Sedan bloggens start finns i
vänstermarginalen ett räkne-
verk från thereligionofpeace
som just nu visar att islamisterna
mördat 17.501 personer sedan
11 sept 2001.
Begrunda detta och läs också den israeliske
professorn Barry Rubins kommentar till terror-
dådet i Norge:
I don’t think this terrorist attack in Norway
was a jihadist conspiracy nor is this guy a
secret Islamist terrorist. He is clearly right-
wing and anti-Muslim, lashing out against
forces (the government and Labor Party)
that he holds responsible for the growing
“Islamization” or multiculturalism in Norway .
The evidence also indicates, by the way, that
he was not motivated by Christian religious
sentiment. He looks at Christianity as an
Should we argue that such people don’t exist?
Should we argue that hatred of Muslims cannot
provoke terrorism? Should we claim that you
cannot be a “right-wing terrorist” just as one
can be a “left-wing terrorist”? Of course not.
We should rather say things like — but not
limited to — the following:
1. All terrorism is bad and should be denounced.
People should constantly be urged not to turn
to terrorist violence or to hatred of whole groups
or peoples. The events in Norway mean that
people who reach that kind of audience should
redouble their efforts to discourage violence and
irrational hatred.
2. Islam as a religion is not the problem.
Radical interpretations of Islam — and
people have been quite creative historically
in reinterpreting seemingly bloodthirsty
“authoritative” verses into something else —
that now dominate in many places are the
problem. A political interpretation of Islam,
which we call Islamism, is the problem.
At the same time, we should not hesitate to
point out that a very large portion of Muslims —
the numbers are widely different in various
countries — accept these interpretations and
support these doctrines. Equally, a very large
number of Muslims are victims of these
doctrines. Many Muslims oppose them and
only with the support of those people can
revolutionary Islamism be defeated.
3. There is no parallel movement or powerful
doctrine among other contemporary religions
that preaches hatred, terrorism, or the seizure
of state power, although there have been in
some of them at certain times in the past.
These were overcome precisely by the
reinterpretation of religious doctrine —
a situation likely to happen in Islam in the
future (unless the revolutionary Islamists
take over). The question is whether this
process will take several decades or several
4. There have been over 10,000 Islamist
terrorist attacks, many of them against
Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and
others. The number of such attacks against
Muslims in the West or indeed in the world
is perhaps one percent of that number.