tisdag, september 06, 2022

10.000 lokförare blir kanonmat ?



Ryska Statsjärnvägen RZD är världens näst största järnvägsbolag med över 750.000 anställda. Naturligtvis Putinkontrollerat som alla statliga företag.

För att visa sin solidaritet med diktatorn har bolaget nu lovat sända 10.000 "frivilliga" till fronten i Ukraina.

Det uppges att alla statliga företag har ålagts att sända sådana grupper av "frivilliga" till Ukraina. Ju sämre kriget går för Ryssland, ju större blir behovet av tvångsutskrivna arbetare...

The New Voice of Ukraine:

The Russian military is looking to send approximately 10,000 employees of the Russian Railways into the war against Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces reported in its Facebook update on Sept. 3.

"State-owned companies of the Russian Federation have announced new norms for the selection of ‘volunteers’ for the war,” the message reads.

“As an example, the Russian Railways company received an order to search for up to 10,000 new candidates for a short-term contract among civilian employees.”

The Ukrainian General Staff noted that the Russian military, under extreme pressure, had strengthened the administrative and police regimes across the illegally occupied settlements located on the banks of the Dnipro River, as well as bolstering coastal defenses in the Russian-occupied areas of Zaporizhzhya and Kherson oblasts.