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Ett exempel på vad de kan uträtta. Baserat på helt öppet
material är här en rapport om islam och islamism i Bolivia.
Morales regim är alltmera totalitär och antisemitisk. Tidigare
i år avbröt han de diplomatiska förbindelserna med Israel.
Vilken roll spelar den lilla, men mycket välorganiserade och
välfinansierade muslimska gruppen i Bolivia ?
OSC kan ge svar....
Läs OSC Report
Bolivia -- Key Muslim Converts Assert Local Peril,
Bolivia -- Key Muslim Converts Assert Local Peril,
"Bolivia has a Muslim population of 1,000 people, constituting
less than on tenth of one percent of its total population.
A number of local Islamic leaders have ties to Iran or the
Palestinian territories -- in one case with an individual
affiliated with a suspect involved in the 1994 Hizballah
bombing in Argentina -- and at least one community
leader has expressed support for violent resistance in
the Palestinian territories. While Bolivia under President
Evo Morales has proposed a number of economic
development agreements with Iran, and in March
2009 expelled Israeli diplomats citing Israel's handling
2009 expelled Israeli diplomats citing Israel's handling
of the Palestinian territories, these strategic political
actions were not a result of Bolivian Muslim influence.
The following paper is an overview of mosques, Islamic
organizations, and religious leaders in Bolivia and their
susceptibility to foreign Islamist influence."
susceptibility to foreign Islamist influence."