De tolv pakistanska och två indiska islamister
som greps för några dagar sedan i Spanien
tillhör pakistanska Lashkar-e-Toiba (De Renas armé).
Deras uppdrag från Al-Qaeda var att genom-
föra ett antal självmordsattacker i Barcelona.
Några av de gripna har också kontakter med
egyptiska Takfir-wal-Hijra, en utbrytargrupp från
Muslimska Brödraskapet.
som greps för några dagar sedan i Spanien
tillhör pakistanska Lashkar-e-Toiba (De Renas armé).
Deras uppdrag från Al-Qaeda var att genom-
föra ett antal självmordsattacker i Barcelona.
Några av de gripna har också kontakter med
egyptiska Takfir-wal-Hijra, en utbrytargrupp från
Muslimska Brödraskapet.
"Those who gave the order are to be found
in Pakistan. They were preparing suicide attacks.
Those that came here were ready to commit suicide,"
the report quoted a source as saying. Sources told the
paper that the suspects were planning an attack like
the 2004 Madrid train bombings, which killed
191 people, but this time with suicide bombers.
"We do not know where, but we suspect
they were looking for somewhere busy,
as the subway or train," a source said.
Other sources reveal that one of the targets
was a mosque frequented by supporters of slain
former Pakistani premier Benazir Bhutto.
The detainees were part of a terrorist sleeper cell
which was activated from Pakistan with the
arrival in Spain of one of their members, who acted
as liaison with the leadership of Al-Qaida, the report said.