lördag, mars 07, 2015

Kalifatets folkmord på en hel kultur

Fortsättning på
Kalifatet fortsätter att utplåna 5.000 års
kultur i Mesopotamien.
Det senaste illdådet är när de schaktar bort
resterna av staden Nimrud.
finns nu på territorier kontrollerade av kalifatet.
Tyvärr tycks det bara vara en tidsfråga innan vi
får se fler skräckscener som i Mosul och Nimrud. 
kalifatet även skövlat ruinstaden Hatra.

Twitter-taggen #nimrud väller det hela tiden
in nya bilder och information.
Läs mera om Nimrud och Assyrien på British Museums
Det jättelika utgrävningsområdet schaktas bort
med bulldozers, allt för att vrida klockan tillbaka
till 600-talet då stråtrövaren M härjade i
Mellanöstern. Allt som bevisar att Mellanöstern
var fyllt av högcivilisationer före stråtrövarnas
ankomst, måste utplånas...
Lite bakgrund:

"Assyria, though, is far older than Islam and Christianity. For three centuries, between 911 and 609 BC, Assyria was the undisputed superpower of the Middle East, its capitals of Nineveh and Nimrud the greatest metropolises of their day. Despite the terror with which the Assyrian Empire had filled the Jews, memories of its glamour and sophistication had long survived its overthrow.
It was in the mid-19th century that archaeologists from France and Britain revealed to the world just how dazzling the civilisation of ancient Assyria had truly been. The reliefs from Nineveh and the statuary from Nimrud that today adorn the British Museum are among the greatest works of art ever created. Not all the treasures exhumed from the buried cities of ancient Assyria were transported to the West, though. Many were preserved in Iraq. Great winged bulls fashioned in the reign of Sennacherib himself were reinstalled in one of the gateways of Nineveh. There, when Isil took over Mosul, they served as a standing reproach to the new masters of the city - "statues and idols," as the Isil propaganda film released last week put it, "excavated by Satanists".

It was one of Sennacherib's bulls that was shown on the film being power-drilled. The aim of Isil was not merely to emulate the idol-smashing of the Prophet Mohammed, but to provoke and outrage world opinion - an aim in which they certainly succeeded. Just as the Nazis destroyed synagogues as well as those who had worshipped in them, so does the Islamic State aspire to efface all traces from its caliphate of those it condemns as kuffar or infidels.

Control the past, and you control the future: the shattered fragments of Sennacherib's bulls and the dust of what was once Nimrud bear fatal witness to just how thoroughly Isil has grasped this truth. It is not just antiquities that are being destroyed, but the memories, identity and future of an entire people. Assyria and the Assyrian people risk being lost to a terminal darkness: a darkness the shadow of which menaces the cultural heritage of all humanity."
Arkeologer protesterar, UNESCO protesterar,
Ban Ki-Mon kallar skövlingen "ett krigsbrott",
assyrier över hela världen protesterar,
ja t o m Sveriges Radio uppmärksammar
försiktigt kulturmordet,
men vem gör något åt att de islamistiska
gräshopporna översvämmar Mellanöstern
och Nordafrika på väg mot Europa ?
Är nu spridda kurdiska och kristna milisgrupper Europas
sista sköld mot barbariet ?