Kalifatet inledde sin jubileumsvecka på fredagen.
Enligt Debka Files beräkningar mördades minst
211 människor under dagen.
Kombinationen fredag, ramadan och terrorstatens
ettårsjubileum är livsfarlig för världen.
Redan på morgonen markerade man ambitionsnivån.
Ett bombattentat mot en gasfabrik tillsammans med
halshuggning av en tydligt slumpmässigt förbipasserande.
Minns Woolwich och planerna från Norge till Australien...
Sedan en urskillninglös massaker på en badstrand.
Avslutad med en bomb mot en shiamoské och nya
massakrar på civila i Syrien.
Allt riktat mot s k mjuka mål. Obeväpnade civila.
En mindre grupp jihadister ockuperar några symboliskt viktiga mål:
Eiffeltornet, Colosseum, Piccadilly Cirkus, Tivoli
med många turister och nära till mediaredaktionerna
och slaktar civila med handgranater och automatvappen.
Ännu en liten snutt ur spelfilmen om Mumbaimassakern.
Här är det angreppet på centralstationen CST.
Friday, June 26, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) demonstrated the broad scope of its brutal reach by perpetrating terrorist attacks on three continents – Europe, Africa and Asia, in one day, the second Friday of the Muslim festival of Ramadan. They caused at least 211 deaths. The deadliest occurred at the beaches of two hotels in the popular Tunisian resort town of Sousse, where gunmen killed at least 39 holidaymakers, many of them foreign tourists - mostly British and German. One gunman was killed.
In Kuwait, a suicide bomber blew himself up at a Shiite mosque. At least 35 worshippers were killed and 200 injured after Friday prayer.
In the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani, ISIS forces, after regaining some of the suburbs from which Kurdish forces drove them out last month, reportedly “executed” 146 Syrians.
In Kuwait, a suicide bomber blew himself up at a Shiite mosque. At least 35 worshippers were killed and 200 injured after Friday prayer.
In the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani, ISIS forces, after regaining some of the suburbs from which Kurdish forces drove them out last month, reportedly “executed” 146 Syrians.
British Prime Minister David Cameron, who is attending the European summit in Brussels, announced he will be calling an emergency Cobra (security cabinet) meeting in London later Friday to discuss the attacks in France and Tunisia, in case the ISIS onslaughts were “the tip of the iceberg” of a coordinated operation.
Ramadan Bombathon
2015 Scorecard Because, if you think all religions are
the same, you aren't paying attention.
2015 Scorecard Because, if you think all religions are
the same, you aren't paying attention.
Day 9
In the name of
The Religion of Peace |
In the name of
ANY Other Religion |
By Way ofAnti-Muslim
Hate Crime |
Terror Attacks
Suicide Bombings
Dead Bodies