söndag, maj 10, 2015

Minst varannan muslim i Europa antisemit...

En omfattande undersökning av den tyske forskaren
Günther Jikeli visar att tendensen är densamma över
hela Europa:
En majoritet av muslimerna i Europa är
klart antisemitiska.
Ju mera religiösa, ju mera antisemitiska.

Undersökningen visar också hur utbredda
olika antisemitiska konspirationsteorier är
i muslimska kretsar.

Most of the data comes from a comprehensive
survey in France, although other data indicates
that the attitudes are the same throughout Europe.
The other major finding was that the more religious
Muslims are, the more antisemitic they are:
Muslims were also far more likely to believe more
antisemitic  statements than non-Muslims, even on
the political fringes:

It isn't only France:
In Brussels, 2,837 students in 32 Dutch-speaking high
schools were polled. About half of the Muslim respondents
agreed with the following statements:
        "Jews want to dominate everything”
(Muslims, 56.8 percent; non-Muslims, 10.5 percent).
      "Jews incite to war and blame others”

(Muslims, 53.7 percent; non-Muslims, 7.7 percent).

The antisemitic attitudes were unrelated to low educational
level or social disadvantage.
Mark Elchardus confirmed the findings two years later

in 2013 with a study of 863 students from Ghent
and Antwerp, including 346 Muslim students.
While 45 to 50 percent of Muslim students revealed
antisemitic attitudes, "only” about 10 percent of non-
Muslims did so.

So many in the West want to claim that Muslims only
hate Jews because of Israel.
These surveys indicate that the opposite is the case:
they hate Israel because they hate Jews.

And yet none of the "human rights" activists are considering
going into Muslim communities to be more tolerant of Jews.
Because Muslims are expected to be haters, and the
"progressives" don't expect them to act any differently.

Läs också 
Elder of Ziyon
Hela undersökningen

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