Förre EU-kommissionären Frits
Bolkenstein hävdar att "igenkänn-
Bolkenstein menar att judar inte
längre har någon framtid i Neder-
länderna och rekommenderar att
de emigrerar till Israel eller USA,
rapporterar veckotidningen Elsevier.
Den tidigare liberale partiledaren, som
publicerar en bok om holländsk juden-
dom denna veckan, varnar att p g a
de unga marockanernas antisemitism
bör judar som bär kippa eller payot
lämna Holland för sin egen säkerhet....
"I see no future for recognizable Jews,
in particular because of anti-Semitism,
specifically in Dutch Moroccans, who
continue to grow in number," Bolkestein
reportedly said.
The former politician added that the many
Arab television channels in the Netherlands
contribute to the spread of anti-Semitism.
He said he has no confidence in proposed
measures to combat anti-Jewish sentiment.
"The Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues
"The Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues
to fester," Bolkestein said.
"I foresee no quick solution, and anti-
Semitism will continue to exist. Moroccan
and Turkish young people won't care about
the measures."
Politician Geert Wilders, who visited
Politician Geert Wilders, who visited
Israel this week, responded that
"Jews shouldn't emigrate, anti-
Semitic Moroccans should."