fredag, juli 03, 2009

FN:s parodi på folkrätt

Den amerikanske juridikprofessorn Alan Dershowitz
fortsätter att bevaka FN-byråkratins alltmera bisarra
insatser i Israelhatets tjänst.
Särskilt utmärker sig den s k UN Human Rights Council,
som tillkom på svensk tillskyndan (Jan Eliasson....), och
som nu leds av den islamistiska gruppen med kommunistisk
uppbackning. Vid en "normal" anti-Israelresolution, framlagd
av exempelvis Egypten, Kuba och Pakistan , lägger EU-staterna
regelmässigt ned sina röster och Kanada(!) röstar ensamt mot
Israels trogna små allierade Nauru, Palau, Micronesien och
Marshallöarna hålls naturligtvis utanför Rådet....
Alan Dershowitz:

Just as Spain's national Court decided to shelve a phony war crime investigation of a 2002 Israeli air strike in Gaza, a group of lawyers and military experts assigned by the United Nations Human Rights Council continued its phony investigation of "the grave violations of human rights in the occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly due to the recent Israeli military attacks against the occupied Gaza Strip."

The UN Human Rights Council is a scandal. It's a successor to the defunct UN Human Rights Commission. Both organizations have a long history of singling out Israel for condemnation and of ignoring real human rights abusers by the world's worst offenders, several of which dominate the Human Rights Council and it predecessor.

As Hudson Institute scholar Anne Bayefsky recently noted: "The Council has adopted more resolutions and decisions condemning Israel than all the other 191 UN member states combined. The more time the Council spends demonizing Israel, the less likely it becomes that it will ever get around to condemning genocide in Sudan, female slavery in Saudi Arabia, or torture in Egypt."

The very mandate that authorized the Gaza investigation reveals its bias against Israel. The council has already concluded, without any pretense an investigation, that Israel is guilty of "grave violations of human rights.due to its military attacks."

Läs hela artikeln

Se "Israels aktion är laglig och berömvärd"