tisdag, juli 07, 2009

Vardagen i en shariadomstol....

För första gången har en brittisk tidning fått
följa det dagliga livet i en av landets 85 sharia-
domstolar. Daily Mail konstaterar att domstolen
dömer i familjerättsliga mål (äktenskapskontrakt,
skilsmässor, arv och brudpenning), men också i
ökande omfattning går in på straffrätt, som t ex
misshandel och gängkriminalitet....
Enligt andra medier finns det nu också
shariadomstolar som utdömer straff för
homosexualitet, helt enligt koranen.
Många av domarna ser det som naturligt att tillämpa
sharialagstiftningen och dess straff fullt ut. Det är en
syn som delas av den ledande shariadomaren i landet
"But in some Muslim countries punishments
handed out under the legal system have
included beheadings, public floggings
and thieves’ hands being chopped off.
Faisal Aqtab Siddiqi, a commercial law
barrister and head of Hijaz College,
who has sat in judgment at a number
of the tribunals, said British society was
not ready for such punishments.
But he added that if society became
more ‘civilised’
then those who broke
the law should expect to receive the
highest degree of punishment."
Reportern konstaterar avslutningsvis att det
handlar om ett medeltida rättssystem som nu
fått officiellt godkännande av brittiska regeringen:
"Equality before the law for all, regardless of sex,
race or religion, is one of Britain's enduring principles.
Women's and gay rights are now firmly enshrined
in our law - a law that has evolved over centuries
to reflect the pluralist democracy Britain has become.
But sharia is a law still rooted in the 7th Century;
it sees modernity as the path to an immoral society.
While sharia gives Muslim women a chance to escape
unhappy marriages, it fails to grant them equal status
- they are considered inferior to men as witnesses, they
have unequal status in divorce and custody of the
children, and abuse by the husband is not directly
tackled by the courts.
All these things go against the equality of British law."