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Reza Khalili: Mosques are supposed to be a
place for prayer. A place for submission to God.
But they are used as a recruitment center, for
backdoor meetings, transfer of arms and cash
and putting together terrorist activities and I
was involved in some of their meetings.
Erick Stakelbeck: You made a key point, that
in the West to further its agenda...could you
get a little bit more specific about that? How
Khalili: I can tell you from experience: I was
part of the operation, I was involved in the
Islamic community, and I can tell you clearly
that out of mosques, there was a big effort
within the Afghan communities by the Iranian
Revolutionary Guards members--and with
Pakistanis, Turks and others. And they would
recruit from them, they would transfer cash
and arms. And mosques provided a safe haven,
and actually, in my view, were one of the
centers of the operation. So if an intelligence
agency such as the CIA infiltrates a mosque
and understands that there is a specific Guards
member who runs it, then actually they could
be very successful in drawing a chart of all the
terrorist activities in that specific region. That's
how central the mosque operation was.
Stakelbeck.: And that's in
involved in some of these operations in
How about the
Khalili: It's absolutely the same. They recruit,
they train, they sell the ideology of martyrdom,
and many, many are guided and connected to
terrorist groups. And you've seen this: many
born citizens, Muslims, unfortunately, have been
sold this idea and are sent to Al Qaeda camps or
others. But the Iranians are very active in this
country through the mosques and Islamic cultural
centers to make those connections and run those
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