måndag, februari 15, 2016

Nya mordförsök vid Damaskusporten

Damaskusporten leder från Gamla Staden till ganska ruffiga arabkvarter...

Den senaste dagarna har Damaskusporten i Jerusalem varit platsen
 för flera terrordåd. För en vecka sedan dödades en ung gränspolis där.
Igår anfölls en grupp poliser av två arabiska terrorister (av vilka den
ene visade sig vara "PLO-polis"), men sköts lyckligtvis innan de
hann  skada någon. Idag försökte en tonårig flicka knivhugga en
väktare, men avväpnades.
En junior-jihadists arsenal
Uppenbarligen är det fortfarande unga "ensamvargar",
som hetsas till mord i sina lokala moskéer och framförallt
av de social medierna.
Jerusalem Post publicerar idag en typisk sådan blod-
drypande hatfilm som cirkulerar på de Fatah-
och Hamaskontrollerade medierna. Här blir
tonåriga mördare inspirerade och utbildade
i konsten att mörda judar. När han sett nog av
sådana filmer greppar han kniv, köttklyvare
och pistol och ger sig iväg för att bli "martyr".

Hittills 228 terrordåd sedan 1 oktober...

The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) on Monday released statistics on the more than four month long wave of terror that has been plaguing Israel. According to the statistics, covering the period from the beginning of October until last week, there have been 228 terror attacks or attempted terror attacks. Thirty-seven percent of the terrorists ranged from 16-20 years old. A further 10% of those carrying out the attacks were minors, meaning that nearly half of the attackers were 20 years old and younger.

A third of the assailants were 21-25 and an additional 10% were 30 and older. The statistics further show that 24 women took part in attempted attacks, some 11% of all assailants.

The Shin Bet statistics show that the majority of the attacks and attempted attacks (74%) took place in the West Bank, whereas 10% of attacks, or 22 incidents, took place within the Green Line. In addition, 16% of the attacks have taken place in Jerusalem.

The statistics include all of the terror attacks that have been carried out since October 1, when Na'ama and Eitam Henkin were murdered near the Itamar settlement, up until last Wednesday. Five attacks and attempted attacks have been carried out since then.

The Shin Bet also provided details on where the terrorists hailed from. The majority of assailants, approximately 80%, were Palestinian residents of the West Bank. Among them, Hebron stands out as the main city from which terrorists come. According to the Shin Bet, 40% of the West Bank assailants were from Hebron and Yatir. Another area which provided a relatively large number of attackers is Ramallah, with some 25% of attackers hailing from the city and surrounding Binyamin region.

According to the Shin Bet statistics, 21 of the attackers were illegally staying in Israel at the time they carried out attacks. Two people with legal permits to be in the country carried out attacks in Israel: the assailant who carried out the attack that killed two people at the Panorama building in Tel Aviv in November; and another assailant who carried out an attack in Modi'in. A Palestinian with a work permit also carried out a stabbing attack in the Ariel industrial area where he was employed.