dichotomous legal system that holds
Muslims and non-Muslims to different standards.
This is not a matter of eating halal meat or seeking
God's blessing on one's marriage. It is a challenge
to what we believe to be the rights and freedoms
of the individual, to our concept of a legal system
based on what parliament enacts, and to the right
of all of us to live in a society as free as possible
from ethnic-religious division or communal claims
to superiority and a special status that puts them
in some respects above the law to which we are
all bound.'