På den alltid läsvärda Doc´s Talk finns en
snåriga folkrätten omkring internationella
konventioner. Där analyseras bl a Judéens,
Samariens och Gazas folkrättsliga status.
Den slutsats författaren drar är att det
fortfarande är San Remokonferensens
resolution från 25 april 1920 som reglerar
områdets status och bl a judarnas rätt att
bosätta sig där. Alla senare dokument, t ex
FN-resolutioner, är av icke-bindande
On the contrary, the only existing enforceable
document actually encourages Jewish settlement.
This document was created on April 24, 1920 at
the San Remo Conference when the Principal
Allied Powers agreed o assign the Mandate for
the territory of Palestine to Great Britain.
By doing so the League of Nations "recognized
the historical connection of the Jewish people
with Palestine" and established "grounds for
econstituting their national home in that country."
Article 6 of the Mandate "encouraged close
settlement by Jews on the land," including the
lands of Judea, Samaria and Gaza (Yesha).
There is nothing whatsoever in the Mandate
that separates Yesha from the rest of the
mandated territory. That means that the right
of the Jews to settle the land spreads to the
whole of Palestine. As a side note it is worth
mentioning that the 76% of the territory of
Mandated Palestine known today as Jordan,
were not permanently exempt from settlement
by the Jews either. Article 25 only allowed to
"postpone or withhold application of [this]