En viktig länk i Al-Qaedas terrornätverk i
Europa, logistikchefen Sami Ben Khemais
dömdes på måndagen till elva års fängelse
i sitt hemland Tunisien.
A Tunisian court on Monday convicted an alleged
former logistics head of al-Qaeda's European
operations of belonging to a terrorist group
abroad and sentenced him to 11 years in prison,
a defense lawyer said.
Sami Ben Khemais, 40, had denied charges he
belonged to two little-known terrorist groups in
Afghanistan and Italy, defense lawyer Sami
Ben Amor said. Ben Khemais was extradited to
his homeland from Italy in June. (Y Net News)
Italy's law enforcement and judicial authorities
continued counterterrorism efforts with several
noteworthy cases during the reporting period.
In June, authorities issued arrest warrants in
Milan for nine Tunisian nationals, including
Ben Khemais Essid Sami, for recruiting
militants for training in Afghanistan and
providing logistical and financial support for
a Milan-based Salafist terror cell from 1997
to 2001.
In July, police arrested three Moroccan nationals
n Perugia on terrorism charges, the culmination
of a two-year investigation. The individuals,
who included the Imam of the local mosque,
were in possession of terrorist training items
and chemicals used in explosives making.
(U.S. State Department: Country Reports on Terrorism 2007)
A Tunisian court on Monday convicted an alleged
former logistics head of al-Qaeda's European
operations of belonging to a terrorist group
abroad and sentenced him to 11 years in prison,
a defense lawyer said.
Sami Ben Khemais, 40, had denied charges he
belonged to two little-known terrorist groups in
Afghanistan and Italy, defense lawyer Sami
Ben Amor said. Ben Khemais was extradited to
his homeland from Italy in June. (Y Net News)
Italy's law enforcement and judicial authorities
continued counterterrorism efforts with several
noteworthy cases during the reporting period.
In June, authorities issued arrest warrants in
Milan for nine Tunisian nationals, including
Ben Khemais Essid Sami, for recruiting
militants for training in Afghanistan and
providing logistical and financial support for
a Milan-based Salafist terror cell from 1997
to 2001.
In July, police arrested three Moroccan nationals
n Perugia on terrorism charges, the culmination
of a two-year investigation. The individuals,
who included the Imam of the local mosque,
were in possession of terrorist training items
and chemicals used in explosives making.
(U.S. State Department: Country Reports on Terrorism 2007)
ELSSEID, Sami, Ben Khamis, Ben Saleh
POB: Menzel Jemil Bizerte, Tunisia
ESSID, Sami, Ben Khemais
Nationality: Tunisian
Passport Details: K929139 (Tunisian) issued on
14 February 1995, expired on 13 February 2000.
National Identification no: 00319547 issued
on 8 December 1994
Address: Via Dubini n.3, Gallarate (VA), Italy
Other Information: Codice Fiscale SSDSBN68B10Z352F.
Mother's name is Beya Al-Saidani.
Sentenced to five years of imprisonment,
POB: Menzel Jemil Bizerte, Tunisia
ESSID, Sami, Ben Khemais
Nationality: Tunisian
Passport Details: K929139 (Tunisian) issued on
14 February 1995, expired on 13 February 2000.
National Identification no: 00319547 issued
on 8 December 1994
Address: Via Dubini n.3, Gallarate (VA), Italy
Other Information: Codice Fiscale SSDSBN68B10Z352F.
Mother's name is Beya Al-Saidani.
Sentenced to five years of imprisonment,
reduced to one year and eight months by the
Court of Appeal of Milan on 14 December 2006.
The Milan judicial authority issued an arrest warrant
against him on 2 June 2007.
Detained in Italy as of October 2007.