Museum in
Ayoub Kara (Likud), and all together,
lit Chanukah candles as a gesture of
solidarity with the Jewish people.
As they toured the museum, the MPs
remarked that
drawal from
“Disengagement,” had been a mistake.
The one-sided move, which followed
years of terrorist attacks, was seen by
radical Islamists as a victory for their
ideology, they said.
Israeli Jews should build throughout the
land, particularly in Judea and
said Rene Stadtkewitz, Chairman of
land does not bring peace, but rather,
strengthens terrorists, he said.
The MPs, who recently toured
and Samaria, noted that much of
from the region particularly dangerous.
Kara called on
relationships with the Mps, members
The “new Right” has shared interests
with the Jewish people and the state of
The delegation included 35 senior European
parliamentarians from
including some who are believed likely to one
day head their countries.
were at the heart of the Axis that fought a
genocidal war against the Jewish nation and
a war of conquest against the Allied Powers in
the 1930's and 40's.
A spokesman for the Shomron (
authority explained that most of the visitors
were from what is known as the “New Right”
renounce anti-Semitism and see the Islamic
takeover of
parliamentarians were Christians, while some
were Jews. The visitors agreed that