onsdag, juli 01, 2009

En ordförande som underblåser hat och söndring.....

Idag övertar Sverige det s k EU-ordförandeskapet.

En av dess viktigaste uppgifter blir att aktivt bidra

till avspänning och konkreta lösningar i Mellanöstern.

Men kan en stat med Carl Bildt som utrikesminister och
som hittills satsat 700 miljoner i år på anti-israeliska
aktiviteter göra det ??
Har Sverige någon som helst trovärdighet kvar i Mellanöstern
utanför de rena terroristgängen PLO/Hamas/Islamic Jihad/
Hizballah ??
Nej, det har vi naturligtvis inte !
Ansedda NGO-Monitor gör en exposé över verksamhet
som svenska skattebetalare tvingats finansiera.

On July 1, 2009 Sweden assumes the presidency of the

European Union. As this detailed report indicates,
Sweden’s role in funding numerous highly politicized
NGOs fuels the conflict, rather than advancing the
stated goals of promoting peace, democracy and
development. The lack of independent oversight in
the use of taxpayer funds, as shown in this analysis,
is especially troubling at a time when accountability
is receiving increasing emphasis. In addition, these
NGO funding policies are not consistent with the
efforts by the EU and member states to play a
more central and constructive role in promoting
peace negotiations based on compromise, and
addressing the concerns of all the parties to the
As NGO Monitor’s analysis reveals, the Swedish
government funds NGOs that pursue Palestinian
political goals under the guise of “human rights”
and “international law,” and demonize Israel with
the inflammatory rhetoric of “apartheid,” “ethnic
cleansing,” and “massacres.” In addition to com-
pounding Israeli mistrust of the role of the EU,
which stems in part from support for NGOs that
engage in biased anti-Israel activities, the de-
legitimization of Israel contradicts Sweden’s
stated goals for the region. In order to play a
positive role as a European leader in assisting
the constructive change necessary to end the
Arab-Israeli conflict, Sweden’s NGO funding
practices and priorities will need to change.


Palestinian Media Watch har kartlagt vilka

"förtroendeskapande åtgärder" bland araberna som

svenska myndigheter understödjer i rapporten:.

Sweden and the Palestinian Authority after Annapolis

Contrasting Sweden’s clear intention to
have its funding promote peace and fight
terror, the Palestinian Authority since the
Annapolis Conference and continuing in
2009, uses its budget to:

1- advocate denial of Israel’s right to exist;
2- incite hatred and demonize Israel;
3- promote terror against Israel;

In addition to the PA’s undermining
Sweden’s positive goals, the PA violates
the Roadmap and the Annapolis
Conference commitments.
dag, svd, pol