Den förföljde filosofiprofessorn
Robert Redeker
får (naturligtvis) varken stöd från sin arbets-
givare utbildningsministern eller sitt fackförbund.
Frågan är för "känslig"....
Däremot tipsar kollegan
Snaphanen (=Dansk-svensk)
om en namninsamling till förmån
för professor Redeker:
"There have been death threats against
a courageous professor of philosophy,
Robert Redeker, and his family
(he must change his home every night,
under the aegis of a special services of the anti-terror police).
These death threats began a day a
Mozart Opera was banned in Germany
(because the productions includes
display of decapitated heads of Poseidon, Jesus,
Buddha and Muhammad),
a few days after Pope Benedict's speech on
the impossibility of a rational link between
God and violence.
Robert Redeker has just declared
that he is not supported by any teachers labor union,
nor by his the education ministry.
Show him that he is not alone!
Post comments and sign our petition.
Nous vous invitons à signer cette pétition."
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