Jihadisterna i Pakistan har utmärkt sig i hetsen mot Danmark de senaste
månaderna. Nästan dagliga smådemonstrationer, flaggbränningar, hot mot
västerlänningar och proteststrejker har präglat inrikespolitiken.
Inte minst har det demonstrerat att olika islamistiska strömningar dominerar
den pakistanska politiken.
Det var sannolikt med viss möda president Bush (som ju aldrig ljuger...)
prisade den blomstrande pakistanska demokratin vid sitt besök nyligen.
Det mest positiva man kan säga om president Musharaf är att han är en
oftast västvänlig diktator.
"Pakistan has 58 religious political parties and
24 known militant groups.
The religious political parties also have
militant wings or maintain links with local and regional
jihadi networks. The Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) and the
Jamaat-i-Islami (JUI), major partners in the six-party
ruling MMA alliance in NWFP and Balochistan, are two
of the most prominent religious parties. Both have
been involved with regional jihads, in Kashmir and
Afghanistan, conducted at the military’s behest.
The JI’s subsidiaries include the Hizbul Mujahidin,
one of the most prominent jihadi organisations in Kashmir.
Key al-Qaeda figures, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammad,
have been apprehended at the homes of JI religious leaders and
activists. The JUI was and remains a supporter of the
Taliban, many of whom graduated from its madrasas. The
JUI-Fazlur Rehman also draws its recruits from Jamiatul-
Ansar (the renamed jihadi Harkatul Mujahidin, another
prominent jihadi organisation in Kashmir), which
maintains bases in the NWFP.
These two religious parties, which may be considered
the chief patrons of the jihad in Pakistan, are involved
in earthquake relief through
their welfare wings, the JUI through Al Khair Trust and
the JI through Al Khidmat Foundation.
Two of the most prominent jihadi organisations banned
by the government under the Anti-Terrorism Law and
listed as terrorist by the UN – Jaish-e Mohammad and
Laskhar-e-Tayyaba – are conducting relief operations
under changed names or through front organisations. Still
others, such as Al-Rasheed Trust, were not banned but
were placed on the Pakistan government’s terror watch
list and designated terrorist by the UN, are also active in
Läs hela rapporten
Pakistan: Political Impact of the Earthquake