tisdag, april 14, 2015

"Jihadistcell i Spanien skulle bomba judisk bokhandel"

 Document.no rapporterar:
Spansk politi pågrep onsdag 11 personer mistenkt for terrorplaner og syv av dem ble torsdag fengslet. Det var snakk om en celle som erklærte seg lojale mot IS. Seks menn hadde spansk statsborgerskap og den syvende var en marokkansk kvinne.
Authorities seized a grenade, knives, shotguns, ammunition and chemicals that could be used for bomb-making during searches that followed 11 arrests Wednesday in the northeastern Catalonia region, Judge Santiago Pedraz said in a report. It was released after the seven appeared before him in closed-door court sessions.
The suspects, mostly from the city of Terrassa about a 30-minute drive from Barcelona, had formed a group they called “Islamic Brotherhood for Jihad Predication” that was linked ideologically to the Islamic State group, the report said.
Interessant nok hadde en av de mistenkte kontakt med en nynazist som skulle hjelpe til med å bombe den jødiske bokhandelen.
One of those ordered jailed allegedly had discussions with others about being ready to attack the bookstore with help from a neo-Nazi acquaintance, the report said.
Images of a central Barcelona hotel, a police station and a shopping center were found on the cellphone of the man who talked about the bookstore.
Catalonia regional police had been monitoring members of the alleged group for more than a year.