jihadisternas exilcentrum.
Ni minns kanske Mohamed Moumou, Ahmed Essafri ,
och Abdelali Miftah ? Några av de många marockanska
terrorister med Sverigekopplingar, som jag berättat om.....
Nu tipsar Gudmundson om att GIA-jihadisten och knark-
langaren Abou Yassine, med nära relationer till islamister
i Sverige, gripits i Marocko.
"The group have also established ties with traffickers in
Morocco and trade links with French terrorist Robert
Richard Antoine Pierre, known as Abou Abderrahmane.
Abou Yassine has also ties with the activists of a terrorist
cell in Sweden and Afghan Moroccans, the source
This affair sheds light on the re-conversion of radical
Islamists into organized crime after their release from
prison, the source added. To this end they resort to
the principle of Istihlal, which they use to practice
initially forbidden acts by the Islamic law."
(Maghreb Arabe Presse)
(Tipstack till I Mitt Sverige !)
Islam in Europe belyser en intressant
aspekt: Marockanernas ovilja till
integration i Europa.....