knarkkartellerna, som i praktiken styr
norra Mexiko. Hizballah tar hand om
en stor del av kokainsmugglingen till
Europa och Mellanöstern mot att
kartellerna slussar in tiotusentals il-
legala invandrare från arabvärlden.
U.S. intelligence indicates that Mexico
is home to some 200,000 Syrian and
Lebanese immigrants - most of them
illegal - who were able to cross the
border via an extensive web of contacts
with drug cartels.
Western intelligence agencies have
gathered ample evidence suggesting that
the drug cartels in Mexico - which are the
de facto rulers of the northern districts
bordering the U.S. - are in cahoots with
Islamic terror organizations.
In December 2011, U.S. authorities released
In December 2011, U.S. authorities released
an indictment against Lebanese drug lord
Ayman Juma, which exposed Hizbullah's
involvement with the Los Zetas drug cartel,
the most technologically advanced and most
dangerous cartel operating in Mexico.
Hizbullah is helping the drug lords build
Hizbullah is helping the drug lords build
smuggling tunnels under the U.S.-Mexico
A 2009 Department of Homeland Security wiretap
recorded Professor Abdallah Nafisi, a Kuwaiti
clergyman and known al-Qaeda recruiter, boasting
about the ease by which non-conventional weapons
can be smuggled into the U.S. through the Mexican
drug tunnels.
-"Ten pounds of anthrax in a medium-size suitcase,
carried by a Jihad warrior through the tunnels, can
kill 300,000 Americans in one hour," he said.
"It will make 9/11 look like peanuts."
(Ynet News)
Läs mera om Hizballahs relationer
med de marxiststyrda diktaturerna
i Latinamerika: