fredag, januari 15, 2016

Sverige alltmera isolerat: Wallström både pinsam och dum...

Sverige blir alltmera diplomatiskt isolerat. Utrikesministerns ständiga fadäser
när hon försöker hävda regeringens antisemitiska och västfientliga utrikespolitiska linje är självfallet en skam för Sverige.
Wallström har vridit klockan årtionden tillbaka till de allra mörkaste Palme- och Sten Anderssonåren, då Arafats sak var svenska regeringens...
Göran Persson visade ju däremot att en socialistisk politik kan kombineras både med förnuft och klarsynthet i Mellanösternfrågor.

Israels meddelande att man i praktiken inte önskar ha med Löfvéns regering att göra borde kännas beklämmande även för många förnuftiga socialdemokrater.
Miljöpartiet solar sig naturligtvis i beröm från sina allierade i Muslimska Brödraskapet och Hamas. Men ett gammalt "statsbärande parti" borde begripa bättre. Snart känns det som att vem som helst med bättre styr på käften vore bättre än katastrofen Wallström. Det finns väl någon uttjänt diplomat med partibok på UD ?

Jerusalem Post:
Sweden will not have any role to play in the Israeli-Palestinian diplomatic process as a result of Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom’s hostility toward Israel, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Wednesday.

The statement came as the ministry announced that its deputy director-general for Western Europe, Aviv Shir-On, called in Swedish ambassador Carl Magnus Nesser to protest Wallstrom’s comments.

The decision to summons Nesser was made by Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who directed Shir-On to protest not only the statements, but to register the government and the country’s anger at what they see as Sweden’s imbalance and hostile attitude toward Israel.

Wallstrom on Tuesday
called for an investigation to determine if Israel was guilty of extrajudicial killings of Palestinians during the current wave of terrorism. “It is vital that there is a thorough, credible investigation into these deaths in order to clarify and bring about possible accountability,” she said during a parliamentary debate, according to the Swedish news agency TT.

The Foreign Ministry said Wallstrom’s comments indicate that “she does not understand what is happening in our region and is apparently not aware of the difficult situation facing Israeli citizens, and the continuous danger of murderous terrorism.”

Foreign Ministry director- general Dore Gold, speaking to a group from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, said that anyone attacking Israel over its right to defend itself from terrorism is “in practical terms encouraging terrorism.”