onsdag, augusti 20, 2008

"Moderat islam ?" - Tjaa.....

Idag studerar ungefär 90.000 muslimer på
högskolor i Storbritannien.
Centre for Social Cohesion har precis genomfört
den första stora undersökningen riktad till
muslimska studenter, baserad på enkäter
och djupintervjuer, om vad dessa egentligen tycker
i ett antal nyckelfrågor som demokrati, jämställdhet,
tolerans m m
Här är svaren på några frågor:
(siffrorna i procent av
alla muslimska studenter)
Which, if any, of the following statements
comes closer to your view?
Islam is a religion whilst Islamism is
a political ideology 36
They are both part of the same thing–
politics is a big part of Islam 16
Neither of these 22
Not sure 27
How supportive, if at all, would you be of
the establishment of an Islamic political
party to represent the views of Muslims
at Parliament in Westminster?
Very supportive 28
Fairly supportive 26
Not very supportive 14
Not at all supportive 10
Not sure 22
And how supportive, if at all, would you
be of the official introduction of Shari’ah
Law into British law for Muslims in Britain?
Very supportive 21
Fairly supportive 19
Not very supportive 16
Not at all supportive 21
Not sure 23
Are there any parts of Shari’ah Law (for
example punishments like stoning or
lashing etc.) that you think should be
modernised for use in Britain?
Yes some parts should be modernised
for use in Britain 34
No Shari’ah Law is sacred and should
stay as it is 32
Not sure 34

To what extent, if at all, do you think Islam
is compatible with the Western notion
of democracy?
Very compatible 29
Fairly compatible 39
Fairly incompatible 8
Very incompatible 5
Not sure 19
Glöm inte uppropet
Stopp för Sharia
Skriv under och anslut Dig !