fredag, december 12, 2008

Samling för slutstriden i Somalia ?

Tyvärr tycks det gå bra för terroristerna
i Al Shabaab i Somalia. De etiopiska
trupperna har börjat sitt tillbakadragande
och islamisterna positionerar sig för vad
som kan bli slutstriden (i varje fall för
denna gången....).
Samtidigt börjar somaliska islamister från
hela världen återvända för att få stå på
segrarnas vagn när den rullar in i Mogadishu.
Många vill vara med om segertåget....
Den förra regimen UIC, De förenade
islamiska domstolarna, har nu dykt
pengar hyr de nu legosoldater i hela
regionen. Alla vill hjälpa till att fylla
ett förmodat vaccum efter etiopierna....
Från Danmark rapporteras att 15 somalier från
Jylland och ännu fler från Själland nu finns i Al-
Shabaabs träningsläger.
Från USA har "dussintals" somalier återvänt till
terroristutbildning. En amerikansk medborgare
Shirwa Ahmed sprängde sig vid ett attentat i
Jamal said the Somali community has seen
young men disappear in a number of countries
across the world, including Canada, the
Netherlands and Australia. Multiple sources
within the Somali community have corroborated
this account.
Dahir Jibreel, who previously served as the
TFG's permanent secretary in charge of
international cooperation, said,
"Other young Somalis went missing in Europe,
Saudi Arabia and elsewhere." Jibreel said
many of the disappearances occurred
The Somali men who have vanished in
Minneapolis are diverse in their education
level and job prospects. Some were reportedly
linked to Somali gangs, while others have been
described as intelligent and studious.
Some attended college and appeared to have
good job prospects.
A senior American intelligence source confirms
that Somalis have vanished in the U.S.,
Canada, Europe, and Australia, adding that
some people from the Caribbean also appear
to have left for Somalia. And not all of the
people bound for training or jihad in Somalia
have a Somali background, the source said.
A man who appears to be Caucasian and
is aligned with the Somalia-based terrorist
group Shabaab can be seen in a recent jihadist
video, and another gave an interview with
al-Jazeera (though he wore a facemask when
doing so). The source said that at least three
African-Americans from the Minneapolis area
also are suspected of traveling to Somalia to
join jihadist groups.
While Somalis in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area
have been puzzled by the simultaneous
disappearances in multiple countries, the
intelligence source says it can be explained
by the reopening of certain training facilities
in Somalia, such as those in Ras Kamboni.
"School is open for business, so the demand
has gone up," he said.


(Tipstack till I Mitt Sverige !)