fredag, januari 27, 2017

President Trump bromsar två miljarder i terrorstöd från Obama


Times of Israel avslöjar idag att president Trump
lyckats stoppa över två miljarder kronor som Obama-
regimen under sina sista timmar utanordnade till PLO
och Hamas.
Hamas är ju en avläggare till Obamas allierade Muslimska
Brödraskapet och Kerry har framstått som en av PLO-
regimens bästa vänner.
Obamas och Kerrys avsikt var uppenbarligen att göra det
möjligt för den bankrutta terrorstaten "Palestina"
att fortsätta den islamistiska terrorn mot Israel även
när USA fått en regering som motarbetar terrorism...
Men försöket tycks ha misslyckats genom kongress-
ledamöters vaksamhet.  
The Trump administration has informed the Palestinian Authority that it is freezing the transfer of $221 million which was quietly authorized by the Obama administration in its final hours on January 20, a senior Palestinian source has told The Times of Israel.
US officials conveyed to PA Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah on Tuesday that the funds were not expected to be handed over in the immediate future, said the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
 On Tuesday, the State Department said it was reviewing the last-minute decision by former secretary of state John Kerry to send the funds to the Palestinians despite objections to the transfer by congressional Republicans.
The department said it would look at the payment and might make adjustments to ensure it comports with the Trump administration’s priorities.
The Obama administration had for some time been pressing for the release of the money for the Palestinian Authority, which comes from the US Agency for International Development, known as USAID, and is to be used for humanitarian aid in the West Bank and Gaza to support political and security reforms, as well as help prepare for good governance and the rule of law in a future Palestinian state, according to the notification sent to Congress.
Even without the $221 million, the Palestinian source noted that in 2016 the PA received $250 million from the US government.