söndag, augusti 31, 2008
Fem kvinnor levande begravda av islamister
lördag, augusti 30, 2008
När blodet flyter för Allah

högtider. Den firas av shiamuslimer över
hela världen. Vi har i många år sett blod-
drypande foton av barn (ja t o m spädbarn)
som piskats eller ristats med knivar och ryst.
Vad vi inte visste var att samma ceremonier
utförs i hundratals shiamuslimska moskéer
eller föreningslokaler runt om i Europa…..
I år blev det äntligen stopp för det i Manchester.
Församlingsmedlemmar reagerade och ringde
polisen när Syed Mustafa Zaidi tvingade
två knappt tonåriga pojkar att piska sig
med en speciell "sharia whip" försedd med
vassa knivblad.

Såhär ser en ”sharia whip” (zanjeer zani) ut.
Pojkarna behövde sjukhusvård efter piskningen…..

Detta är Syed Mustafa Zaidi. Han dömdes för
” child cruelty” (grymhet mot barn).
Syed var helt oförstående inför
rättegången. Han sa:
“The children were happy. They asked for it.”
“This is a part of our religion.”
Ännu ett gott argument för
Din underskrift på uppropet
Skriv under och anslut Dig !
torsdag, augusti 28, 2008
STOPP FÖR SHARIA - skriv under !
Nu finns uppropet på 19 bloggar:
* Ansiktsburk(a),
* Ardavan Khoshnood,
* Argus,
* Befria media,
* I Gilboas svala skugga,
* I Mitt Sverige,
* Israel i Sverige,
* Leffe45´s Weblog
* Muhammedbilder & Co,
* Nätverk mot politisk korrekthet
* Systemfel,
* Varjager,
* Wilson82:s åsikter
Ett hjärtligt tack till er alla
liksom till alla undertecknare.
Instämmer du i uppropet ?
onsdag, augusti 27, 2008
Islamfond till Sverige
400 000 muslimer i Sverige får nu första fonden anpassad
"Att fonden är en globalfond gör att muslimer kan lägga
Till skillnad från svenska etiska fonder som anlitar
Orienteringstavla för MALMÖ

tisdag, augusti 26, 2008
Vad lär man sig på TERRORSKOLAN ?
Under Taliban protection, Al Qaida established a
- Use of firearms and explosives
- Map-reading and field operations
- Military tactics
- Espionage and information-gathering
- Kidnapping and assassinations
- Torture methods
- Communications methods
- Personal security
Not every recruit was given the same level of
training but, even so, thousands are estimated
to have passed through Al Qaida's camps.
Many of those trained by Al Qaida returned to
their home countries - including the UK - where
they joined existing terrorist networks or
established new, loosely-knit networks which
were often centred on a leading figure or "emir".
Most of the Al Qaida terrorist training camps in
Afghanistan were destroyed in the international
military action that followed the September 11,
2001 attacks in the United States.
However, terrorist training has continued elsewhere
in remote regions of Pakistan and Kashmir, though
this has sometimes consisted of little more than
groups of people meeting informally in places
where their activities would be difficult to detect.
Individuals who passed through Al Qaida's camps
have been involved in a variety of subsequent
terrorist attacks in Europe and elsewhere.
Although a significant number of Al Qaida's
"graduates" have been killed or arrested in the
worldwide campaign against terrorism, many
trained terrorists remain at large and continue
to pose a serious threat. They include a number
of UK citizens and foreign citizens resident in
the UK (see "Al Qaida and the UK").
In recent years, the Internet has become a key
means of indoctrinating and training would-be
terrorists. Extremist websites aim to recruit
and radicalise individuals through videos and
ideological statements. Such websites also
provide detailed advice and instructions on
how to plan and prepare for attacks, in effect
acting as a "virtual training camp".
A number of individuals in the UK and elsewhere
have been convicted for running or contributing
to extremist websites."
måndag, augusti 25, 2008
Läsvärt från SUPO
Att profilera personer som deltar i terror-
Enligt många experter var radikaliseringen av
lördag, augusti 23, 2008
Slaget vid Poiters 732

Dra en lans för korstågen !

fredag, augusti 22, 2008
Tele2 sponsrar islamister
Finns det en "typisk" jihadist ?
The majority are British nationals and the
Far from being religious zealots, a large number
The "mad and bad" theory to explain why people
British-based terrorists are as ethnically diverse
Most UK terrorists are male, but women also
While the majority are in their early to mid-20s
Far from being lone individuals with no ties,
Those involved in British terrorism are not
torsdag, augusti 21, 2008
Och var är BOMBEN ?
Islamistiska quislingar mördar i Georgien
Sharia - svart på vitt
onsdag, augusti 20, 2008
"Moderat islam ?" - Tjaa.....

Islam is a religion whilst Islamism is
They are both part of the same thing–
Neither of these 22
Not sure 27
How supportive, if at all, would you be of
party to represent the views of Muslims
Very supportive 28
Fairly supportive 26
Not very supportive 14
Not at all supportive 10
Not sure 22
And how supportive, if at all, would you
Very supportive 21
Fairly supportive 19
Not very supportive 16
Not at all supportive 21
Not sure 23
Are there any parts of Shari’ah Law (for
lashing etc.) that you think should be
Yes some parts should be modernised
No Shari’ah Law is sacred and should
Not sure 34
To what extent, if at all, do you think Islam
Very compatible 29
Fairly compatible 39
Fairly incompatible 8
Very incompatible 5
Not sure 19
Stopp för Sharia
Skriv under och anslut Dig !
F d president erkänner terroristsamarbete
Cossiga wrote that the government of the late Prime
As Interior Minister, Cossiga said that he learned
Cossiga was later elected president of Italy from
In an article in Corriere della Sera the week before
While there were several terrorist attacks on
tisdag, augusti 19, 2008
I Harams bisarra värld
Al Qaeda's enforcement of a severe form of
Sheikh Hameed al-Hayyes, a Sunni tribal
'They even killed female goats because their
'They regarded the cucumber as male and
Men would have fingers cut off for smoking,
'Al Qaeda wanted to kill me and blow up my
Singing, shaving and the medical treatment
'Al Qaeda prohibited the shaving of beards
'Barbers were killed because they did not
Leaflets threatened women with kidnap
The forced marriage of Iraqi women and girls
Disgusted by such acts, Sunni Arab tribal leaders
Until the overthrow of former President
Iraqis of different sects and ethnicities inter-
America claims that Iraqi rejection of the Al
Islamistiska infiltratörer
Aafia Siddiqui, 36, is a Pakistani mother of three,
Aafia Siddiqui is accused of working for Al-Qaeda.
Such a well-placed infiltrator can wreak great damage
Here are some American cases of attempted infiltration
The Air Force discharged Sadeq Naji Ahmed, a Yemeni
The Chicago Police Department fired Patricia Eng-Hussain
The Chicago Police Department also fired Arif
Mohammad Alavi, an engineer at the Palo Verde
söndag, augusti 17, 2008
STOPP FÖR SHARIA - läget just nu

Hjälp då till att sprida det !
fredag, augusti 15, 2008
JIHAD avslöjar nya terrorister
Terroristen som är rädd för kvinnor....
Idrottens påstådda "förbrödring"
onsdag, augusti 13, 2008
Skriv under uppropet STOPP FÖR SHARIA !
tisdag, augusti 12, 2008
Terrorist kopierade bombhandbok - i moskéen !
det torde vara en underdrift att säga att deras