Yaacoub från Lidköping har börjat bekänna.
Han greps i juli på Cypern och står sedan
Han greps i juli på Cypern och står sedan
flera månader inför rätta. Först nu har han
erkänt att han tillhör Hizballah och var på
Cypern för att rekognocera inför "aktioner"
mot israeliska mål, bl a El Al:s ankomster
och vilka hotell det bor israeliska turister
Under 2012 försökte iranska revolutions-
gardet Pasdaran genomföra ett tjugotal
terrordåd mot i huvudsak israeliska mål.
Oftast var det iranskfinansierade Hizballah
som skulle utföra dåden.
Hossam Taleb Yaacoub, som reser på
svenskt pass, har utfört liknande uppdrag
tidigare i Frankrike, Nederländerna och
Domen förväntas avkunnas i mars.
"Mr. Yaacoub’s testimony offered unaccustomed insights
from an active Hezbollah member into the militant group’s
secret operations. But it carried potentially greater significance
for the European Union, which has thus far resisted following
Washington’s lead in declaring the group a terrorist organization.
Experts say that a conviction here would substantially raise
the pressure on the bloc for such a designation.
"Mr. Yaacoub’s testimony offered unaccustomed insights
from an active Hezbollah member into the militant group’s
secret operations. But it carried potentially greater significance
for the European Union, which has thus far resisted following
Washington’s lead in declaring the group a terrorist organization.
Experts say that a conviction here would substantially raise
the pressure on the bloc for such a designation.
“Foreign ministries around Europe are watching this quite closely
because many Europeans, particularly the Germans,
have laid such a stress on courtroom evidence being the basis
for a designation,” said Daniel Benjamin, until December the top
counterterrorism official at the State Department, who visited
Cyprus last year after the arrest.
Security experts also suspect that Mr. Yaacoub was playing a small
but potentially deadly role in a much broader shadow war that has
produced what some Israeli and American intelligence officials say
were nearly a dozen plots by Iran and Hezbollah against Israel
and its allies abroad."
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