Österrike överväger ett totalförbud mot Rabia, den
fyrfingrade symbolen för Muslimska Brödraskapet.
Symbolen som populariserades av president Erdogan
i Turkiet symboliserar ett stöd för Brödraskapets
islamism och kampanj för sharia som lagstiftning
över hela världen...
IPT News berättar mera:
four-fingered salute representing support for the Muslim
Brotherhood. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
popularized it and began using it after Egypt's military
toppled the Brotherhood in 2013.
Muslim Brotherhood members and sympathizers around
the world use the image on websites, posters and literature.
If the ban is approved, anyone in Austria who flashes the
salute could be fined $4,600.
Erdogan's role in popularizing the gesture seems to be
driving the Austrian ban. It also would outlaw a wolf-head
like salute used by the pro-Erdogan Turkish fascist group
the Grey Wolves. Its most infamous member, Mehmet Ali
peoples in Turkey across and throughout Central Asia
into a single nation.
Relations between Austria and Turkey have become tense
due to reports that Erdogan's intelligence agency, the MIT,
spied on Erdogan's enemies in Austria. In February 2017, a
member of Austria's Green Party alleged that an umbrella
organization headed by the Turkish embassy's religious
attaché had carried out spy operations in Austrian mosques.
Turkey was inserting "unacceptable Turkish government
to concerns over political Islam. Chancellor Sebastian
and radicalisation."
with Turkey's MIT intelligence agency.